Also TryLesson PlansLists
- Drama for Grades 8 - 10 (British Columbia Ministry of Education)
Provides lessons on Exploration and Imagination (Critical Analysis), Drama Skills (Body and Voice), (Role), (Drama as Metaphor), (Elements and Structures), (Technique), Context (Social and Cultural Context) and (Making Connections). These materials are called an Integrated Resource Package.
- -Theatre Resources - Searchable (WWAR)
- Costuming - Accessories (Zetterberg)
Provides sources of information for accessories for theatre costumes.
- Costuming - Instructions on Making Costumes (Zetterberg)
Provides sources of information about making and wearing theatre costumes.
- Costuming - Materials and Supplies (Zetterberg)
Provides sources of information for materials and supplies for theatre costumes.
- Plays - One-Act Plays by Author, Title or Keyword (Heniford)
Provides information to obtain hard copies of plays by author, title, keyword, cast type (male or female), or ISBN. Also provides summaries and commentaries. 3-01
- Shakespeare - Finding the Real Author (PBS - Austin)
Provides an essay suggesting that the works of Shakespeare may have been written by Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. Editor's Note - Lack of evidence that William Shakespeare traveled extensively or had first hand knowledge about the lifestyles of characters in his plays has led to speculation that someone else may have been the real author. 6-00
- Shakespeare, William (Bibliomania)
Provides a biography related to his work. 2-01
- Shakespeare, William (Ima Hero)
Provides a biography for children. 8-01
- Marlowe, Christopher - The Tragical History of Dr. Faustus (Bartleby.com)
Provides the entire play. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - A Midsumer Night's Dream (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - Hamlet (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - King Lear (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - Macbeth (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - Plays (Bartleby)
Provides the plays of William Shakespeare, including The Tempest, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Measure for Measure, The Comedy of Errors, Much Ado about Nothing, Love’s Labour’s Lost, A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, The Taming of the Shrew, All’s Well that Ends Well, Twelfth-Night, The Winter’s Tale, The Life and Death of King John, The Tragedy of King Richard the Second, King Henry the Fourth, The Life of King Henry the Fifth, King Henry the Sixth, The Tragedy of King Richard the Third, The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Julius Cæsar, Macbeth, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, King Lear, Othello, the Moor of Venice, Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline, and Pericles, Prince of Tyre. 5-00
- Shakespeare, William - Romeo and Juliet (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
Purchase Resources
- Puppet Show Rubric (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for a Multimedia Presentation (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the preparation and presentation. Requires signing up. 3-05
- Shakespeare Interactive
- Stories and Theater (Shepard)
Provides Reader's Theater Editions, multicultural stories that can be performed by children or simply read. 2-00
- Theatre and Pantomime (Kids 4 Broadway)
Provides theatre and pantomime activities for younger children. 1-02
- Warm-Up Activities for Theatre (Kids 4 Broadway)
Provides warm-up activities to prepare children age 7-17 for drama roles. Includes pantomime, mirror exercise, tug of war, and bean bag. 12-00
- Plays for Children By Age Group (Miller)
Provides scripts and instructions for a children's plays.
- Theatre - A thousand Cranes (Miller)
Provides a script and instructions for a children's play about the aftermath of war for a child. The script costs 5.50