Also TryListsMaterials
- German Libraries Online (Neteler)
Provides information in German. 10-09
- German Literature Online (ALA and University of Virginia - Campbell)
Provides texts in German by author. Part of the Western European Specialists Section (WESS) of the Association of College and Research Libraries. 2-00
- German Resources (iLoveLanguages - Chambers)
Provides lessons, dictionaries, translation guides, news, and literature. 1-02
- German Search Engine (Agave)
Provides Web searches in German.
- Germany Yahoo in German
Provides Yahoo in German. 09-09
- Gernan Search Engine (Fireball)
Searches for information from Web sites that are from Germany. 9-02
- Search the Web in German (AltaVista)
Provides searches in German. 11-99
- Switzerland National Library (in Switzer Deutsch)
Provides are directory in German. 10-09
- Translations Search (Internet Oracle)
Provides seven language translators, as well as additional translation dictionaries. The fourth listing provides the most complete word translations.
- -Online Translator (WorldLingo.com)
Provides online translations between English, Greek, Dutch, French, German, Portuguese, Spanish, Italian, Swedish, Arabic, Chinese, Korean, Russian, and Japanese for up to 150 words. 04-08
- -See and Hear Web Pages in English, German, or Other Languages (Awesome Library)
Awesome Talkster allows you to hear Web pages. You can, for example, set the voice to German and start with www.awesomelibrary.org/lib-deutsch.html to see and hear the Web in German. By adding a voice to Web pages, children and teens can learn to pronounce words as they read them. Awesome Talkster includes an animated character, providing synchronized highlighting so that children can follow along even more easily. This multi-sensory approach is a powerful method for improving reading skills. Online books for children and teens to practice their reading skills are available in the Awesome Library. 1-03
- Awesome Library in German
Surf the Internet in German. Also includes a text translator and a search engine that works in German.
- English - German Dictionary (LEO Dictionary Team)
Provides English translations of German words and provides some contextual information for both English and German. 2-01
- German Encyclopedia (Wikipedia.org)
Provides the Wikipedia Encyclopedia in German. 1-05
- German Flash Cards (StudyStack.com)
Provides flash cards to help the language. 10-04
- German Literature 2-00
- Spelling Checker Dictionary (LookWayUp.com)
Checks for proper spelling and corrects spelling. Provides definitions for correctly spelled words. Also translates to German. 9-04
- Pronunciation of German (fonetiks.org)
Provides the pronunciation of words, as well as a dictionary. Click on the dialect, sound, or language of interest and a box will open. On some browsers, you will hear the sound by just moving your mouse over the word. For other browsers, each sound will need to load before the program will begin and each sound must be approved (by clicking) before it will download. Watch for the "done" message at the bottom of the small box that opens to download the sounds. 4-01.
- -News in German (Google News)
Provides news in German.
- Der Spiegel
Provides the German magazine online. 2-01
- German News (T-Online)
Provides news in German from Germany's most popular Web site. 12-99
- Fonts - How to Include Accent Marks (Everything2.com)
Provides instructions for adding accent marks using HTML code. 03-06
- German Encyclopedia (Wikipedia.org)
Provides a small encyclopedia. 10-04
- German Encyclopedia (Wikipedia.org)
Provides over 10,000 articles in the language. 12-04
- German Resources (German Studies Trails)
Provides resources in German. 10-09