Alternative Fuels
Biomass and Biochar
Carbon Sequestration
Catastrophic Climate Change
Coal Gasification
Diesel Vehicles
Electric Assisted Bicycles
Electric Cars
Electric Mopeds
Electric Motorcycles
Electric Scooters
Endangered Species
Energy Efficiency
Energy Storage
Flywheel Energy Storage
Fossil Fuels
Fuel Cell Power
Global Dimming
Global Warming
Golf Carts
Hybrid Vehicles
Hydroelectric and Wave Power
Invasive Species
Mass Transit
Nuclear Power
Ocean Current Power
Polar Ice Caps
Rapid Transit
Renewable Energy
Saving Forests
Solar Power
Sustainable Agriculture
Sustainable Development
Sustainable Living
Tidal Power
Toxic Wastes
Warming Oceans
Waste Management
Water Conservation
Wave Power
Wind Power
World Population
Also TryDiscussionsLesson Plans
- Ecology Conferences by Region (Earth Charter Inititative)
Provides a brief description of programs by region.
- Ecosystems and Sustainable Development (PBS - Bill Moyers Reports Earth on Edge)
Argues for sustainable development that makes sense economically. Explains why it is essential to do so. Includes discussion guides for teachers. 11-01
- By Category - Improving the Environment (Earth Share)
Provides tips on improving the environment. 10-00
- Ecology (Mining Company - Michaels)
- Ecology Resources (Eco Pros)
Provides sources of information to support an improved ecology.
- Environmental Protection Directories (EELink)
Provides dozens of sources of information for involving individuals in understanding and helping to restore the environment.
- Environmental Protection Search (EELink)
Provides a search engine.
- National Programs to Improve Ecology (US Geological Survey)
- Sustainable Development (Kestemont)
Provides hundreds of sources of information on sustainable development. 3-00
- -Environment News (MSNBC.com)
Provides news on methods to improve the environment, such as alternative fuels.
- Environment News (Environment News Service)
Provides stories related to pollution, global warming, preservation of species, alternative energy, energy efficiency, saving forests, and similar topics.
- Environmental News and Issues (envirolink.org)
Provides headline news and information on environmental issues by subject.
- -Sustainable Planet (Awesome Library - Adams)
Describes the most important few things that can be done to reduce pollution, reduce global warming, and save our forests, as well as improve the availability of drinkable water for the future. 11-00
- Earthwatch Institute
Provides news and events, global classroom and expeditions related to ecology and improving the environment.
- Ecology (UMAC - OCP)
Provides an analysis of key threats to the evnironment. 4-02
- Ecology Resources and Discussions (Mining Co. - Merickel)
Includes a variety of discussions and links using a news format.
- Energy Information Information by Country (U.S. Department of Energy - Energy Information Administration)
Provides profiles and maps of countries, with an emphasis on energy needs and resources. 8-02
- Energy Issues (Bureau of National Affairs)
Provides documents and essays related to national policies on energy. 8-04
- Environmental Advocacy (Sierra Club)
Provides information about projects of the Sierra Club, an environmental advocacy group. 2-01
- Environmental Problems and Resources (EnviroLiteracy.org)
Provides summaries of the problems in each of the major areas, such as water pollution, air pollution, waste, biodiversity, energy, forests, and climate. Also provides resources, lists of resources, and educational materials. 1-01
- Environmental Protection - Projects for Kids (Environmental Protection Agency)
Provides basic information about air pollution, water pollution, and recycling for children. Designed to help children to understand how to help build a healthy environment. 12-00
- Glossary of Environment Terms (Natural Resources Defense Council)
Provides an alphabetical glossary of terms used in the environment field, such as greenhouse gases and carbon dioxide (CO2) 6-01
- Greenpeace
Provides information on activities and programs of Greenpeace, an organization committed to preserving our environment. 09-10
- Intentional Communities (Intentional Communities)
Provides information on communities commited to a better environment. 12-00
- Native Activists and the Future (Massa and Cascadia Planet - LaDuke)
Provides statements from Winona LaDuke about "White" views of the environment compared to the Native views. She also discusses the difference between Native Activists and Environmentalists.
- Nature Conservancy
Provides programs to conserve lands. 3-01
- Plants - Endangered or Threatened (U.S. Department of Agriculture)
Provides a comprehensive listing of plants, by characteristics, classification, cultural significance, invasive and noxious, threatened and endangered, alternative crops, and more. Also searches for plants by scientific name or common name. Includes a factsheet, distribution in the USA, classification, a picture, characteristics, and similar information on each plant. 3-01
- Report Card on World Environmental Conditions (World Resources Institute)
Provides reports on the various environmental conditions.
- Solutions for the Environment (Awesome Library - Adams)
Provides a summary of key activities necessary to reduce air and water pollution, reduce the rate of global warming, and more. 1-01
- Sources of Energy 1975 - 2005 (PBS.org)
Shows that wind, petrol, and natural gas are the quickest growing forms of energy used in the United States. Coal represents about half of the energy. 11-05
- Trade Agreements Affecting the Environment (World Trade Organization)
Provides the official WTO Web site. 12-99
- Conservation Ecology
Written more at the teacher level than for students.
- Ecology and Technology (Fast Company)
Provides articles
Purchase Resources
- Acid Rain and Ecosystems (Scholastic.com - Dirtmeister)
"How does 'acid rain' affect ecosystems?" 07-06
- Ecology Projects (Teachers.net)
Provides projects related to ecology.
- Environment Quiz (PMENV.com)
Provides a quiz. 07-12
- Environmental Projects and Activities for Children (National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences)
NIEH provides dozens of lessons and activities related to improving the environment.
- Environmental Protection Projects and Lessons (EELink)
Provides over a dozen sources of materials and projects.
- Auction for Save the Earth Foundation (Save the Earth)
Provides auctions of posters and autographed photos of rock celebrities, as well as famous recording artists in other fields. Proceeds go to Save the Earth Foundation. 6-99
- Exploring the Planet (Journey to Forever - Addison)
Provides an interactive trip through 26 countries by students and experts to see what is being done, and what can be done, to improve the environment, especially in the poorer and less accessible portions of the world. 12-00
- Coral Reefs (AbcTeach)
Provides dozens of worksheets to help children have a better understanding of coral reefs. 8-01