Also TryGames
- Assessment Information
- Creative Writing
- Lesson Plans and Projects under Math
- Multidisciplinary
- Scientific Method
Lesson Plans
- Peg Game (MathFactCafe.com)
Provides a peg board and the goal is to jump pegs until only one is left. 8-01
- Problem Solving (Awesome Library)
Problem Solving lesson plans are in "Multidisciplinary" in the "Lessons and Curricula" of the Awesome Library.
- Questioning - Tools for Questioning (From Now On)
The Questioning Toolkit provides different kinds of questions, along with tools to answer those questions. It includes Essential Questions, Subsidiary Questions, Hypothetical Questions, Telling Questions, Planning Questions, Organizing Questions, Probing Questions, Sorting and Sifting Questions, Clarification Questions, Strategic Questions, Elaborating Questions, Unanswerable Questions, Inventive Questions, Provocative Questions, Irrelevant Questions, Divergent Questions, and Irreverent Questions. 5-01
- Self Development (Kent State University)
Provides lessons for students for different types of self development. 7-00
- Self-Esteem and Problem Solving (Kent State)
Provides lessons on self-esteem and problem solving. An Anglo-American perspective.
- Association for Experiential Education (AEE)
"The mission of the Association for Experiential Education is to develop and promote experiential education. The association is committed to supporting professional development, theoretical advancement and the evaluation of experiential education worldwide." 10-09
- -Problem Solving - Graphic Organizers Home Page (Freeman)
Provides a variety of resources for exploring graphic organizers. 9-05
- Problem Solving - Decision Making Grids (From Now On)
Provides examples of tables or grids that can be used to enhance decision making.
- -Editorial: The Absurd Divide Between Pure and Applied Research (New York Timesr)
"These transcendent figures in the history of science flourished by moving back and forth between pure and applied problems. In today’s more specialized world, there are numerous artificial divisions between pure and applied work: different departments, different professional societies, and different journals. The stereotyped view is that the applied scientists control the lion’s share of funding, while the basic scientists control the most prestigious journals and prizes. The reality is more complicated and lies somewhere in between."
"What remains true is that practical problems can be equally compelling as fundamental ones, and often lead in turn to the discovery of new fundamental science. In particular, there is an intimate connection between the invention of new technology and its application to scientific discovery." 02-09
- -The Problem with Positive Thinking (New York Times)
"Why doesn’t positive thinking work the way you might assume? As my colleagues and I have discovered, dreaming about the future calms you down, measurably reducing systolic blood pressure, but it also can drain you of the energy you need to take action in pursuit of your goals." 10-14
- Creative Thinking 1 (Mining Co. - Walker)
Provides two dozen annotated articles on fostering creative thinking.
- Creative Thinking 2 (Mining Co. - Walker)
Provides almost two dozen annotated articles on the nature of creative thinking.
- Creative Thinking Assessment (Mining Co. - Walker)
Provides six annotated articles on assessing creative thinking.
- Critical Thinking Rubric Assessments (California Academic Press)
Provides test to assess critical thinking skills. Awesome Library does not endorse this product but provides it as an example.
- Gesturing May Improve Learning (MSNBC News)
"Children taught to gesture with their hands as they learn new concepts perform far better at solving similar problems weeks later than children who don't gesture, a new study finds." 07-07
- Making Big Decisions? Don't Sleep on It (MSNBC News)
"When it comes to making life-changing decisions, neither snap judgments nor 'sleeping on it' trump good old-fashioned conscious thought, new research suggests." 09-08
- Making Big Decisions? Sleep on It (MSNBC News)
"According to the results of a novel study published today in the journal Science, unconscious deliberation may lead to a more satisfying choice than mere conscious deliberation alone, at least for major decisions." 02-06
- Memory Techniques and Mnemonics
- Preparing Students for College Math (Education Northwest)
"A major challenge facing students as they pursue a postsecondary degree is a lack of academic preparedness for college-level math, evidenced by high rates of referral to developmental math and low rates of college math completion. This study by Education Northwest’s Michelle Hodara reviews rigorous research on the interventions and reforms that postsecondary institutions currently employ to address academic underpreparedness in math and to foster college math success. The interventions and reforms fall under three strategies: (1) intervening prematriculation with early assessment programs, bridges, boot camps, and brush-ups; (2) reforming developmental math; and (3) improving math instruction. While the evidence is limited, many of these interventions appear promising."
- Research - Steps for Writing a Term Paper (Gale.com)
Provides a step by step approach for developing a research paper. 12-04
- Research Paper Assistance (Infonautics)
- Seven Reasons for Opposing Reason (New Scientist)
"From religious fundamentalism to pseudoscience, it seems that forces are attacking the Enlightenment world view – characterised by rational, scientific thinking – from all sides. The debate seems black and white: you’re either with reason, or you’re against it. But is it so simple? In a series of special essays, our contributors look more carefully at some of the most provocative charges against reason. The results suggest that for all the Enlightenment has achieved, we still have a lot of work to do." 07-07
- Using Mnemonics to Learn More Effectively
- What Highly Creative People Do Differently (Huffington Post)
"Creative thinking is a stable, defining characteristic in some personalities, but it may also change based on situation and context. Inspiration and ideas often arise seemingly out of nowhere and then fail to show up when we most need them, and creative thinking requires complex cognition yet is completely distinct from the thinking process." 03-14
- Educational Card Games (San Diego State University - Ed Tech)
Cardboard Cognition's games provide dozens of problem solving games.
- Inquiry Resources for Science Projects (Science Learning Network)
Provides links. 10-09
- Migration and Seasonal Change Research Projects (Annenberg Foundation - Journey North)
Journey North engages students in a global study of wildlife migration and seasonal change. K-12 students share their own field observations with classmates across North America. They track the coming of spring through the migration patterns of monarch butterflies, bald eagles, robins, hummingbirds, whooping cranes -- and other birds and mammals, the budding of plants, changing sunlight and other natural events. Find standards-based lesson plans, activities and information to help students make local observations and fit them into a global context. Widely considered a best-practices model for education, Journey North is the nation's premiere "citizen science" project for children. The general public is also welcome to participate. 8-04
- Problems (Science4kids)
Teaches science and genetics through problem solving. 1-01
- Research - Using Primary Sources (US Library of Congress)
Provides activities to learn how to use primary sources, using different modalities.
- Rubrics Creator for Collaborative Works Skills (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for Group Planning of a Research Project (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for Making a Brochure (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the making of a brochure. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for Making a Game (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the making of a game. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for Making a Map (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the making of a map. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for a Research Report (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Rubrics Creator for a Science Fair Experiment (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Science Fair Project Reports (Super-Science-Fair-Projects.com)
Provides "a special step-by-step outline designed just for science fair projects." 10-04
- Science Learning Network (SLN)
Provides science articles. 10-09
- Scientific Method and Consumer Product Testing (TeachNet)
Encourages students to apply the scientific method to determining the best products to use. 5-02
- Life Skills Standards (MCREL)
Provides standards.
- Problem Solving Using Math (RHL School)
Provides calendar riddles, using a calendar and using a table worksheets for use by teachers.