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- -Christmas Cards (123 Greetings)
Christmas cards become available in December. Send a free Christmas card by email. Many choices.
- Christmas Cards (Blue Mountain Arts)
Provides animated email Christmas cards, as well as cards for other events.
- Christmas Lesson Plans (LessonPlansPage.com)
Provides over two dozen lesson plans related to Christmas.
- Silent Night, A History of the Christmas Song (Olivier)
Provides a history of the song. The site also provides many versions and translations of the song, as well as pictures and articles related to the song.
- Christmas Worksheets, Lessons, and Activities (Donn)
Provides sources of worksheets, lessons, and activities related to Christmas for children.
- Christmas - Town of Bethlehem (Franciscans of Malta, Christus Rex, Abela)
Provides pictures of special sites within Bethelem.
- Christmas Coloring Book (Merry-Christmas.com)
Provides a coloring book.
- Christmas Images and Graphics (HellasMultimedia.com)
Provides free Christmas icons and graphics.
- Christmas Seals (American Lung Association)
"This holiday season, join the American Lung Association in celebrating an historic tradition by supporting our annual Christmas Seals Campaign." Editor's Note: Christmas Seals have run out for 2013. Go to this site to order for 2014.
- Clipart for Christmas (ClipsAhoy.com)
Provides free clipart samples.
- -Christmas Hero (ABC News)
"Every December for the past 15 years, Alexa Donaphin has made her way to New York City's main post office to participate in Operation Santa Claus. More than 400,000 Santa letters get re-routed there from the North Pole. The post office makes it possible for anyone to select letters from underprivileged children and then fulfill their Christmas wishes." 7-05
- -Editorial: Being Responsible for the Consequences of Our Purchases (Truth-Out.org)
"People flock to Walmart for perceived bargains and convenience. Here are some facts that might keep them from adding their hard-earned cash to the profits of a company that's squashing lives and worker rights worldwide."
- American-Made Toys Are Hard to Find (CBS News)
"Parents who are sticklers for buying American may have a rough time as they whisk through toy stores this holiday season." 12-03
- Best Education Toys--According to Children (MSNBC News)
"The test was open to all toy makers who had products that fit our two categories —educational and bargains (toys for $25 or less). But I chose which ones to accept for testing based on 25 years of experience rating toys." 08-10
- Christmas - Is There Really a Santa Claus? (Merry-Christmas.com)
Virginia, a girl of 8, asked the Editor of the New York Sun newspaper if there really is a Santa Claus. The editor answered (in 1897): "Yes, Virginia, there is a Santa Claus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to your life its highest beauty and joy."
- Christmas - The Gift of the Magi (O Henry)
Provides links to definitions for key difficult words. No pictures are provided.
- Christmas - Toys for Tots (Marine Corps Reserve)
Provides needy children with the simple joy of a new toy for Christmas.
- Christmas Toys by Age (Toys.About.com)
Provides recommendations of toys by the age of the child. 12-13
- Christmas Traditions and History (Merry-Christmas.com)
Provides Christmas traditions and stories.
- Great Toys on a Budget in 2006 (MSNBC News)
"As any parent knows, toys can cost a small fortune. But you don't have to spend an arm and a leg to get fun toys your kids will like. In fact, some of the bargain toys in this year's MSNBC.com Toy Test rated the highest." 11-06
- Time's Greatest Toys (Time.com)
Time editors describe their list of 100 greatest toys. 12-11
- Vegetarian Recipes for Christmas or Yule (Vegetarian Society)
Provides recipes for vegetarians.
- Videogame of "Left Behind: Eternal Forces" Bashed for Intolerance and Violence (ABC News)
" 'It's essentially faith-based killing,' [Tim] Simpson, [interim president of the Christian Alliance for Progress], says, arguing that the game twists the Gospel. 'The religious right envisions sitting down by the fireside — Mom and Dad, Johnny and Susie — killing all their non-Christian opponents inside the game and imagining this is what, in fact, God wants.' " 12-06
- Christmas Activities (Teach-nology.com)
Provides worksheets, songs, coloring activities, games, lessons, and more.
- Christmas Crafts (Merry-Christmas.com)
Provides crafts for Christmas.
- Starlight Children's Foundation to Help Seriously Ill Children
Grants wishes to seriously ill children.
- Christmas Worksheets (AbcTeach)
Provides dozens of worksheets to help children have a better understanding of the holiday.
- Christmas Worksheets (EdHelper.com)
Provides six worksheets in math, three word puzzles, eight word worksheets, and much more.
- Christmas Worksheets (RHLSchool.com)
Provides over two dozen worksheets related to the Christmas season.
- Christmas Worksheets (Teach-nology.com)
Provides over two dozen worksheets related to the Christmas season, including creative writing, poetry, songs, and more.
- Christmas Worksheets and Activities (Under5s)
Provides worksheets and activities for young children.