Black History
Black History Month
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- African Studies WWW Links
Provides links organized within three dozen subjects.
- K-12 African American Resources
- K-12 African Studies
- Kwanzaa (Awesome Library)
Provides sources of information. 5-02
- Martin Luther King (MLK) Day Resources (Awesome Library)
- The Issue With Poor People (NAACP)
Provides Shirley Sherrod's speech at the NAACP 20th Annual Freedom Fund Banquet 07-10
- -02-04-06 Coretta King Lies in Honor in Georgia (Fox News)
"Cheered by hundreds of people, the body of Coretta Scott King was carried through the streets by horse-drawn carriage Saturday to Georgia's state Capitol, where she became the first woman and first black person to lie in honor."
"Sen. Ron Wyden , D-Ore., cut Negroponte off in mid-sentence as he described the internal NSA and administration checks on the domestic spying program."
" 'That's not good enough,' Wyden snapped. 'You're asking us to trust you. Ronald Reason put it well, "Trust but verify." And the American people and Congress can't verify.' " 02-06
- -07-10-08 AMA Apologizes for Bias (CNN News)
"The American Medical Association, the nation's largest organization of physicians, apologized Thursday for its history of discriminatory policies toward African-American physicians, including those that effectively restricted membership to whites." 07-08
- AIDS - Vaccine for AIDS Works (USA Today News - Sternberg)
"Nearly two decades after the discovery of the AIDS virus, researchers Monday report for the first time that an AIDS vaccine can prevent infection but with sharply different success rates depending on race."
"The first full-scale human trial of the vaccine, AIDSVAX, indicates that although the vaccine failed to protect whites and Hispanics, it appears to be effective in Asians and blacks. Blacks account for half of all new infections in the USA, federal statistics show."
"Jose Esparza, director of AIDS vaccine research for the Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS (UNAIDS), called the finding 'probably the most important accomplishment in vaccine research in 15 years. This is the first time anyone has shown protection (against HIV) in humans, not monkeys.' "
"Although the vaccine failed to provide protection overall, it was 78.3% effective in blacks and 68% effective in Asians." 2-03
- Reviews of African American Movies (BlackFlix.com)
Provides news and reviews of movies, with a focus on movies staring or developed by Arican Americans. 9-00
- -Editorial: The Magical Negro Falls to Earth (Time.com)
"While some may think it complimentary to be considered 'magical,' it is infantilizing and offensive because it suggests black excellence is so shocking it can only come from a source that is supernatural. To accept a black leader who is extraordinary yet so human that he cannot be magical is an entirely different prospect than electing a black superhero. Anyone would vote for a superhero who lived up to my mom’s standard of having to be twice as good. But for it to embrace a nonmagical black person who cannot promise anything but hope, intelligence, sweat and experience, now that comes closer to equality. Equality is freedom from having to be twice as good to get ahead." 10-12
- -Editorial: Why Obama Will Never Call Out Racism (Time.com)
"Barack Obama is not a black leader. He’s a leader who’s black. This is not an insignificant distinction." 03-12
- -Study: Racial Inequalities Sobering News (CNN News)
"Social and economic gaps between whites and blacks persist in the United States despite an atmosphere that led to the election of President Obama, an Urban League report said."
"Blacks remain twice as likely to be unemployed, three times more likely to live in poverty and more than six times as likely to be imprisoned compared with whites, according to the group's annual State of Black America report issued Wednesday." 03-09
- African American Resources (NegroArtist.com)
Provides links to carefully selected African American resources. Includes a special emphasis on African American art and artists. 04-06
- African Culture (LifeinAfrica.com)
"The Life in Africa Foundation was founded in Uganda in 1999, in order to harness the power of the Internet to foster an increased international understanding of Africa and African people, and to make a lasting impact - through supporting microfinance in Africa - on the lives of ordinary African people who face extraordinary life challenges every single day." 2-01
- Apartheid (Infoplease.com)
Provides a history of apartheid in Africa, especially South Africa. Visitors sometimes misspell as apartide, aparthide, or aparthied. 5-03
- Grim Situation for Young Minority Males (MSNBC News)
"At a time when the U.S. economy is on the upswing and more people are finding work, young African American men are falling further behind."
"That’s the grim portrait painted by three new and forthcoming books by scholars at Columbia, Georgetown and Princeton universities. The picture isn't new, but the depths of its despair and pathology are." 04-06
- Race and Racism in American Law (Randall)
"Race and Racism in American Law considers the intersectionality between race and American Law, racial distinctions in the law, and the role of the law in promoting/alleviating racism. It includes statutes, cases, excerpts of law review articles, annotated bibliographies and other documents."
- Sculpture and Painting Exhibits by African Americans (NegroArtist.com)
Provides photos of work. "This website is for African American Artists and an on-line portal for both African America Artists and African American History. The primary aim of this website is to encourage research activity on people of African descent and to provide information to the study of the African Diaspora. A historical perspective of a nation, its people, and its cultural evolution. Please make sure to look through the 1000+ Slave Narratives on my website." 04-06
- Test Implicit Bias - Examples (NWREL - Kuykendall)
Provides examples of test bias for persons of diverse minority groups. 3-02
- Top Colleges Serving Minorities (US News)
"But the very fact that McMickens's choice put him on the defensive captures in a nutshell the challenges that black colleges face. Once pretty much the only option for black students seeking higher education, black colleges today increasingly have to compete with other institutions for prize pupils. Prospective students, like the schools themselves, are struggling with how to weigh the unique traditions and culture that black colleges offer against the financial resources and elite rankings of white campuses." 09-07