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Biological and Chemical Warfare

Also Try
  1. Homeland Security
  2. Microbiology
  1. Anthrax (US Department of Defense)
      Provides information on the disease. 10-01

  2. Anthrax - Separating Fears from Facts (
      Describes what needs to be done to make the public safer from bioterrorism. Explains that buying gas masks and taking antibiotics, such as Cipro, will not help the situation. 10-01

  3. Anthrax History (CNN)
      Provides a timeline of events related to anthrax as a disease and as a biological weapon. 10-01

  4. Anthrax Source Found (Oregonian - Recer)
      Describes the discovery of the source of the anthrax that was used in bioterrorism in Florida and Washington DC. the strain, called Ames, was believed to have come from Ames, Idaho, but it actually came from Texas. 12-01

  5. Anthrax Vaccine (US Department of Defense)
      Provides information on the effectiveness and safety of the anthrax vaccine to prevent anthrax before exposure to the disease. 10-01

  6. Strength of the Bioterrorism Threat ( - Leitenberg)
      Discusses the short history of bioterrorism development and the level of danger we have from such weapons. 11-01

  7. Unlikely Weapons - Ebola Viral Hemorrhagic Fever (Centers for Disease Control)
      Describes the Ebola disease and its treatment. Editor's Note - Although it is a possible bioterrorist weapon, the means to distribute it effectively does not seem to exist. It is not considered a likely weapon. 10-01

  8. Unlikely Weapons - Plague (Centers for Disease Control)
      Describes the disease and its treatment. Editor's Note - Although it is a possible bioterrorist weapon, it is not considered a likely weapon. 10-01

  9. Unlikely Weapons - Tularemia (New York State Department of Health)
      Describes the disease and its treatment. Editor's Note - Although it is a possible bioterrorist weapon, it is not considered a likely weapon. 10-01


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