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Integrating Technology

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Lesson Plans
  1. Finding and Reporting on Satellites (Exploratorium)
      Provides a lesson to help students collaborate in groups and use the Internet to find and report information. 3-01

  2. Integrating Technology (TeachNet)
      Provides lessons. 10-09

  1. Educational Technology (Gaer)
  2. Linking Kids Around the World (Global SchoolNet Foundation)
  3. Projects With Others Online (Exworthy)
      Provides a list of resources that support interactive projects.

  1. -Awesome Library Browser for Children (
      Awesome Library Browser for Children (ALBC) provides homes, libraries, and schools with a minimalist but effective method of keeping K-6 children from being exposed to hard core adult sites--without the use of censorship lists.

      Instead of using lists, Awesome Library Browser for Children looks for a designation that virtually all hard core adult Web sites put on their Web pages so they can be found by search engines. It happens to be a designation that other sites do not use. ALBC also offers "green space" to ensure that children can find what they need easily.

  1. Ask the Cosmologist (PBS - Hawking)
  2. California Digital High School Program (California School Library Association)
      Provides an introduction to California's program to help integrate technology into classroom instruction. California school staff have access to individual assistance under the program. 3-01

  3. Cooperative Learning and Telecommuniations (Mining Co. - Walker)
      Provides 15 annotated articles on application of cooperative learning to telecommunications.

  4. Integrating Internet into the Classroom (Many Articles)
  5. Issues - Wiring the Classroom (CNet)
      Provides issue papers and links related to the effectiveness of the use of computers and similar technology in the classroom.

  6. Plagiarism Prevention (Indiana University - Writing Tutorial Services)
      Provides a tutorial on how to avoid plagairism. Visitors sometimes misspell as plaigerism, plaigarism, plagiarizm, plagerism, plagiarised, plagarized, plagerized, plagerised, or plagarised. Awesome Library does not recommend the services, but provides them as examples. 4-00

  7. School Improvement Issues (Achieve Communications -
      Provides articles for school improvement, with a heavy emphasis on utilizing technology. 10-01

  8. Tips for Integrating Technology in the Classroom (Microsoft - Dyck and Morgan)
      Provides numerous tips and guidelines for helping to use technology, including the Internet, as part of the classroom. 9-01

  9. Utilizing the Internet With the Classroom (FNO)
      Provides a series of articles by title.

  1. America's Promise - Summit Action Youth for Educators (President's Summit)
      Provides suggestions on ways educators can help students become involved with the America's Promise campaign and the Summit in particular.

  2. Astronomy Resources (NASA Quest)
      Provides classroom resources to encourage students to study science and math through astronomy. 1-01

  3. Using Internet to Teach History
Purchase Resources
  1. Plagiarism Prevention (
      Provides an analysis of research papers and essays to determine if the student copied part or all of it from an existing Web resource. Visitors sometimes misspell as plaigerism, plaigarism, plagiarizm, plagerism, plagiarised, plagarized, plagerized, plagerised, or plagarised. Awesome Library does not recommend the services, but provides them as examples. 4-00


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