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Also Try
  1. Clip Art and Graphics
  1. Colors - Browser Safe Palette (Engel)
      Provides the browser safe palette (BSP) for Netscape users using only 16 colors.

  2. Colors - Browser Safe Palette (Engel)
      Provides the browser safe palette (BSP) for Netscape users. Helps to ensure that user with only 16 or 256 colors available will see what you see.

  3. Colors - Browser Safe Palette - Examples (Engel)
      Provides examples of the effect of dithering on a photo.

  4. Colors - Browser Safe Palette - Java Animated Version (Engel)
      Provides the browser safe palette (BSP) for Netscape users. Helps to ensure that user with only 16 or 256 colors available will see what you see.

  5. Colors - HTML Colors Code (
      Provides the browser safe palette (BSP) for users.

  1. Animation
      Animations were moved to this new location.

  2. Bars
      Bars were moved to this new location.

  3. Bullets
      Bullets were moved to this new location.

  4. Buttons
      Buttons were moved to this new location.

  5. Clip Art
      Clip art was moved to this new location.

  6. Clip Art Tools
      Clip art tools were moved to this new location.

  7. Icons
      Icons were moved to this new location.

  1. -Clip Art - How To (Brumbaugh) <
      Provides guidance on downloading, using HTML, and other very basic information in using images. 2-05

  2. Clip Art - Basic Help With Images (Brumbaugh)
      Provides step by step guidance in downloading and using images available on the Internet.

  3. HTML Guide (
      Provides tutorials on creating image maps, and other basic HTML coding. 2-00


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