- -06-07-10 Politics and Reality at Odds on Medicaid (Time.com)
"Over the years, some states have reduced their Medicaid eligibility and the services covered by the program to reduce their fiscal burden, but the additional federal funding via the stimulus was offered on the condition that states maintain their eligibility levels. The new health reform law made this requirement permanent and many states will have to increase their eligibility by 2014. In return, the states will get increased levels of federal funding."
"But, thanks to cries about out of control government spending and the deficit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted she couldn't pass the tax and jobs bill without eliminating some spending. The extra Medicaid funds ended up on the chopping block." 06-10
- -Compare Medicare Part D Drug Plans (MedicareDrugPlans.com)
"How do Medicare drug plan members like their plans? Choose your state below and find ratings and reviews of Medicare Part D drug plans – and rate your own." 02-10
- -Disadvantages of Medicare Advantage Compared to Medigap (eMedigap.com)
The biggest disadvantage of an Advantage plan "is that because you have given up your classic Medicare benefits and network you will likely have to pay for 100% of your medical expenses should you want to see a doctor or specialist outside of your network. Also, because these networks tend to be relatively small, there is a good chance your doctor may not take the Medicare Advantage plan. Lastly, these networks tend to change with doctors coming in an out of the network which could put you in a position to change doctors from year-to-year."
"Medicare is no longer making the decision on what services will be paid for. The private health insurance makes the determination regarding whether a particular service is a covered expense."
"A Medicare Advantage plan only has to offer benefits that are as good or better than regular Medicare. So, it is not uncommon to see such treatments as radiation and chemotherapy only covered at 80% while you would be responsible for the remaining 20%."
"With regular Medicare and the right Medicare supplement [Medigap] plan you will not have to pay anything for Medicare-approved medical expenses at medical facilities that take Medicare. It provides full coverage and substantially more choices in your providers than Medicare Advantage plans." 03-10
- -Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans (MedicareConsumerGuide.com)
"Medicare Part C combines your Part A and Part B options and must cover all medically needed services. The difference is that private insurance companies that are approved by Medicare provide this type of coverage. In most cases, Part C is a lower-cost alternative to the Original Medicare Plan, and providers usually offer extra benefits and include prescription drug coverage (Part D)." 02-10
- -Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans vs Medigap (NewRetirement.com)
"Medicare Advantage is privately sold insurance that is government subsidized and meant to supplement the benefits of Medicare Part A and B. In fact, you must be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Part B to purchase Medicare Advantage insurance."
"Costs of these plans will vary greatly because it is the individual company which determines the fees -- not the government. However, all plans will require that you be enrolled in both Medicare Part A and Medicare Part B and that you pay your Medicare Part B premiums."
"Medigap insurance policies are standardized and you have 10 levels of coverage to choose among. Medigap Plan A provides the least amount of coverage while MediGap Plan J provides the most coverage -- with a range of options in between. (However, it is important to note that beginning in January 2006, Plans H, I, and J will no longer be available to new enrollees.)"
"Medigap insurance plans and their costs will vary depending on where you live." 02-10
- -Medicare Advantage (Part C) Plans vs Medigap (eHow.com)
"Analyzing Medigap and Medicare Advantage may seem confusing, but the more information you have, the more prepared you will be to make the right decision for you. Medigap is useful for those wanting to keep their original Medicare but want to fill in the gaps that are often left. Medicare Advantage is useful for those wanting a more traditional all-in-one plan since Medicare A, B will be together, and you will only need onecard."
Editor's Note: Medigap insurance means that you stay enrolled in traditional Medicare but you get supplemental coverage for what Medicare does not cover. Medicare Advantage (Part C) is a private insurance that is subsidized by Medicare. (With either, you must continue to pay for Medicare Part B, however.) 02-10
- -Medicare Advantage Plans (State Health Insurance Assistance Programs)
"Medicare Health Plans focus on managed care with an emphasis on preventing disease and sickness. Other Medicare Health Plans include little or no emphasis on managed care. The types of Medicare Health Plans available in Colorado include:
Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO)
Medicare Cost Plans (HMO
Preferred Provider Organizations (PPO)
Special Needs Plans (SNP)
Private Fee-for-Service Plans (PFFS)
Medical Savings Accounts (MSA)
Program of All Inclusive Care of the Elderly (PACE)" 02-10
- -Medicare Plan Guide (Medicare.gov)
"You have the option to complete a general or personalized plan search. A personalized search may provide you with more accurate cost estimates and coverage information. To begin your plan search, please choose from one of these options below." 10-14
- Free Counseling on Medicare (HapNetwork.org)
"One of the most underestimated costs in retirement is health care, and for good reason. The figures can be staggering. A healthy 65-year-old couple should plan on $305,000 in out-of-pocket health costs during their retirement, according to a study by the Employee Benefit Research Institute." 01-10
- Medical Insurance While Abroad (U.S. News)
"Travelers who need medical attention outside the United States may be surprised to find that payment is required on the spot and, in some countries, even before treatment. Most health insurers—including basic Medicare—will not cover any costs outside the country. Some say they'll pick up the tab after the fact but will apply a higher deductible, provider restrictions, and other limits. In fact, many insurance companies have trimmed coverage abroad in recent years." 07-08
- Medicare Eligibility (Medicare.gov)
"Medicare is a Health Insurance Program for people 65 years of age and older, some disabled people under 65 years of age, and people with End-Stage Renal Disease (permanent kidney failure treated with dialysis or a transplant)." 04-06
- Politics and Reality at Odds on Medicaid (Time.com)
"Over the years, some states have reduced their Medicaid eligibility and the services covered by the program to reduce their fiscal burden, but the additional federal funding via the stimulus was offered on the condition that states maintain their eligibility levels. The new health reform law made this requirement permanent and many states will have to increase their eligibility by 2014. In return, the states will get increased levels of federal funding."
"But, thanks to cries about out of control government spending and the deficit, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi admitted she couldn't pass the tax and jobs bill without eliminating some spending. The extra Medicaid funds ended up on the chopping block." 06-10
- Preparing for Long-Term Care (ABC News)
"Jointly funded by the federal and state governments, Medicaid provides health insurance to the poor as well as those who are 65 years and older, disabled or eligible for other government aid. Medicaid offers Medicare beneficiaries assistance with their out-of-pocket expenses and also covers the costs of prescription drugs, eyeglasses and hearing aids as well as other services not covered by Medicare. A key benefit of Medicaid is that nursing home benefits outlast those offered by Medicare which always end after the first 100 days in each benefit period." 04-06