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Sleep Disorders

Sleep Apnea

  1. Sleep Disorders (Sleep Well)
      Provides information on the more common of the 84 known sleep disorders, such as bruxism (teeth-grinding or clinching), insomnia, narcolepsy, sleepwalking, apnea, bed wetting, and more. 1-00

  2. Sleep Needs and Disorders (Sleep Well)
      Provides resources by topic. 1-00

  1. -How Close Do You Sleep With Your Partner? (AARP)
      "Do you spoon with your honey to fall asleep? Or do you sleep more than an arm’s length away? A new British study finds that a couple’s sleeping position says a lot about their relationship." 03-15

  2. -How to Regulate Sleep with Diet (
      "According to a new study, you can get your circadian clock back on track by simply changing your diet." 08-14

  3. -How to Sleep Well (
      "Here’s what Richard had to say about getting more quality zzzzzzzz’s:"

      "Avoid smartphones and devices at night. But they’re great when you’re dealing with jet lag."

      "A good nightly routine is key. No alcohol before bed, think positive thoughts and play the alphabet game."

      "Naps are awesome. Just keep them under 30 minutes. Drink a cup of coffee before you lay down."

      "Sleeping in two chunks is natural. Get up and do something for a little while and then go back to bed."

      "Remember the '90 minute rule.' Think about when you need to be up and count back in increments of 90 minutes so you wake up sharp." 03-15

  4. -Teen Sleep and Health (CBS News)
      "Only 13 percent of high school students get the optimal amount of sleep, that's eight-and-a-half to nine-and-a-half hours. The American Academy of Pediatrics believes this contributes to obesity, high blood pressure, and depression." 08-14

  5. -The Need for Sleep (
      ."In recent years, sleep has been labelled the third pillar of good health, along with diet and exercise, says Matt Walker at the University of California, Berkeley. But that’s underselling it: sleep is the foundation on which these two other pillars rest. 'There is no tissue within the body and no process within the brain that is not enhanced by sleep, or demonstrably impaired when you don’t get enough,' says Walker." 05-16

  6. -The Power of Sleep (
      "New research shows a good night's rest isn't a luxury--it's critical for your brain and for your health." 09-14

  7. Ambien May Cause Eating -- While Asleep (CBS News)
      CBS News Correspondent John Blackstone says that "Dr. Mark Mahowald and other sleep researchers have discovered that nocturnal eating may be a side effect of the popular sleep medication, Ambien."

      "That comes on the heels of reports that some Ambien users may drive while sleeping." 03-06

  8. Children's Sleep Problems (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Covers the topics of Frequent awakening during the night, Talking during sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Waking up crying, Feeling sleepy during the day, Having nightmares, Bedwetting, Teeth grinding and clenching, and Waking early.

  9. Children's Sleep Problems (American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry)
      Covers the topics of Frequent awakening during the night, Talking during sleep, Difficulty falling asleep, Waking up crying, Feeling sleepy during the day, Having nightmares, Bedwetting, Teeth grinding and clenching, and Waking early.

  10. Consequences of Insufficient Sleep (
      "According to Dinges' analysis of data from the 2003 American Time Use Survey, the most common reason we shortchange ourselves on sleep is work. (The second biggest reason, surprisingly, is that we spend too much time driving around in our cars.) But consider that in giving up two hours of bedtime to do more work, you're losing a quarter of your recommended nightly dose and gaining just 12% more time during the day. What if you could be 12% more productive instead?" 06-08

  11. Deep Sleep Plan (
      "Much the way you'd put candles on the table for a romantic dinner, or Luther Vandross on the stereo for a romantic night in, you also need to set the mood for sleep." 05-10

  12. Food, Drink, and Sleep (U.S. News)
      Provides a list of foods that promote sleep and foods that deter sleep. 07-12

  13. Helping Babies Sleep Better (ABC News)
      Provides recommendations. 11-05

  14. Hints for Combating Sleep Disorders (
      "There are many simple steps you can take to help you fall asleep faster and stay asleep." 07-06

  15. How Much Sleep You Really Need (
      "Daniel Kripke, co-director of research at the Scripps Clinic Sleep Center in La Jolla, Calif., has looked at the most important question of all. In 2002, he compared death rates among more than 1 million American adults who, as part of a study on cancer prevention, reported their average nightly amount of sleep. To many his results were surprising, but they've since been corroborated by similar studies in Europe and East Asia. Kripke explains."

      "Studies show that people who sleep between 6.5 hours and 7.5 hours a night, as they report, live the longest. And people who sleep 8 hours or more, or less than 6.5 hours, they don't live quite as long. There is just as much risk associated with sleeping too long as with sleeping too short. The big surprise is that long sleep seems to start at 8 hours. Sleeping 8.5 hours might really be a little worse than sleeping five." 06-08

  16. Kids Need More Sleep (
      "Now that school has started, many parents find themselves struggling to shift their kids back to a working routine. As they shave off time for TV and the Internet to make way for schoolwork, parents may want to add extra for that other big contributor to success at school: sleep. Recent research on kids has connected the importance of sleep not only to cognition, but to behavior and mood as well." 09-07

  17. New Sleep Recommendations (CBS News)
      "It may seem like Americans have been inundated with calls to get more sleep, but these efforts are not without reason. The CDC labels sleep deprivation as a national epidemic, with 50 to 70 million Americans suffering and the problem still prevails."

      "For the first time, the National Sleep Foundation (NSF) has released a year-long multidisciplinary review of current literature on the field. Comprised of six members appointed by the NSF and 12 selected by groups including the American Academy of Pediatrics and the American Neurological Association, the 18-member expert panel announced new recommendations."

  18. Nutrition for Better Sleep (MSNBC)
      "Nutritionist Joy Bauer visited 'Today' to discuss foods that can help you sleep and to suggest ways you can get a longer, more restful night's sleep." 9-05

  19. Seniors Sleep Worse and Other Myths of Aging (
      "To researchers’ great surprise, it turns out that sleep does not change much from age 60 on. And poor sleep, it turns out, is not because of aging itself, but mostly because of illnesses or the medications used to treat them." 09-07

  20. Sleep Basics (
      "When you sleep, your body rests and restores its energy levels. However, sleep is an active state that affects both your physical and mental well-being. A good night's sleep is often the best way to help you cope with stress, solve problems, or recover from illness." 07-06

  21. Sleep Deprivation Linked to Being Overweight (USA Today)
      "Children who don't get enough sleep are more likely to be overweight than those who get plenty of sleep, a study reports Wednesday."

      "The National Sleep Foundation recommends that preschoolers get 11 to 13 hours of sleep each night. Children ages 5 to 12 years are supposed to sleep 10 to 11 hours a night; teens, nine hours." 02-07

  22. Sleep Monitor (
      "The $199 SleepClock, which looks like a bulky iPhone speaker dock, isn’t the first sleep monitor on the market, but it’s the only one I know of that doesn’t require users to wear anything. Instead, it captures your tiniest movements through a low-power radio frequency emitter while perched on a nightstand, and records the data to an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad."

      "In the morning, you find out how long you slept, how much of that was deep sleep, how long it took you to fall asleep and how many times you woke up during the night. With time, the app can provide weekly, monthly and yearly averages." 04-12

  23. Sleep Tips for Babies (
      "Welcome to your source for baby sleep tips and articles based on the latest scientific research in sleep, pediatrics, and anthropology." 04-08

  24. Sleep Tips for Children (
      "Welcome to your source for sleep tips and articles based on the latest research in anthropology, brain science, sleep science, and pediatrics." 04-08

  25. Sleep and Body Clock Chronobiology (Smolensky and Lamberg)
      Provides suggestions for improving health, especially sleep, based on different patterns of body rhythms. 5-01

  26. Sleep and Dreaming - Freud May Not Have Been So Wrong (American Psychological Association - Carpenter)
      Provides results from recent studies on the neurological bases of dreaming, concluding that some of Freud's theories may have been correct. 2-01

  27. Sleep and Learning (Nature - Whitfield)
      Provides results from a study suggesting that non-REM sleep is important in retaining what was learned. 5-01

  28. Sleeping Guidelines (CNN)
      Provides pediatric guidelines to help with sleep. 1-00

  29. Snoring May Indicate a Serious Problem (ABC News)
      "Snoring is the stuff of sitcoms, sketch comedy and late nights tossing and turning between the sheets."

      "But it can also be a symptom of sleep apnea, a serious illness in which a person stops breathing while sleeping, sometimes hundreds of times a night." 03-07

  30. Stages of Sleep (MSNBC News)
      Describes the stages of sleep and includes a chart with brainwave activity associated with each stage. 11-07

  31. Study: Sleep Aids Memory (CBS News)
      "The group that slept before the exam scored 13% better on the follow-up test than the no-sleep group, the study shows.” 07-06

  32. Study: Sleep Need May Have a Genetic Link (CNN News)
      "A study published this year in the journal Science identified a mutated gene in a mother-daughter pair that allowed them to function on six hours of sleep. The research conducted by University of California, San Francisco scientists is believed to be the first to discover a gene, hDEC2 involved in regulating sleep length. This finding could someday lead to a better understanding of why some people require more sleep." 01-09

  33. Study: Sound Sensitivity During Sleep Is Measured (
      "It turns out that some people's brains are better than others' at blocking the constant incoming flow of environmental stimuli during sleep, and in a new study, scientists have identified and measured the process. They hope that one day they will be able to manipulate this ability in order to give lighter sleepers a better night's rest."

  34. Study: Unexplained Infant Deaths Complex Issue (CNN News)
      "The study looked at infant death rates between the years of 1984 and 2004 and found that deaths classified as accidental suffocation and strangulation in bed (ASSB) increased four-fold over this time period. But over the same time period, infant deaths classified as sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS) have declined. The total rate of unexplained death among infants has not changed significantly." 01-09


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