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Cleft Lip or Palate

  1. Cleft Lip or Palate Resources (Samizdat Express)
      Provides over a dozen sources of information. 8-00

  1. Hearing and Behavior in the Child with Cleft Palate (Samizdat Express - MacDonald)
      Provides research and suggestions related to caring for a child with hearing or behavior problems, along with cleft lip or palate. 8-00

  2. Parent Support Groups - Forming (Samizdat Express)
      Provides suggestions for establishing a parent support group for cleft lip or palate. 8-00

  3. Parents - A Guide for Caring for a Baby With Cleft Lip or Palate (Samizdat Express - Russell)
      Provides suggestions for caring for a baby with cleft lip or palate during the first year of life. 8-00

  4. Parents - Caring for a Newborn With Cleft Lip or Palate (Samizdat Express)
      Provides suggestions for caring for a newborn with cleft lip or palate. 8-00

  5. Speech and Language Considerations for the Child with Cleft Lip or Palate (Samizdat Express - Miller)
      Provides suggestions related to caring for a child with cleft lip or palate. 8-00

  6. Surgery During the First Year for a Baby With Cleft Lip or Palate (Samizdat Express - Lewis)
      Describes what may be done during a baby's first year of life. 8-00

  7. Surgery for Teens With Cleft Lip or Palate (Samizdat Express - Milliken)
      Describes issues and surgery that may be conducted for teens with a cleft lip or palate. 8-00


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