- Guidelines for Prevention of Tobacco Use and Addiction (CDC)
Provides information on prevention and treatment. 10-09
- Guides to Quitting Tobacco Use (QuitNet)
Provides 6 guides to help stop tobacco use. 6-00
- Tobacco Quiting Resources (Join Together Online and Massachusetts Tobacco Control Program)
Purchase Resources
- -15 Ways Smoking Ruins Your Looks (Health.com)
"If you smoke, you already know you need to quit. It’s bad for your heart, lungs, brain, and even your sex life."
"But let’s face it: You’d have kicked the habit yesterday if smoking’s ill effects were a bit more obvious. What if each cigarette created a black pockmark on your face, for instance?"
"Well, smoking does damage your looks. Read on to discover 15 ways smoking is ruining your appearance." 04-10
- -Graphic New Labels for Tobacco (CNN News)
"Nine new graphic cigarette warning labels showing cancerous lesions and other impacts of smoking were unveiled Tuesday by the Food and Drug Administration, part of the agency's sweeping new powers to regulate tobacco and tobacco products."
Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius called smoking and other tobacco use the " 'number one cause of preventable death' in America, claiming more than 440,000 lives a year." 06-11
- -Secrets of Successful Quitters of Smoking (U.S. News)
"Research suggests that pairing medication with group, individual, or telephone counseling can boost abstinence rates by 40 to 70 percent over using either one alone. The 2008 guidelines recommend four or more counseling sessions of at least 10 minutes each; the longer and more intense the counseling, the better the result." 12-08
- -Study: Arguing with Mom Helps Fend Off Peer Pressure (Time.com)
"New research shows that adolescents who quickly backed down during an argument with their mother had a harder time resisting peer pressure to use drugs and alcohol than teens who were able to calmly, persuasively, and persistently argue their point with Mom."
" 'The key quality that appears to link household arguing and resisting peer pressure is a child’s 'ability to persuade and be assertive through calm reasoning,' rather than resorting to whining or yelling, Chango says. 'We found over and over again that the right kinds of arguments are linked to better outcomes for teens.' " 12-11
- Chew Tobacco - Damage and Quitting (University of Arkansas for Medical Science - PATCH)
Provides a free program to help with quitting, as well as providing reasons for quitting. 6-00
- Federal Tax Hike Hits Smokers (CNN News)
"Thanks in part to the largest-ever federal cigarette tax increase -- a nearly 62-cents-a-pack hike that starts Wednesday but was reflected in many prices earlier -- Jukes on Tuesday paid more than $58 for a 10-pack carton at the Cigarette Store in Denver, Colorado." 04-09
- Fighting Big Tobacco (CBS News)
"Jeffrey Wigand was the maverick insider who - at what he considered was great personal risk to himself and his family - blew the whistle on big tobacco."
"Back in 1995, he exposed the lies we'd all been told for decades about cigarettes: about their capacity to addict us, about their capacity to kill us."
"Since then, he's literally changed the air we breathe. But, in an interview with Correspondent Mike Wallace 10 years ago, Wigand became the first major tobacco insider to reveal that the cigarette companies were consciously trying to get us hooked on nicotine." 1-05
- Frequently Asked Questions About Tobacco Use (University of California San Fancisco - Tobacco Control Archives)
Provides answers to frequently asked questions about tobacco use. 10-10
- Guidelines for Preventing Tobacco Use (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides guidelines for school health programs to help prevent the use of tobacco by children and teens. 1-04
- History of Tobacco (Borio)
Provides dozens of sources of information on the history of the cultivation and use of tobacco. 8-01
- How Secondhand Cigarette Smoke Changes Genes (Time.com)
"Scientists led by Dr. Ronald Crystal at Weill Cornell Medical College documented changes in genetic activity among nonsmokers triggered by exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke. Public-health bans on smoking have been fueled by strong population-based data that links exposure to secondhand cigarette smoke and a higher incidence of lung diseases such as emphysema and even lung cancer, but do not establish a biological cause for the correlation. Now, for the first time, researchers can point to one possible cause: the passive recipient's genes are actually being affected." 08-10
- New Tablet Could Help Smokers Quit (CBS News)
"A drug called varenicline may be the answer. The tablets already have been shown to make smoking less rewarding for some. Preliminary work, done in rats, suggests they could do the same for drinking." 07-07
- Posters On Tobacco Prevention (BADvertising Institute)
- Quitting - Tips to Quite Smoking (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides sources of information for suggestions to quite smoking tobacco products. 6-00
- Quitting Tobacco Use Lowers Lung Cancer Risk (CNN - Baum)
Provides the results of a 10-year study in California showing a correlation between the reduction of tobacco use and the incidence of lung cancer. 9-00
- Smoking and Cancer of the Lungs (Healthopedia.com)
Provides detailed information, listed by condition. 8-04
- Snuff Poster (BADvertising Institute)
- State Tobacco Programs Fail (CBS News)
"Most states have failed to pay for tobacco-prevention programs and protect people from second-hand smoke despite receiving billions of dollars in settlement money to take such measures, according to a report."
"The American Lung Association's report, released Tuesday, gave 38 states grades of F for failing to fund tobacco prevention and control programs. Thirty-five states received F's for their smoke-free air laws." 1-04
- Study: Benefits of Avoiding Secondhand Smoke Confirmed (MSNBC News)
"A major report confirms what health officials have long believed: Bans on smoking in restaurants, bars and other gathering spots reduce the risk of heart attacks among nonsmokers." 04-09
- Taming the Smoker's Brain (Time.com)
"Of course, psychiatric drugs also change brain activity, but many studies have found that such drugs are no more effective than evidence-based psychotherapies like CBT. In other words, if you really want to quit smoking, you should commit to a rigorous behavioral-therapy program. It will not only help you stop; it could change how your brain works." 04-11
- Task Force Recommends Screening Smokers for Lung Cancer (CNN News)
"For the first time the U.S. Preventive Services Task Force is recommending lung cancer screening for people who have a high risk of developing the disease. People who have a "30 pack year history of smoking" (for instance, at least 2 packs a year for 15 years), who are between the ages of 55 and 79, and who have smoked their last cigarette within the last 15 years are considered high risk." 08-13
- Teens and Kids - Movie Facts (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides facts about how movies promote smoking without using ads. 6-00
- Teens and Kids - Rate Movies (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides two worksheets for rating the "smokiness" of a movie. 6-00
- Tobacco Cessation Guidelines (CDC)
Provides guidelines, based on latest research, on how to stop smoking. 1-04
- Tobacco Cessation Guidelines (U.S. Surgeon General)
Provides guidelines, based on latest research, on how to stop smoking. 1-04
- Tobacco Damage (Tobacco Free Kids)
Show kids in no uncertain terms what tobacco can do to the human body.
- Tobacco Encyclopedia (UICC-GLOBALink - TobaccoPedia)
Provides comprehensive information about the effects and use of tobacco, organized by topic. Includes information on advertising, litigation, industry supporters, economics, and more. 8-01
- Tobacco Information and Prevention (Center for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides facts, news, research, surveys, organizations, toabacco industry documents, "best practices" by programs, educational materials, and guides related to the cessation of tobacco use. 6-00
- Anti-Tobacco Products for Teens (Generation Truth)
Provides mugs, T-shirts, and posters to help combat tobacco use by teens. 9-00