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Emotional Intelligence

Also Try
  1. Bullying
  1. Emotional Intelligence - Guidelines (Emotional Intelligence Consortium)
      Provides 22 guidelines for promoting emotional intelligence in the workplace, based on research findings. Can be applied to school environments also. 10-99

  2. Emotional Intelligence - Research on Bringing EI into the Workplace (Emotional Intelligence Consortium)
      Provides summary of findings from 30 years of research on the development of emotional intelligence in the workplace. Can be applied to school environments. 10-99

  3. Emotional Intelligence - Teaching in Schools (McCluskey)
      Describes emotional intelligence skills that should be taught in schools. 10-99

  4. Emotional Intelligence in the Workplace (American Psychological Association - Murray)
      Describes the importance of emotional intelligence in the workplace. 3-02

  1. Research on Emotional Intelligence (Consortium for Research on Emotional Intelligence in Organizations)
      Provides articles related to research on emotional intelligence. 3-02


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