Also TryLesson Plans
- Business Ethics
- Conflict Prevention and Mediation
- Corporate Power in Government
- Intercultural Communication
- Leadership in Business
- Leadership in Government
- Learning Community
- Multicultural Training
- Risk and Protective Factors
- Volunteering
- World Peace
- Heroes and Heroism (Ima Hero)
Provides 8 lesson plans exploring heroism. 8-01
- Propaganda Sources (Donn)
Provides three dozen sources of lessons on propaganda, media, and public opinion. Helps students look for hidden messages. 2-06
- Assistance for Runaways (National Runaway Switchboard)
Provides support and assistance for youth who have run away from home. 1-02
- Nobel Prize Winners - Listed Alphabetically
- Nobel Prize Winners by Category
- News About the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
Provides news articles related to persons who have been recognized as profoundly gifted.
- -Wilson: Female Leaders Can Change Our World (OdeMagazine.com)
"I often hear people say that the lack of women in positions of political leadership is an issue that pales next to world crises—global terrorism, fragile economies, inadequate health care, troubled schools, corporate greed. They see no connection between the frightening situations we’re in and the fact that few women sit at the table to determine the solutions." 9-05
- America's Best Leaders (USNews.com)
Provides profiles of ten persons that U.S. News and World Report staff see as our best leaders. 03-07
- Articles and Research (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
Provides over a hundred articles, in alphabetic order, to assist parents, students, or researchers understand and work with gifted learners. 10-02
- Articles on the Profoundly Gifted - By Topic (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
Provides over a hundred articles, by topic, to assist parents, students, or researchers understand and work with profoundly gifted learners. The areas of focus are development, education, identification, parenting, support, talent or interest development, and fun activities. Also allows keyword searches. 10-02
- Conversations with History (UC Berkeley - Institute of International Studies)
Provides transcripts of interviews of international figures regarding key world developments. The interviews are conducted by Harry Kreisler. 8-99
- Democracy and Community Wisdom (WorkablePeace.org)
"Good leadership is helping the group orcommunity make the best out of each individual'scontribution." 11-02
- Factsheets on the Profoundly Gifted (Davidson Institute for Talent Development)
Provides articles on the profoundly gifted related to Early Years, Family, IQ and Testing, Emotional/Social Development, Vulnerabilities, Parenting, Schooling, Acceleration in School, Early College, Educational Advocacy, Talent Development, Twice Exceptional, and Adult Achievement. 10-02
- Future - Our Future (Awesome Library)
Awesome Library's challenge to collaboratively develop a future that focuses on our children as our foundation. Provides a forum for discussing our next 50 years.
- Future Business Leaders of America - Phi Beta Lambda (FBLA-PBL.org)
"Close to a quarter of a million high school and middle school students, college and university students, faculty, educators, administrators, and business professionals have chosen to be members of the premier business education association preparing students for careers in business." 12-05
- Gandhi's Grandson - An Interview (Adams)
Provides an interview with Rajmohan Gandhi, Mahatma Gandhi's grandson, on how to achieve world peace.
- Hero Stories (MyHero.com)
Provides stories of historical heroes and heroes in the news. 5-02
- Horton, Myles (World Press)
" 'We believe that education leads to action,' Myles said at the school's fortieth anniversary celebration in 1972. 'If you advocate just one action, you're an organizer. We teach leadership here. Then people go out and do what they want.' "
"The Highlander Center also developed a literacy program in the 1950's that taught thousands of blacks to read and write in an effort to get them to register to vote. The Citizenship Schools represent the largest and clearly the most effective mass literacy campaign ever undertaken in the United States-successful largely because the campaign was not about literacy, but about the right to participate in a democratic society." 11-05
- Leadership (NCREL)
Provides essays with links. 1-05
- Leadership - Toxic Boss Syndrome (About.com - Reh)
Describes the "toxic boss syndrome" and suggests solutions. 7-02
- Leading Change (Presbyterian Church in Canada - Coutts)
Describes the eight components of Leading Change by John Kotter. 7-02
- Nominations for Support for Leaders (Ford Foundation - Leadership for Change)
Provides applications for nominations to support leaders for change. The applications will be available in October of 2002 for the 2003 awards. 7-02
- Women's History (Information Please)
Describes the history of various kinds of ascents to power, including revolutions, despots, rulers, leaders. Includes a sample of empires. 2-00
- Young Peace Leaders (WorkablePeace.org)
Highlights several leaders of peace movements globally. Describes a symposium "dedicated to creating a vision of global peace by exploring the role young people play as peacemakers in the 21st century." 11-02
- 4H - National 4H Council
Provides information about the mission of the National 4H Council to work as partners with youth in building our communities.
- AmeriCorps (CNS)
Includes two programs - 1) The National Civilian Community Corps (NCCC) is "a full-time service program for men and women age 18 through 24. AmeriCorps NCCC members work in teams." 2) Volunteers in Service to America (VISTA) is "a full-time service program for men and women age 18 and older. Members generally work individually, rather than in teams."
- America's Promise - Summit Action Youth for Educators (President's Summit)
Provides suggestions on way educators can help students become involved with the America's Promise campaign and the Summit in particular.
- Civitan - Junior Civitan Leadership Opportunities (Junior Civitan International)
"Generally, Junior Civitans improve their schools and communities through service to others. There are opportunities for fun and fellowship on all levels of Junior Civitan. Junior Civitan provides many leadership opportunities. On the club level, leaders help decide which projects and programs the club will be involved in."
- Congressional Youth Leadership Council (CYLC)
"The Congressional Youth Leadership Council is a non-profit, non-partisan, civic education organization that provides outstanding high school students nationwide an opportunity to study leadership, citizenship and government in the Nation's Capital."
- Council on International Educational Exchange
CIEE "seeks to promote educational exchanges and foster international understanding."
- Creative Writing Projects (About.com - Weihart)
Provides projects, such as writing essays and poems, around themes.
- Homeless Teens (StandUp for Kids)
Provides opportunities for volunteering to help homeless teens. Listings are by state. 10-99
- I Have a Dream Foundation 1-01
- Law-Related Education (Teens, Crime and the Community)
Provides training and projects for teens to actively lead in reducing crime. Created by the National Crime Prevention Council (NCPC) and Street Law, Inc. (formerly the National Institute for Citizen Education in the Law), TCC is a joint initiative currently funded on the national level by the Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention, Office of Justice Programs, Department of Justice. 07-06
- Public Awareness Campaign - Rubrics Creator (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate preparation and presentation. 5-01
- Toastmasters Leadership Development Program (Toastmasters)
Provides leadership training and communication skills development. Must be at least 18 years old to join.
- Wilderness-Based Adventures (NOL)
The National Outdoor Leadership School (NOL) "is a wilderness-based, non-profit school focusing on leadership and skills."
- WiseSkills
"WiseSkills is an innovative school program that combines a variety of positive prevention activities into a simple, yet comprehensive, character-building program. These activities include: character education, career awareness, conflict resolution, peer mediation, community service, and parent involvement."