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Terms: arthur
Matches: 38    Displayed: 20


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  1. Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Hound of the Baskervilles (Bibliomania)

  2. Arthur, Chester Alan (POTUS)
      Presents a very comprehensive and well organized set of facts and links regarding President Chester A. Arthur.

  3. Boone, Daniel (Arthur)
      Provides biographical information compiled from sources in the 1700's. 3-00

  4. Doyle, Arthur Conan - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Infomotions)
      Provides online text for A Scandal in Bohemia, The Red-headed League, A Case of Identity, The Boscombe Valley Mystery, The Five Orange Pips, The Man with the Twisted Lip, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, and The Adventure of the Copper Beeches. 6-02

  5. Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (Infomotions)
      Provides online text for The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The Problem of Thor Bridge, The Adventure of the Creeping Man, The Adventure of the Sussex, Vampire, The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, The Adventure of the Illustrious Client, The Adventure of the Three Gables, The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, The Adventure of the Lion's Mane, The Adventure of the Retired Colourman, The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger, and The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place. 6-02

  6. Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Lost World (Infomotions)
      Provides online text. 6-02

  7. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (United Nations Environmental Program)
      Discusses the play and movie called "The Crucible" that provides a fictional version of the trials. 10-09

  8. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (EdSitement)
      Provides a lesson plan, resources, and activities related to the play and movie, The Crucible. 9-04

  9. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (
      Provides extensive resources for students and teachers related to teaching about the play and movie by Arthur Miller. 9-04

  10. Ashe, Arthur (
      Provides a biography of the tennis champion. 1-05

  11. Miller, Arthur (ABC News)
      Provides a biography. "Miller's cannon of theatrical masterpieces includes 'The Crucible' and 'A View From the Bridge,' but he'll also be remembered for standing up to the House Committee on Un-American Activities in the McCarthy era, and for lighting up gossip pages with his five-year marriage to Marilyn Monroe."

      " 'Miller is, without a doubt, one of the top five most important playwrights of the 20th century.' " according to entertainment critic Dean Richards. 2-05

  12. Wimbledon Champion Arthur Ashe (
      Provides a summary of wins. 01-06

  13. Lewis, Sir William Arthur (Time Magazine)
      "The problem of economics in developing nations has always been a very complex equation that no theorist has been able to solve. However disparities between agrarian and industrialized economies and how they can relate and balance each other has its roots in the theories of economist William Arthur Lewis." 02-07

  14. Arthur, Bea, Dies at Age 86 (CNN News)
      "Bea Arthur, the actress best known for her roles as television's 'Maude' and the sardonic Dorothy on 'The Golden Girls,' has died of cancer, a family spokesman said Saturday." 04-09

  15. -Presidents of the United States (POTUS - Summers) star
      Presents a very comprehensive and well organized set of facts and links regarding each President of the United States of America (USA). The American Presidents include first (1st) George Washington, second (2nd) John Adams, third (3rd) Thomas Jefferson, fourth (4th) James Madison, fifth (5th) James Monroe, sixth (6th) John Quincy Adams, seventh (7th) Andrew Jackson, eighth (8th) Martin Van Buren, ninth (9th) William Henry Harrison, tenth (10th) John Tyler, eleventh (11th) James Knox Polk, twelfth (12th) Zachary Taylor, thirteenth (13th) Millard Fillmore, fourteenth (14th) Franklin Pierce, fifteenth (15th) James Buchanan, sixteenth (16th) Abraham Lincoln, seventeenth (17th) Andrew Johnson, eighteenth (18th) Ulysses Simpson Grant, nineteenth (19th) Rutherford Birchard Hayes, twentieth (20th) James Abram Garfield, twenty-first (21st) Chester Alan Arthur, twenty-second (22nd) Grover Cleveland, twenty-third (23rd) Benjamin Harrison, twenty-fourth (24th) Grover Cleveland, twenty-fifth (25th) William McKinley, twenty-sixth (26th) Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-seventh (27th) William Howard Taft, twenty-eighth (28th) Woodrow Wilson, twenty-ninth (29th) Warren Gamaliel Harding, thirtieth (30th) Calvin Coolidge, thirty-first (31st) Herbert Clark Hoover, thirty-second (32nd) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thirty-third (33rd) Harry S. Truman, thirty-fourth (34th) Dwight David Eisenhower, thirty-fifth (35th) John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-sixth (36th) Lyndon Baines Johnson, thirty-seventh (37th) Richard Milhous Nixon, thirty-eighth (38th) Gerald Rudolph Ford, thirty-ninth (39th) James Earl Carter, Jr., fortieth (40th) Ronald Wilson Reagan, forty-first (41st) George Herbert Walker Bush, forty-second (42nd) William Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush (43rd). 1-05

  16. First Ladies of the United States (Virtualology)
      Presents, in alphabetical order, a profile for each First Lady of the United States of America (USA). The First Ladies include Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Martha Jefferson, Dolley Madison, Elizabeth Monroe, Louisa Adams, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Van Buren, Anna Harrison, Letitia Tyler, Julia Tyler, Sarah Polk, Margaret Taylor, Abigail Fillmore, Jane Pierce, Mary Todd Lincoln, Eliza Johnson, Julia Grant, Lucy Hayes, Lucretia Garfield, Ellen Arthur, Frances Cleveland, Caroline Harrison, Ida McKinley, Edith Roosevelt, Helen Taft, Ellen Wilson, Edith Wilson, Florence Harding, Grace Coolidge, Lou Hoover, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth (Bess) Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy, Claudia Alta (Lady Bird) Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Laura Bush. 5-01

  17. Vice Presidents of the United States (Virtualology)
      Presents, in alphabetical order, a profile for each Vice President of the United States of America (USA). The Vice Presidents include John Adams, Spiro T. Agnew, Chester A. Arthur, Alben W. Barkley, John C. Breckinridge, Aaron Burr, George H. W. Bush, John Calhoun, Richard B. Cheney, George Clinton, Schuyler Colfax, Calvin Coolidge, Charles Curtis, George M. Dallas, Charles Dawes, Charles Fairbanks, Millard Fillmore, Gerald Ford, John N. Garner, Elbridge Gerry, Albert Gore, Jr., Hannibal Hamlin, Thomas A. Hendricks, Garret A. Hobart, Hubert H. Humphrey, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Johnson, William R. King, Thomas R. Marshall, Walter Mondale, Levi P. Morton, Richard M. Nixon, Dan Quayle, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, James S. Sherman, Adlai E. Stevenson, Daniel D. Tompkins, Harry S. Truman, John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, Henry A. Wallace, William Wheeler, and Henry Wilson. Visitors sometimes misspell as vise-president, vice-president, or vise president.

  18. U.S. Government Bans Andersen Consulting Firm (BBC News)
      "Arthur Andersen, the US accountancy firm embroiled in the Enron bankruptcy scandal, has been banned from US government work after being indicted by a federal grand jury on the charge of obstruction of justice." 3-02

  19. Twain, Mark (
      "Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835-April 21, 1910), better known by pen name Mark Twain, was a famous and popular humorist, writer and lecturer. He was also a steamboat pilot, gold prospector and journalist. His classics Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn are widely read in schools across the U.S., as well as in many other western countries. Also popular are The Prince and the Pauper, A Connecticut Yankee In King Arthur's Court and the non-fictional Life on the Mississippi."

  20. -09-01-06 Emotional Farewell by Agassi (BBC News)
      "The 36-year-old was clearly affected by the chronic back injury which hastened his decision to retire."

      "Backed by a fiercely patriotic crowd, Agassi battled throughout but Becker's power proved too much."

      "The American legend fought back tears as the Arthur Ashe crowd, along with Becker, rose to applaud him." 09-06

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