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- -eBooks by Title
- Philosophy
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Lesson Plans
- -Books Online by Title (Infomotions)
Provides hundreds of works of American literature.
- -Study Guides on Literature (SparkNotes.com)
Provides free notes on popular literature often studied in High School and College. Written by Harvard students. 01-07
- American Literature Online (Ockerbloom)
Provides hundreds of works of American literature.
- Austen, Jane - Pride and Prejudice (Bibliomania)
- Blake, William - Collected Poems (Bibliomania)
- Bronte, Emily - Jane Eyre (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Bunyan, John - Pilgrim's Progress (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan and the Jewels of Opar (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - Tarzan of the Apes (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Beasts of Tarzan (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Jungle Tales of Tarzan (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Return of Tarzan (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Burroughs, Edgar Rice - The Son of Tarzan (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Crane, Steven - The Red Badge of Courage (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Dana, Richard Henry - Two Years Before the Mast (Bartleby.com)
Provides the entire book. 6-02
- DeFoe, Daniel - Robinson Crusoe (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Dickens, Charles David Copperfield (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Dickens, Charles - Oliver Twist (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Don Quixote - Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes (Bartleby.com)
Provides Part I of the book. 6-02
- Don Quixote - Saavedra, Miguel de Cervantes (Gavilan College)
Provides Part 2 of the book. 10-04
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - Adventures of Sherlock Holmes (Infomotions)
Provides online text for A Scandal in Bohemia, The Red-headed League, A Case of Identity, The Boscombe Valley Mystery, The Five Orange Pips, The Man with the Twisted Lip, The Adventure of the Blue Carbuncle, The Adventure of the Speckled Band, The Adventure of the Engineer's Thumb, The Adventure of the Noble Bachelor, The Adventure of the Beryl Coronet, and The Adventure of the Copper Beeches. 6-02
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Case Book of Sherlock Holmes (Infomotions)
Provides online text for The Adventure of the Mazarin Stone, The Problem of Thor Bridge, The Adventure of the Creeping Man, The Adventure of the Sussex, Vampire, The Adventure of the Three Garridebs, The Adventure of the Illustrious Client, The Adventure of the Three Gables, The Adventure of the Blanched Soldier, The Adventure of the Lion's Mane, The Adventure of the Retired Colourman, The Adventure of the Veiled Lodger, and The Adventure of Shoscombe Old Place. 6-02
- Doyle, Arthur Conan - The Lost World (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Fiction (Bibliomania)
Provides 84 classical works of fiction.
- Franklin, Benjamin - Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Gibbon, Edward - The History Of The Decline And Fall Of The Roman Empire (Calvin College - Christian Classics Ethereal Library - Gibbon)
Provides the classic work online. 8-02
- Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von - The Tragedy of Faust (Bartleby.com)
Provides the entire book. 6-02
- Harvard Classics (Bartleby - Eliot)
"The most comprehensive and well-researched anthology of all time comprises both the 50-volume '5-foot shelf of books' and the the 20-volume Shelf of Fiction. Together they cover every major literary figure, philosopher, religion, folklore and historical subject through the twentieth century." Provides books by title or author. 6-02
- Hobbes, Thomas - Leviathan (The University of Adelaide Library - Thomas)
Provides the philosophy of Hobbes, including his views on government. 8-02
- Homer - Odyssey, The (Bartleby.com)
Provides the entire book. 6-02
- Homer - The Iliad (Internet Classics Archive - Stevenson)
Provides the full text.
- Homer - The Odyssey (Internet Classics Archive - Stevenson)
Provides the full text.
- Irving, Washington - The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Maugham, Somerset - Of Human Bondage (Bibliomania)
- Melville, Herman - Moby Dick (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Milton, John - Paradise Lost (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Moby Dick - Melville, Herman (University of Virginia)
Provides online text. 8-05
- Montesquieu, Charles - Spirit of Laws (Constitution Society)
Provides a view on the roles and characteristics of different forms of government. (The full name is Charles de Montesquieu.) Visitors sometimes misspell as Montesque, Montesqu, or Montegue. 8-02
- Plato's Republic (Stevenson - Jowett, Translator)
Provides the Greek classic, The Republic, by Plato. Describes his ideal for government, including how to prepare leaders for government. 8-02
- Plato's Republic (Stevenson - Jowett, Translator)
Provides the Greek classic, The Republic, by Plato. Describes his ideal for government, including how to prepare leaders for government. 8-02
- Prize-Winning Books Online (Ockerbloom)
Provides the complete text of prize-winning books online. Most of the books are in the public domain because their copyrights have expired. In other words, they are older books.
- Rousseau, Jean-Jacques - The Social Contract (The University of Adelaide Library - Thomas)
Provides Rousseau's views on the role of govenment and more. 8-02
- Scott, Walter - Ivanhoe (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Smith, Adam - The Wealth of Nations (Bibliomania)
- Swift, Jonathan - Gulliver's Travels (Jaffe)
Provides the entire text and illustrations. 6-02
- Twain, Mark - The Prince and the Pauper (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Wells, H.G. - The Invisible Man (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Wells, H.G. - The Time Machine (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Wells, H.G. - War of the Worlds (Walker)
Provides the entire text by chapter. 6-02
- Whitman - Walt: Leaves of Grass 10-00
- Literature - Classical (Able Media)
Provides lessons related to ancient Greek mythology, history, and literature. Requires the use of the Adobe Reader, which is free.
- Classic Texts, by Author (Internet Classics Archive - Stevenson)
Provides the full text of works by Aeschines, Aeschylus, Aesop, Andocides, Antiphon, Apollodorus, Apollonius, Apuleius, Aristophanes, Aristotle, Marcus Aurelius, Augustus, Bacchylides, Julius Caesar, Cicero, Demades, Demospthenes, Dinarchus, Diodorus, Epictetus, Epicurus, Euclid, Euripides, Galen, Herodotus, Hesiod, Hippocrates, Hirtius, Homer, Horace, Hyperides, Isaeus, Isocrates, Josephus, Livy, Lucan, Lucretius, Lycurgus, Lysias, Ovid, Pausanias, Pindar, Plato, Plotinus, Plutarc, Porphyry, Quintus, Sophocles, Strabo, Tacitus, Thucydides, Virgil, Xenophon, Confucius, Lao-tzu, Sun Tzu, Ferdowsi, Omar Khayyam, and Sa'di. 2-01
- Historical Documents Shaping American Law (Golding and Hofstetter - Amber)
Provides classic books and other documents affecting the development of American law. 8-02
- Literature by Nationality (About.com - Deter)
Provides well organized articles on literature by nationality, as well as by time periods. Includes a few authors, such as Shakespeare, Blake, and Chaucer. 3-00
- Literature by Source (Liu - Voice of the Shuttle)
Provides hundreds of resources in drama, fiction, and poetry. Includes resources to improve writing skills. 8-02
- Publishers and Booksellers
- Textbooks - College Requirements (Efollet)
Provides a listing of the required textbooks for over 600 colleges in the United States. Listings are by state, then college, then department, then course. 6-02
- Biographies of Literary Greats (Bibliomania)
Provides biographies, in alphabetical order, by last name. See (on the left) Research. Select Choose a Section, Reference and then Choose, Biographical Dictionary. 2-01
- Book Recommendations (Awesome Library)
- Book Summaries (SparkNotes.com)
Provides summaries by Harvard students. Provided in PDF format. 8-00.
- Cicero, M. Tullius (Internet Encyclopedia of Philosophy - Clayton)
Provides a biography. 7-02
- Cicero, M. Tullius (Tufts University, Pereus Project - Shuckburgh)
Provides a biography and letters written by Cicero. 7-02
- English and American Literature - A History (Bartleby - Cambridge)
The Cambridge History of English and American Literature is considered "the most important work of literary history and criticism ever published." This online encyclopedia covers 11,000 pages. 2-01
- Federalist Papers (Yale Law School - Avalon Project)
Provides the Federalist Papers by Alexander Hamilton, James Madison, and John Jay. These documents are used by the U.S. Supreme Court and others to help interprete the U.S. Constitution and American law. 8-02
- Literature Nobel Laureates Since 1900 (Nobel Foundation)
Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in literature during the 20th century. 9-00
- Literature Nobel Laureates Since 1900 (Nobel Foundation)
Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in literature during the 20th century. 9-00
- Locke, John - Second Treatise of Government (Gowan - Locke)
According to John Locke, his second treatise "is an essay concerning the true original extent and end of civil government." Published in 1690. 8-02
- Multicultural Book Reviews (Mele)
Provides reviews organized by ethnic group. Provides title author, publisher, date, illustrations, ethnic group, protaganist sex, genre, review, grade level, and then a reviewer's grade for the book. Mostly contains books at the middle and high school levels. 2-00
- O Henry - The Gift of the Magi
Provides links to definitions for key difficult words. No pictures are provided.
- Shakespeare - Finding the Real Author (PBS - Austin)
Provides an essay suggesting that the works of Shakespeare may have been written by Edward de Vere, the 17th Earl of Oxford. Editor's Note - Lack of evidence that William Shakespeare traveled extensively or had first hand knowledge about the lifestyles of characters in his plays has led to speculation that someone else may have been the real author. 6-00
- Shakespeare, William (Bibliomania)
Provides a biography related to his work. 2-01
ProjectsPurchase Resources
- Shakespeare, William - King Lear (Infomotions)
Provides online text. 6-02
- Shakespeare, William - Plays (Bartleby)
Provides the plays of William Shakespeare, including The Tempest, The Two Gentlemen of Verona, The Merry Wives of Windsor, Measure for Measure, The Comedy of Errors, Much Ado about Nothing, Love’s Labour’s Lost, A Midsummer-Night’s Dream, The Merchant of Venice, As You Like It, The Taming of the Shrew, All’s Well that Ends Well, Twelfth-Night, The Winter’s Tale, The Life and Death of King John, The Tragedy of King Richard the Second, King Henry the Fourth, The Life of King Henry the Fifth, King Henry the Sixth, The Tragedy of King Richard the Third, The Famous History of the Life of King Henry the Eighth, Troilus and Cressida, Coriolanus, Titus Andronicus, Romeo and Juliet, Timon of Athens, Julius Cæsar, Macbeth, Hamlet, Prince of Denmark, King Lear, Othello, the Moor of Venice, Antony and Cleopatra, Cymbeline, and Pericles, Prince of Tyre. 5-00
- Books - Sources (Awesome Library)
Provides search engines for books from Amazon.com, Powell's, and Barnes and Noble.
- Books on Audio (Audio.com)
Provides thousands of audio books that can be downloaded to various mobility devices, such as some smartphones.