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Salem Witchcraft Trials

Lesson Plans
  1. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (
      Provides extensive resources for students and teachers related to teaching about the play and movie by Arthur Miller. 9-04

  2. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (EdSitement)
      Provides a lesson plan, resources, and activities related to the play and movie, The Crucible. 9-04

  1. Salem Witchcraft Trials (United Nations Environmental Program)
      Includes information used to try individuals as witches from the trials themselves and The Crucible. 10-09

  2. Salem Witchcraft Trials - The Crucible by Arthur Miller (United Nations Environmental Program)
      Discusses the play and movie called "The Crucible" that provides a fictional version of the trials. 10-09


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