- -Spelling Checkers for Medical Terms (Awesome Library)
Checks online for correct spelling and offers alternatives if the spelling is incorrect. Also offers glossaries for browsing terms.
- Spelling Checker (Dictionary.com)
Checks for proper spelling and suggests correct spelling. Provides definitions for correctly spelled words. Based on the American Heritage Dictionary by the Houghton Mifflin Company. Editor's Note - Provides a popup ad on a separate page for each request. 7-02
- Spelling Checker - Collegiate Version (Merriam-Webster)
Checks for proper spelling and suggests correct spelling. Provides definitions, a thesaurus, and the unabridged version. The unabridged version includes words that rhyme with the chosen word, words that start with the same sound, words that end with the same sound, and more. 7-02
- Spelling Checker Dictionary (LookWayUp.com)
Checks for proper spelling and corrects spelling. Provides definitions for correctly spelled words. Also translates to Protuguese.
- Spelling Checker Online (Teragram Corp)
Provides a spelling checker for Web pages or individual words, in English, Spanish, Portuguese, French, and Italian. 6-00
- Spelling Checker for English, Spanish, Italian, French, and Portuguese (SpellOnline.com)
Checks for proper spelling and suggests correct spelling. 7-02
- Spelling Game (FunBrain.com)
Helps children find determine the correct spelling of words. 7-02
- Youngest Child Ever Competes in National Spelling Bee (CBS News)
Lori Anne competes in the semi-finals. Lori Anne Madison is 6 years old. 05-12
- -05-29-09 Top Ten Spelling Bee Words (Time.com)
Provides pictures and short descriptions of spelling bee finals. 05-09
- Snigdha Nandipati Wins the National Spelling Bee (CBS News)
"Snigdha Nandipati clinched the 2012 Scripps National Spelling Bee title with the French word guetapens." 05-12
- Youngest Child Ever Competes in National Spelling Bee (ABC News)
"When Lori Anne spelled 'vaquero' to win the regional bee in Prince William County in March, she set a new standard for youth in the national bee's 87-year history." Lori Anne Madison is 6 years old. 05-12
- Alphabetizing and Spelling Games (ToonUniversity.com)
Provides assistance with spelling for grades 1 - 3. Uses Flash software. 6-02
- Spelling Center (Purdue On-Line Writing Laboratory)
Includes spelling exercises and answers.
- Spelling Projects (ILoveThatTeachingIdea.com)
Provides over a dozen creative lessons and projects for K-6 grade. 2-02