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Writing Skills

Also Try
  1. Creative Writing
  2. Essays
  3. Spelling
Lesson Plans
  1. Alphabet Lessons (
      Provides lessons to learn the alphabet. 1-05

  2. Reading and Writing Articles (National Council of Teachers of English)
      Provides lessons.

  3. Reading and Writing Lesson Plans (Teachers.Net)
      Provides almost 300 individual lessons. Specifies a general grade level for each, such as elementary. The quality of lessons varies widely and some only announce the availability of lessons on a topic. 5-00

  4. Reading, Writing, and Thinking Lessons (National Council of Teachers of English) 2-04
  1. -Dictionary for Students (Merriam-Webster) star
      Provides the definitions and pronunciation of words entered into the search blank.

  2. Dictionary Search (Peter Jacso)
      Checks up to 20 dictionaries at the same time.10-04

  3. Spelling Checker Dictionary (
      Checks for proper spelling and corrects spelling. Provides definitions for correctly spelled words. 9-04

  4. Spelling Checkers for Biology and Medical Terms (Awesome Library)
      Checks online for correct spelling and offers alternatives if the spelling is incorrect. Also offers glossaries for browsing terms. 7-02

  1. Editing - Proofreading Marks (Prentice-Hall)
      Provides the marks used by editors to communicate to writers the changes needed.

  2. Essays - Writing an Essay (Livingston)
      Provides a basic guide to writing an essay. 5-00

  3. Internet and Computer Technology Definitions (
      Provides a dictionary and search engine. 11-04

  4. Research - Steps for Writing a Term Paper (
      Provides a step by step approach for developing a research paper. 12-04

  5. Six Plus One Traits of Writing Assessment
      Provides samples of student writing and shows how they were scored, along with comments. Also provides access to a PDF version of the scoring rubric for Six Traits plus 1.

  1. Reading and Writing Interactives (National Council of Teachers of English) 2-04
  2. Rubrics Creator for Making a Brochure (Rubistar)
      Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the making of a brochure. 5-01

  3. Rubrics Creator for Making a Storyboard (Rubistar)
      Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the making of a storyboard. Sometimes misspelled as story board. Requires signing up. 3-05

  4. Rubrics Creator for Web Page Design (Rubistar)
      Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the product. Requires signing up. 3-05

  5. Rubrics Creator for a Multimedia Presentation (Rubistar)
      Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the preparation and presentation. Requires signing up. 3-05

  6. Spelling and Parts of Speech Games (
      Provides assistance with spelling, parts of speech, and possessive adjectives for grades 4 - 6. Uses Flash software. 6-02

  7. Writing Projects (
      Provides over a dozen creative projects for K-6 grade. 2-02

  1. Alphabet - Writing in Cursive (AbcTeach)
      Provides printable worksheets to help children write in cursive. Provides both D'Nealian and Zaner Bloser styles. 8-01

  2. Alphabet Worksheets (AbcTeach)
      Provides hundreds of printable worksheets to help children (by grade level) master the alphabet, shapes, and colors. 8-01

  3. Creative Writing Worksheet (
      Provides a worksheet for planning a story. 7-04

  4. Writing Skills Worksheets and Exercises (Jansegers) 9-99

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