Grocery Stores
Vitamins and Minerals
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- Nutrition Lessons (Awesome Library)
Nutrition lessons are provided under Health in "Lessons and Curricula" in the Awesome Library.
- Nutrition Lessons (National Dairy Council)
Provides lessons and activities to help younger children enjoy learning about nutrition. 3-00
- Basic Nutrition Information (Education World)
Provides sources of information on basic nutrition, such as the food pyramid. 3-00
- Food Pyramid Revised (ABC News)
"The new food pyramid, unveiled today by the USDA, is being welcomed by nutritionists as an important step forward from existing dietary guidelines."
" 'Overall, I think it's a vast improvement over the previous pyramid,' said Lora Sporny, a professor of nutrition at Columbia University in New York.' "
"As a response to growing rates of obesity, the pyramid breaks new ground by emphasizing physical activity. In particular, the pyramid indicates dietary choices that are appropriate for a person based on their individual level of daily activity."
"Many images of the new pyramid show a person climbing the side of the pyramid, reminding Americans that exercise is as important a component of health as diet."
" 'The emphasis on physical activity is very important,' said Sporny. 'Anybody can make food recommendations, but to take into account one's activity level to arrive at estimated calorie needs is very important.' " 4-05
- Food Pyramid Revised (New York Times)
"Newly revised dietary guidelines issued today by the federal government place a stronger emphasis on calorie control and physical activity than past guidelines to help Americans, many of them overweight, maintain good health." 1-05
- Food for Children with Diabetes
- Gourmet Guide
- Nutrients in Foods (Nutrient Data Laboratory)
Requires Adobe Acrobat Reader software, which is available for free. 10-09
- Nutrition Quiz (Nutrition Sleuth)
Provides information on a meal and you decide what is missing. 3-00
- Vegetarian Organizations (GreenPeople.org)
Provides listings of vegetarian organizations. 11-00.
- -03-05-07 Locally Grown or Organic? (Time Magazine)
"In her 2001 memoir, This Organic Life, Columbia University nutritionist Joan Dye Gussow writes that her commitment to eating locally "is probably driven by three things. The first is the taste of live food; the second is my relation to frugality; the third is my deep concern about the state of the planet." I don't have much relation to frugality, and, perhaps foolishly, I'm more optimistic than Gussow about our ability to develop alternative energy sources." 03-07
- -11-08-08 Protein Requirements (CBS News)
"The amount of protein an adult needs to stay healthy is based on weight, not age." 11-08
- -MyPlate Replaces the Food Pyramid (CNN News)
"The food pyramid has been dismantled in favor of a simple plate icon that urges Americans to eat a more plant-based diet."
"One half of your plate should be filled with fruits and vegetables, with whole grains and lean protein on the other half, according to the U.S. Department of Agriculture. Low-fat dairy on the side, such as a cup of skim milk or yogurt, is also suggested."
For more information, you can go to ChooseMyPlate.gov or, within the Awesome Library, Nutrition. 05-11
- -Nutrition Information (eLook.ogr)
Provides an easy-to-use directory of foods for finding nutritional information. 9-04
- Blueberries Information (North American Blueberry Council)
Provides recipes, information on growing blueberries and schedules for going to pick blueberries (U-pick).
- Child and Adolescent Nutrition (International Food Information Council) 9-01
- Cholesterol Prevention (National Institutes of Health - NHLBI)
Describes the role of cholesterol in the body and how to prevent excessive buildup in the arteries. 3-00
- Daily Nutrient Needs for Adolescence (Haas)
- Daily Nutrient Needs for Children (Haas)
- Figuring Your Energy Needs (Random House) 1-01
- Food Fights (Washington Times)
"The average consumer craving a Reese's Cup or Big Mac probably isn't aware that his indulgence is at the center of a widening legal battlefield." 10-03
- Food Safety and Nutrition (International Food Information Council Foundation) 9-01
- Food and Digestion (How Stuff Works - Brain)
Find out about food, how it works, why we eat it, and where it comes from.
- Global Gourmet (SeriouslySmoked.com)
"In memory of a website established by a culinary enthusiast who claimed to have created 'the web’s first food and cooking site,' we singled out 10 of the most influential articles published on GlobalGourmet.com."
- Healthy Diet and Nutrition Search (Mayo Foundation)
Provides a search engine for Mayo Clinic articles.
- Healthy Eating (Random House) 1-01
- Hints for Better Nutrition at School (CBS News)
"The CSPI's nutrition policy director says schools that have made the switch prove it's not true that kids will only eat junk -- they just need to be offered healthier choices." 11-03
- History of Recipes and Use of Foods (Morris County Library -Olver)
Provides a timeline for when certain foods and recipes began to be used. Guess when popcorn or sandwiches started to appear. 1-05
- Nutrition News (Center for Science in the Public Interest - NutritionAction.org)
Provides news and fact sheets regarding healthy nutrition. 2-02
- Nutrition for Better Sleep (MSNBC)
"Nutritionist Joy Bauer visited 'Today' to discuss foods that can help you sleep and to suggest ways you can get a longer, more restful night's sleep." 9-05
- Nutritional Data (CNN)
Provides nutritional data by food group. 2-00
- Potassium Sources (HopTechno.com)
Provides foods by amount of potassium in a typical serving. 12-09
- Reference Guide on Amino Acids
"This information is designed to help adults make informed decisions about their health and is intended to be used for general nutritional information and educational purposes only." 10-09
- Saving Money When Shopping for Food (AllThingsFrugal.com)
Recommends ways to cut costs when buying food. 11-03
- Saving Money When Shopping for Food (MommySavers.com)
Recommends ways to cut costs when buying food. 11-03
- Saving Money When Shopping for Food (SaveRealMoney.com)
Recommends ways to cut costs when buying food. 11-03
- Saving Money When Shopping for Food (Urban Programs Resource Network - Reuter)
Recommends ways to cut costs when buying food. 11-03
- Soya - Excessive Soya Can Be Harmful (Haelan Centre)
"Don't fall into the trap of eating large quantities of soya products to satisfy protein cravings, you may end doing more harm than good. Unfermented soya beans (and other legumes) also contain phytic acid; excessive intake can reduce the body's ability to absorb minerals. In Japan and China it is customary to only eat small amounts, the average intake of soya in Japan is seven grams per day. Occasional consumption (2-3 times a week) of moderate amounts of good quality, organic soya products should cause no problems whatsoever...." 1-03
- Study: Supplements Contain Contaminants (New York Times)
"Nearly all of the herbal dietary supplements tested in a Congressional investigation contained trace amounts of lead and other contaminants, and some supplement sellers made illegal claims that their products can cure cancer and other diseases, investigators found."
"The levels of heavy metals — including mercury, cadmium and arsenic — did not exceed thresholds considered dangerous, the investigators found. However, 16 of the 40 supplements tested contained pesticide residues that appeared to exceed legal limits, the investigators found." 05-10
- Ten Nutrition Myths (Center for Science in the Public Interest - NutritionAction.org)
Provides 10 beliefs about nutrition that are not completely true. 1-05
- The 11 Best Foods You Are Not Eating (New York Times)
"Nutritionist and author Jonny Bowden has created several lists of healthful foods people should be eating but aren’t. But some of his favorites, like purslane, guava and goji berries, aren’t always available at regular grocery stores. I asked Dr. Bowden, author of “The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth,” to update his list with some favorite foods that are easy to find but don’t always find their way into our shopping carts." 06-08
- Gardening at School (Journey to Forever)
Provides resources for creating gardens at school. 1-05
- Nutrition Links (CSPI)