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Here: Home > Classroom > Science > Animals > A B C > Cats


Also Try
  1. Pet Cats
  1. Cats (Awesome Library)
  1. Bobcats (A-Z Animals)
      "Bobcats are adaptable predators of the North American cat family, thought to be a subspecies of the Canadian lynx." 01-09

  2. Bobcats (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  3. Cats, Small Wild (Zoological Society of San Diego)
      Provides a description and includes pictures. 2-01

  4. Cheetahs (African Wildlife Foundation)
      Provides facts and a picture. "The cheetah is smaller than the other two cats, but by far the fastest at speeds of 70 miles per hour it can run faster than all other animals." 1-01

  5. Cheetahs (Kids' Planet)
      Includes a description and a drawing.

  6. Cougar - Puma or Mountain Lion (U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service)
      Provides a short description.

  7. Leopards (African Wildlife Foundation)
      Provides facts and a picture. "Both lions and hyenas will take away a leopard's kill if they can. To prevent this leopards store their larger kills in trees where they can feed on them in relative safety." 1-01


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