Lesson PlansPapers
- Elephants (MacKenzie)
Includes news, pictures, protection, anatomy, descriptions, videos, sounds, and more. 7-00
- Elephants (Zoological Society of San Diego)
Provides a description and includes pictures. 12-04
- Elephants - African (Kids' Planet)
Includes a description and a drawing.
- Elephants - African (Oakland Zoo)
Provides facts, sounds, and movies. "Elephants have the largest brain size versus body weight other than man." Status - "Endangered because of loss of habitat and because of poaching for ivory."
- Elephants - African and Asian (African Wildlife Foundation)
Provides descriptions and pictures. 1-01
- Elephants - Debate on the Ban on Ivory (WhyFiles)
Discusses efforts to save the elephant by banning the sale of ivory. 6-02
- Why We Won't Miss Elephants (WoodPress.com)
"I’ve been making wildlife films in East Africa with my partner, Vicky, for 25 years (www.deeblestone.com). Now, together with Etienne Oliff and a small team, we’re making a film about elephants. By the time it is finished, we’ll have devoted five years to it. In that same time about a quarter of a million elephants will have been killed in Africa, by poachers." 02-14