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  1. Mantis Shrimp (
      Describes the marine crustacean, which is not really a shrimp. Known for its deadly "'mantis-like" front claws. "Smashers" have the striking force of a .22 caliber bullet and can break aquarium glass or do great damage to a hand. "Spearers" can use their front claws as powerful spears that move faster than the human eye can see. Shows the claws of each, as well as the overall structure of the animal.
      "The mantis shrimps are also world-renowned as having the world's most sophisticated vision. According to Dr Justin Marshall, the stomatopod eye 'contains 16 different types of photoreceptors (12 for colour analysis, compared to our 3 cones), colour filters and many polarisation receptors, making it by far the world's most complex retina.' Mantis shrimps can thus see polarized light and 4 colors of UV (ultraviolet) light, and they may also be able to distinguish up to 100,000 colors (compared to the 10,000 seen by human beings)." 1-02

  2. Mantis Shrimp (Woodward)
      Describes the marine crustacean, which is not really a shrimp. Known for its deadly "'mantis-like" front claws. "Smashers" have the striking force of a .22 caliber bullet and can break aquarium glass or do great damage to a hand. "Spearers" can use their front claws as powerful spears that move faster than the human eye can see. 5-01


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