- -A Simple Biochar Stove (Holon.se)
Describes a simple biochar stove.
- Backyard Biochar Stoves (BackyardBiochar.net)
Provides resources by topic. 12-14
- Backyard Char-B-Cue (Terra Preta.com)
Provides design for converting a standard Bar-B-Que into one that generates biochar. 12-14
- Biochar Stoves (Biochar-International.org)
"There are two basic types of stoves that can be used to produce charcoal and heat, the Top-Lit Updraft Gasifier (TLUD) and the Anila stove."
- Biolite Cook Stoves (BioliteStove.com)
The stove is not literally a "biochar" stove, but uses waste heat and greatly reduces pollution. "Using our patent-pending technology, BioLite has created a low-cost biomass cookstove that, by converting waste heat into electricity, reduces smoke emissions by up to 95% while simultaneously providing users with the capability to charge mobile phones and LED lights."
Awesome Library does not endorse this product but provides it as an example. 08-13
- Biomass Cook Stoves (TreeHugger.com)
"Though CO2 gets all the press and is the number one greenhouse gas, causing 40% of warming, black carbon comes in at number two. It's responsible for 16-18% of warming, depending on who's doing the calculations, and thankfully dissipates in the atmosphere pretty quickly, in a matter of weeks if the sources are removed. Which is why more efficient biomass cook stoves, such as used in many places in developing nations, could have a big climate change impact and be comparatively inexpensive and quick to implement...."
According to an article in the New York Times, " 'Like tiny heat-absorbing black sweaters, soot particles warm the air and melt the ice by absorbing the sun’s heat when they settle on glaciers. One recent study estimated that black carbon might account for as much as half of Arctic warming.' " 05-09
- Biomass Cook Stoves (TriplePundit.com)
"Biomass typically consists of organic materials like wood, crop waste, or animal dung, and for many households in places like India, is the main source of fuel for activities like cooking. Developed at the Engines and Energy Conversion Laboratory at Colorado State University, the cook stoves were engineered to burn traditionally used biomass materials more efficiently." 05-09
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves (CleanCookStoves.org)
"According to World Health Organization estimates, more people in the developing world die each year from conditions related to indoor air pollution—mostly from inefficient, solid-wood-burning stoves—than tuberculosis or malaria. 1 In the year 2004, indoor air pollution from solid fuel use was responsible for almost 2 million annual deaths and 2.7% of the global burden of disease. This makes this risk factor the second biggest environmental contributor to ill health, behind unsafe water and sanitation."
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves Described (Biochar-International.org)
Describes gasifying cookstoves in use. Includes pictures. 12-12
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves Described (Colorado State University)
Describes gasifying cookstoves in use from around the world. Includes pictures. 12-12
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves Described (DonLotter.net)
Describes gasifying (pyrolytic) cookstoves in use. Includes pictures. 12-12
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves Described (InspireNetwork.org)
Describes gasifying cookstoves in use. Includes pictures. 12-12
- Biomass Gasifying Stoves Described (WorldStove.com)
Describes gasifying cookstoves in use. Includes pictures. 12-12
- Biucci Cook Stoves (Woodstove.com)
"The Biucci is our large institutional stove, and is currently being used in women’s shelters and schools in several countries in Africa. It has a large water reservoir and two cooking surfaces that act as high and low temperature burners."
"It comes in two sizes, 60 liter and 85 liter." 12-10
- Building an Estufa Finca Biochar Cookstove (Seachar.org)
See the Photo Gallery. 07-12
- Clean Cookstoves (CleanCookstoves.org)
"The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is a public-private initiative to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and protect the environment by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions."
- Clinton's Global Initiative Pledges $4 Billion for Renewable Energy (ABC News)
"The relationship between health and a woman's traditional domain of home and hearth was driven home by Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton. She announced the launch of the Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves, an international public-private partnership to improve health conditions for the 3 billion people in developing countries whose meals are prepared on old stoves or hearths, typically by women who breathe in 'a toxic mix' of smoke and pollutants reaching levels 200 times 'the amount that our EPA considers safe for breathing.' " Cleaning up that indoor air with cleaner-burning, fuel-efficient stoves means fewer women and children will die of lung diseases caused by smoke. It also means fewer women will have to forage for twigs and sticks in countries where just stepping outdoors puts a woman 'at increased risk of sexual assault,' Clinton said." 03-11
- Comparison of Oorja Gasifier Cook Stove and Envirofit (Stanford University)
Provides information on two of the highest production, efficient cook stoves.
- Conical Biochar Stoves (ZenStoves.net)
Provides resources. 12-14
- Examples of Gasifier Cook Stoves in Full Production (Colorado State University)
Provides examples.
- Flanagan Biochar Stoves (TerraPreta.com)
"Now, climate-conscious housewives can proudly have a carbon negative kitchen to capture carbon with every meal and pot of tea. A wide variety of fibrous organic matter—cornstalks, nut shells, bamboo, wood chips, straw—can be stacked in the box, then ignited at the burner. The stove can be reloaded with more fuel to use for cooking as long as needed. A recent demonstration of the stove with corncobs ran for 25 minutes and boiled 10 liters of water before charcoal remaining was taken out." Awesome Library does not endorse the products but provides them as examples. 05-09
- Gasifier Cook Stoves (Build-a-Gasifier.com)
Describes half a dozen gasifiers.
Awesome Library does not endorse these products but provides them as examples. 08-13
- Gasifier Kits (Build-a-Gasifier.com)
Describes half a dozen gasifiers kits.
Awesome Library does not endorse these products but provides them as examples. 08-13
- Global Alliance for Clean Cook Stoves (CleanCookstoves.org)
"The Global Alliance for Clean Cookstoves is a public-private initiative to save lives, improve livelihoods, empower women, and combat climate change by creating a thriving global market for clean and efficient household cooking solutions." "Funding opportunities include Enhancing Capacity of Regional Testing Centers, Multiscale Geospatial Mapping of Non-renewable Fuel Harvesting for Biomass Fuels, and Empowering Women through Clean Cookstoves Projects." 07-12
- Hybrid TLUD and Rocket Cook Stoves (Indiegogo.com)
"PlanetStove was designed to use locally purchased firewood, so unlike other available biochar-producing stoves, ours does not require villagers to re-cut their wood."
"The PlanetStove is a hybrid. It is a fully functional TLUD, but since a TLUD stove sometimes only burns for an hour, we added a door making it similar to a “Rocket Stove”, a more traditional high-efficiency stove being used in development work. The benefit of this hybrid is that once there's no gas left in wood, villagers can add as more wood. This allows a family to cook for hours, even once the initial gasification is complete." 09-12
- Japanese Biomass Stoves (ScienceDaily.com)
"Millions of homes in rural areas of Far Eastern countries are heated by charcoal burned on small, hibachi-style portable grills. Scientists in Japan are now reporting development of an improved 'biomass charcoal combustion heater' that they say could open a new era in sustainable and ultra-high efficiency home heating."
- Lucia Biochar Stoves (WorldStove.com)
"One method of making good quality biochar is called Top-Lit UpDraft pyrolysis, commonly referred to as “TLUD” (Tee-lud). The TLUD principles are explained in various resources (just Google “TLUD”), but also will be evident in the discussion that follows. TLUDs were developed as cook stoves, but can be operated to produce biochar." 03-10
- Mercy Corps Biochar Stoves (WorldStove.com)
"Thanks to funding received for this project, Mercy Corps has been able to construct 20,000 fuel efficient stoves for IDP families. The introduction of these stoves, together with training in improved food preparation techniques, has had a dramatic effect. Not only has firewood consumption been reduced by around 50 percent, but the use of the stoves has improved the security and health of women and their children. It has also reduced CO2 emissions by an estimated 24,000 tons to date" 03-10
- Motivating Women to Use Cleaner, More Efficient Stoves (TheWorld.org)
"Getting individuals to change their behavior for the good of the planet can be a hard sell. Whether it’s encouraging homeowners to use compact fluorescent bulbs or convincing drivers to buy hybrid cars, environmentalists have learned that the best approach is often an appeal to self-interest. That’s the tactic an environmental group in Africa is using to persuade women to change the way they cook. Ari Daniel Shapiro of our partner program NOVA has the story from Uganda." 08-12
- Statistics for a Gasifier Cook Stove (iPower.com)
Provides statistics on heat, air flow, gases, and charcoal resulting from burning a gasifier stove using wood.
- StoveTec Gasifier Cook Stove (StoveTecStore.net/)
Provides information on the popular gasifier cook stoves
- TLUD Biochar Stoves (Wikipedia.org)
"A top-lit updraft gasifier (also known as a TLUD) is a micro-kiln used to produce charcoal, especially biochar, and heat for cooking." 01-2022
- Toucan Biochar Stoves (TerraPreta.BioenergyLists.org)
"One method of making good quality biochar is called Top-Lit UpDraft pyrolysis, commonly referred to as “TLUD” (Tee-lud). The TLUD principles are explained in various resources (just Google “TLUD”), but also will be evident in the discussion that follows. TLUDs were developed as cook stoves, but can be operated to produce biochar." 03-10
- Whirly Girl Biochar Stoves (YouTube.com)
"I brought the Whirly Girl stove to the Biochar School last month and it was a real hit. Several folks are now working with me on developing this design for some new applications. The swirling flame keeps the heat in the combustion zone longer, making a cleaner burn." 12-14