- A Review of Coproduction of Coal and Biomass (Hindawi.com)
"Recently, there has been significant research interest in cogasification of coal and various types of biomass blends to improve biomass gasification by reducing the tar content in the product gas. In addition, ash present in biomass catalyzes the gasification of coal. However, due to the fibrous nature of biomass and the large difference in gasification temperature of coal and biomass, cogasification in existing systems presents technical challenges. This paper documents research studies conducted on the cogasification of various types of coal and biomass using different types of gasifiers under various sets of operating conditions. In addition, the influence of cogasification on upstream and downstream processing is presented." 10-14
- Biochar Methodology for Emission Reductions Near Completion (ClimateTrust.org)
"The Climate Trust is leading the team effort funded by Blue Moon Fund to develop the Emission Reductions from Biochar Projects. The methodology completed the public comment phase in November 2013, with a tremendous response. The next and final phase before approval is the scientific peer review."
"This methodology provides a way to quantify the carbon that can be captured in biomass during the process of burning in a low-oxygen environment, referred to as pyrolysis. Biochar has the potential to contain the carbon that would otherwise be released in the atmosphere in the form of carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas. Under this methodology, the biochar is intended for use as a soil amendment, which when combined with a high nutrient material such as compost, can not only trap carbon long term (over 100 years) in the soil, but also greatly improve soil fertility, and even water holding capacity" 02-14