Administration Sets Goal of 28 Percent Drop in Emissions (Time.com) "The plan is the first step toward achieving an 80% reduction in carbon emissions by 2050." 03-15
Carbon Cycle by Source (University of New Hamshire) Burning fossil fuels is described as emitting 6 Pg (billion metric tons) of CO2 per year. Most of the carbon stored in plants is stored in the wood of trees. "Current estimates suggest photosynthesis removes 120 PgC/year from the atmosphere and about 610 PgC is stored in plants at any given time." 03-15
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source (EPA) Provides CO2 information. 03-15
Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Source (EPA) The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) states that 57 percent of carbon dioxide emissions in the air come from fossil fuel use and 17 percent come from deforestation and decay of biomass. 03-15