-01 Climate Change: The Delicate Balance (Awesome Library) "Before 10,000 years ago, the climate was so unstable that agriculture was very difficult. Then a beautiful, delicate balance occurred: The polar caps, ocean currents, greenhouse gases, volcanic activity, and other factors became just right for stable temperatures. Agriculture flourished. The amount of carbon dioxide going into the air (over 300 gigatons per year) was countered by natural sinks that pulled an equal amount of carbon dioxide out of the air. The primary cause of carbon dioxide going into the air was decaying vegetation. The primary sinks pulling carbon dioxide out of the air were the oceans, growing vegetation, and the soil. All was well."
"The industrial revolution has changed that balance. We now have over 40% more carbon dioxide in the air than we had just 150 years ago. The climate is changing. The primary human cause of the change is the use of fossil fuels. Burning fossil fuels puts carbon dioxide into the air and carbon dioxide can stay in the air for hundreds of years."
"The most effective way we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air is to pyrolize decaying vegetation."
-Biochar Is Needed to Slow Climate Change (Alliance for Democracy and EDI) "What we need to do is rather simple in concept: We need to keep a portion of CO2 that is stored in biomass from being released back into the air each year. If we can store more CO2 than is being released into the air by burning fossil fuels, we have a good chance of avoiding the worst of climate change. The net result will be less total carbon emitted into the air each year." 09-09
-Carbon-Negative Biochar and the Tipping Point (e360.Yale.edu) "As the amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere climbs to 400 parts per million and beyond, and the impacts of climate change become more unmistakable and destructive — rapid melting of Arctic Ocean ice, a rising incidence of extreme weather events — the case for extracting carbon from the atmosphere becomes increasingly compelling. Reducing the world’s emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases — the focus of virtually all public discussion and government policy on climate at the moment — remains vital, but as a practical matter that effort only affects how quickly the 400 ppm figure will increase. Turning biomass into biochar and burying it underground effectively withdraws CO2 from the atmosphere; if done at sufficient scale and in combination with aggressive reductions in annual greenhouse gas emissions, biochar thus could help reduce atmospheric concentrations of CO2."
"Johannes Lehmann, a professor of agricultural science at Cornell University and one of the world’s top experts on biochar, has calculated that if biochar were added to 10 percent of global cropland, the effect would be to sequester 29 billion tons of CO2 equivalent — roughly equal to humanity’s annual greenhouse gas emissions." 01-18
-Human-Caused Climate Change: What We Must Do Now (Awesome Library) "If we convert coal-fired power stations to biomass-pyrolysis power stations, we can reduce the amount of carbon dioxide in the air." 02-14
Arctic Geoengineering (Arctic News) "Earlier calls for action included the March 2009 Open Letter to Dr Pachauri (IPCC head). The open letter called for lines of action including:"
"Emissions reduction"
"Carbon stock management (Reduce CO2 levels in the atmosphere below 350 ppm over next three decades, halt ocean acidification and protect carbon sinks)."
"Heat transfer and radiation management." 01-13
Biomass Pyrolysis (Alternative Energy eMagazine) "Biomass pyrolysis has been attracting much attention due to its high efficiency and good environmental performance characteristics. It also provides an opportunity for the processing of agricultural residues, wood wastes and municipal solid waste into clean energy. In addition, biochar sequestration could make a big difference in the fossil fuel emissions worldwide and act as a major player in the global carbon market with its robust, clean and simple production technology."
Also see: Climate Change: The Delicate Balance 05-14
Plan for Reducing Carbon Dioxide in the Air (ArcticNews) "The first line of action of most climate plans is to cut emissions. Two types of feebates, working separately, yet complimentary, can cut emissions most effectively and can be implemented locally in a budget-neutral way, without requiring complicated international agreements...." 02-14
Sustainable Planet Development (AwesomeLibrary.org) "We need to reverse the current buildup of emissions in our air before we cause an irreversible climate change." 01-13
The Future of Sustainable Planet Development: Five Views (BBC News) Provides five views of the future. 02-06
- Petition the President and Congress to Support Conversion of Power Stations (Petitions.MoveOn.org)
This petition is for the President and Congress to support the conversion of coal-fired power stations to "biomass pyrolysis" power stations to REVERSE excessive carbon dioxide in the air. Decaying vegetation (biomass) puts many times more carbon dioxide into the air than all of human activity. If we adapt coal-fired power stations to pyrolyze (heat without oxygen) biomass, we can economically reduce the amount or carbon dioxide in the air (rather than merely slow down the increase).
Also see: Climate Change: The Delicate Balance 02-14