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- -02-04-06 Reality Check on President's Oil Reduction Plan (Christian Science Monitor)
"With Americans concerned about rising gasoline prices and dependence on imported oil, the president wants to cut 75 percent of US oil imports from the region by 2025 - and he provided a new energy plan to help do it."
"A bipartisan proposal in Congress - the 'Vehicle and Fuel Choices for American Security Act' - advocates a 7-million-barrel cut over 20 years, nearly double Bush's proposal and eliminating the need for any Middle Eastern oil." 02-06
- -04-18-08 Petroalgae (Time.com)
"Even better, the algae are capable of feeding off the carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and the pollutants in waste water. If the technology matures, you could have a perfect circle: the algae eat the carbon from a coal plant, then are used to make an environmentally friendly fuel that limits the need for petroleum. PetroAlgae is still a long way off from commercialization, but the technology has some greens salivating. 'Algae consume a tremendous amount of CO2, and we're in a marketplace where getting rid of CO2 is a very good thing,' says Tennant. 'We're looking at a carbon-negative solution.' " 04-08
- Green Energy Investment (GreenChipStocks.com)
Provides news and articles on supporting green energy solutions. 07-08
- Alternative Fuel Vehicles (CNN News)
Provides 10 choices. 08-07
- Bloom Box (CBS News)
"When NASA scrapped that Mars mission, Sridhar had an idea: he reversed his Mars machine. Instead of it making oxygen, he pumped oxygen in."
"He invented a new kind of fuel cell, which is like a very skinny battery that always runs. Sridhar feeds oxygen to it on one side, and fuel on the other. The two combine within the cell to create a chemical reaction that produces electricity. There's no need for burning or combustion, and no need for power lines from an outside source."
"In October 2001 he managed to get a meeting with John Doerr from the big Silicon Valley venture capital firm Kleiner Perkins." 02-10
- Bloom Box Inventor (Time.com)
"Bloom's technology is known as solid oxide regenerative fuel cells, which can run on almost any hydrocarbon fuel, like ethanol, biodiesel, methane or natural gas. Bloom's fuel cell consumes hydrocarbons but doesn't burn them. It generates electricity through an electrochemical reaction rather than by combustion and produces half the greenhouse-gas emissions of a conventional generator."
"An efficient, affordable fuel cell could be just the thing to kick-start the distributed-energy industry, letting businesses, residents and even Third World villages produce their own power on site instead of relying on relatively inefficient centralized power." 02-10
- Cold Fusion (Wikipedia.org)
"Cold fusion is the name for effects which could be nuclear fusion reactions occuring near room temperature and pressure using relatively simple and low-input energy devices. " 07-06
- Electric Power Sources by Type in the United States (EIA.gov)
Provides statistics for electric power by type in the United States from 1999 to 2010. 12-12
- Funding Green Technology (Time.com)
"If we're going to find a way to fix our long-term energy woes — whether it's through biofuels made from algae or through the rise of miniature nuclear-power plants, — the solution is likely to come from northern California. Yes, in Silicon Valley, the same entrepreneurs who brought us the Internet — and, O.K., Pets.com — are exploring new ways to make and use energy. And we'll need them, as much for our economy's well-being as for our planet's." 02-10
- Funding for Alternative Energy Solutions (Breakthrough Energy Coalition)
"Over the next year, we will work together to develop effective and creative mechanisms to analyze potential investments coming out of the research pipeline, create investment vehicles to facilitate those investments, and expand the community of investors who join us in this endeavor." 03-16
- Scientists Discover 6 Million New Genes in the Ocean (PBS News)
"Scientists spent two years trawling the oceans for bacteria and viruses, and in the process discovered 6 million new genes, doubling the number known on Earth and holding promise for new antibiotics and alternative energy sources."
"The newly discovered genes include those that help microbes use the sun's energy in new ways, help them use nitrogen and protect them from ultraviolet light, the scientists reported." 03-07
- Specific Recommendations for Five States (Sustainablog.org)
"Despite the availability of clean and sustainable energy sources like solar, wind, hydropower, geothermal and biomass, many states depend on outdated and dirty energy sources. Ohio, Pennsylvania, Indiana, Missouri and Tennessee are among the most in need of an energy portfolio diversification. The Natural Resources Defense Council (NRDC) has identified solutions for these and other states." 09-12
- The Next Generation of Alternative Energy (U.S. News)
"Now that alternative energy is the new darling of Silicon Valley, investors are pumping cash into a raft of obscure technologies, from wave power to algae fuel. Despite the sluggish economy, alternative-energy start-ups received a record $2 billion in venture capital funding in the second quarter of 2008, a 58 percent increase from a year earlier, according to Cleantech Group, a market research firm. Today, clean technology—which includes alternative energy producers—accounts for 20 percent of all venture capital funding, up from just 1 percent in 2001, says John Balbach, a Cleantech managing partner." 07-08
- What Is a Megawatt? (Utilipoint.com)
"The commonly used 'one MW of generation equates to 1,000 homes' is a myth that likely originated years ago when households were smaller and air conditioning wasn't as common. For conventional generators, such as a coal plant, a megawatt of capacity will produce electricity that equates to about the same amount of electricity consumed by 400 to 900 homes in a year. For renewable energy such as wind or solar, the equivalent is even less because they typically produce less energy than conventional generators since their “fuel source” is intermittent. "