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- -04-18-08 Petroalgae (Time.com)
"Even better, the algae are capable of feeding off the carbon emissions from fossil fuels, and the pollutants in waste water. If the technology matures, you could have a perfect circle: the algae eat the carbon from a coal plant, then are used to make an environmentally friendly fuel that limits the need for petroleum. PetroAlgae is still a long way off from commercialization, but the technology has some greens salivating. 'Algae consume a tremendous amount of CO2, and we're in a marketplace where getting rid of CO2 is a very good thing,' says Tennant. 'We're looking at a carbon-negative solution.' " 04-08
- -08-12-08 Small Ways You Can Reduce Waste in the Office (TimesOnline.com)
"It's only a matter of time before wolves start roaming New York and we lose Scotland under glacial drifts of snow (well, that’s Hollywood’s take on global warming in the film The Day After Tomorrow). Back in the real world, employees are checking their companies’ green credentials and acting to make their workplace environmentally friendly." 08-08
- -09-02-08 Ceramic May Cut Microwave Cost in Half (ABC News)
"Baking dishes made from an exotic ceramic material could speed up the rate at which microwave ovens cook food, reducing the energy needed for cooking."
" 'The microwave-ware saves about 50% energy compared to the conventional microwave ware,' says Komarneni. A ceramic rice cooker constructed using the new foam takes just 10 minutes to prepare rice instead of 20-30 minutes using conventional ovenware." 09-08
- Energy Efficiency Tools in the Workplace (IBM.com)
"In a world that is increasingly connected, IBM recognizes that taking a 'smart systems' intelligent approach to offerings, processes, and infrastructures can be the key to solving energy issues." 11-08
- -01-06-09 Five Ways to Recharge Without Plugging In (U.S. News)
"So maybe we need a little magic: electricity that's delivered without wall plugs. A variety of new systems will recharge our cellphones, MP3 players and digital cameras without having to cable them into the grid. In fact, by year's end there should be at least five ways that we can detach ourselves from the outlet:" 02-09
- -Achieving Savings from Energy Efficiency (MSNBC News)
"For the next few decades, energy efficiency is one of the lowest cost options for reducing US carbon emissions. Many studies have concluded that energy efficiency can save both energy and money." 03-10
- Bicycles (Awesome Library)
Summarizes strengths and weaknesses of bicycles and makes some recommendations. 6-01
- Biomechanical Energy Harvesting from Walking (New York Times)
"The device, which in its current form looks a little like a simple knee brace with cyborg bling, harnesses power from part of the stride."
"J. Maxwell Donelan, the lead researcher and a professor of kinesiology at Simon Fraser University in British Columbia, compared the device to the regenerative braking used to produce electricity for hybrid cars." 10-08
- Comparison of Fuel Costs (Daviesand.com)
Provides a comparison. 12-10
- Editorial: How Denmark Became Energy Independent (New York Time)
"Unlike America, Denmark, which was so badly hammered by the 1973 Arab oil embargo that it banned all Sunday driving for a while, responded to that crisis in such a sustained, focused and systematic way that today it is energy independent. (And it didn’t happen by Danish politicians making their people stupid by telling them the solution was simply more offshore drilling.)"
"...Danes imposed on themselves a set of gasoline taxes, CO2 taxes and building-and-appliance efficiency standards that allowed them to grow their economy — while barely growing their energy consumption — and gave birth to a Danish clean-power industry that is one of the most competitive in the world today."
"Frankly, when you compare how America has responded to the 1973 oil shock and how Denmark has responded, we look pathetic." 08-08
- Energy Efficiency Leadership by California (NRDC.org)
"Since 2001, California has bounced back, fashioning a new framework of utility regulations that places greater emphasis on efficiency than ever before. Through 2008, utility companies plan to spend $2 billion -- a record for any state -- to help Californians save energy. The investment will yield a net gain of $3 billion in economic benefits for the state by reducing utility bills. 'This efficiency campaign will avoid the need to build three large power plants,' says Brian Prusnek, a senior staff member at the California Public Utilities Commission. 'In terms of greenhouse gas emissions, that's the equivalent of taking 650,000 cars off the road. How many other investments yield a 50 percent financial return and reduce pollution?' " 03-06
- Energy Efficiency Standards for Buildings in California (Energy.ca.gov)
"The Energy Commission adopted the 2005 Standards on November 5, 2003, and the Building Standards Commission adopted them on July 21, 2004." 03-06
- Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (U.S. Department of Energy)
Provides information on various federal projects, organized by type of renewable energy source. 9-05
- Energy Resources of the USA (EIA.DOE.gov)
Provides information on the energy resources of the nation. "The United States of America is the world's largest energy producer, consumer, and net importer. It also ranks eleventh worldwide in reserves of oil, sixth in natural gas, and first in coal."
"For the electric power sector, coal-fired plants accounted for 53% of generation, nuclear 21%, natural gas 15%, hydroelectricity 7%, oil 3%, geothermal and "other" 1%. During the first eight months of 2004, electric power generation rose about 2.2% year-over-year." 10-05
- Fuel Cells - Hydrogen Storage for Fuel Cells (theAutoChannel.com)
Describes a breakthrough in hydrogen storage, the MAIN barrier to the use of renewable, nonpolluting hydrogen as a fuel source in automobiles. Hydrogen fuel cells can provide up to 2.5 more energy efficiency than fossil fuel power, such as gasoline or diesel. The new storage tank was developed by a team from IMPCO, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratories, Alcoa, and Thiokol Propulsion. 1-01
- How Electricity Gets to Your Home (Howstuffworks.com)
Describes how "power distribution grids" work. Explains alternate current (AC) and direct current (DC), power stations, transmission substations, and more. 5-01
- Micro-CHP Units Heat and Provide Electricity (Christian Science Monitor)
"Since Malin changed his home heating system to micro-CHP in February, 18 other families in the Boston area also have adopted the technology, which squeezes about 90 percent of the useful energy from the fuel. That's triple the efficiency of power delivered over the grid."
"Factories and other industrial facilities have used large CHP systems for years. But until the US debut of micro-systems in greater Boston, the units had not been small enough, cheap enough, and quiet enough for American homes." 11-06
- Six Scientists on the Cutting Edge of Environmental Research (U.S. News)
Provides an update on the work of six scientists. 03-09