- -07-15-05 Judges: EPA Can Decline to Enforce Air Quality (CBS News)
"An effort by a dozen states and several cities to make the Environmental Protection Agency regulate heat-trapping greenhouse gases as air pollutants was rejected Friday by a federal appeals court." 7-05
- -08-22-05 West Coast Unites for Cleaner Air (CBS News)
"Despite an effort by auto industry lobbyists to kill the move, two Pacific Northwest States — Oregon and Washington — are getting ready to adopt California's new vehicle emission standards to reduce greenhouse gases."
"When that happens, California's newly implemented emissions standards — the toughest in the United States — will be in effect along the entire West Coast from Canada to Mexico." 8-05
- -08-24-05 Eastern States to Cut Emissions (CBS News)
"Nine U.S. states have reached a preliminary agreement on an initiative led by New York Governor George Pataki to freeze power plant emissions at current levels and reduce them by 10 percent by 2020." 8-05
- -12-03-05 Congressional Research Service: EPA Slants Findings (Bloomberg.com)
"A Bush administration analysis of air pollution legislation uses assumptions that boost the benefits of its own proposal while overstating the costs of alternatives, according to a report by the Congressional Research Service."
"For example, the EPA assumes the availability of boilermaker labor for installing pollution-control equipment will be limited until 2010. Such a labor shortage would affect only the Carper and Jeffords proposals, which seek steeper emissions cuts sooner."
"Lacking the ability to install pollution controls, coal- fired generators would be forced to shut down in the EPA analysis of Jeffords's proposal. In addition, natural gas-fired and renewable fuel generators would be required at a high cost, the report found."
"Such a labor shortage has been questioned by some, including the Institute of Clean Air Companies, the trade association that represents the air pollution-control industry, the report said." 12-05