- -08-09-14 Editorial: Nixon's Liberal Legacy (Time.com)
"By any definition, Nixon and the Congress achieved a spectacular liberal domestic agenda between 1969 and 1974. 'The War President' was really Lyndon Johnson: The Next Generation, lowering defense spending and pushing Johnson’s commitment to the Great Society. During Nixon’s Presidency, the government slashed its defense budget’s share of the GDP by more than 50% and raised social welfare programs by two-thirds; as Rauch notes, “this was a staggering change to have made in only six years.” Food-stamp benefits, welfare assistance, the minimum wage: they all went up under Nixon." 08-14
- -Yazidi (Wikipedia.org)
"The Yazidi (also Yezidi, Êzidî, Yazdani...) are a Kurdish religious community who practice an ancient religion linked to Zoroastrianism and ancient Mesopotamian religions.[11] They live primarily in the Nineveh Province of northern Iraq, a region once part of ancient Assyria. Additional communities in Armenia, Georgia and Syria have been in decline since the 1990s, their members having migrated to Europe, especially to Germany.[12] The Yazidi believe in God as creator of the world, which he placed under the care of seven 'holy beings' or angels, the 'chief' (archangel) of whom is Melek Taus, the 'Peacock Angel.' " 12-09