- -03-17-07 High School Student Wins Award for Spectograph (ABC News)
"Mary, a senior at Westmore High School in Oklahoma City, won first place in the 2007 Intel Science talent search competition, beating out 40 other contestants and winning a $100,000 college scholarship."
"While these devices already exist, there is one key difference between Masterman's spectrograph and those being used today. Spectrographs can cost a hundred thousand dollars to build, but Mary built hers for $300 out of household parts, and hopes that it might help make research cheaper and easier in the future." 03-07
- -03-17-07 Support for "No Child Left Behind" May Not Hold (USNews.com)
"Today, Bush's signature education law is up for renewal, but Republican loyalty like DeLay's will be harder to come by. Rep. Roy Blunt, the new No. 2 Republican in the House, yesterday joined a group of 57 GOP lawmakers in a revolt. Sens. Mel Martinez and Jon Kyl, the chairs of the Republican National Committee and the Senate Republican Conference, also signed on. Like DeLay, both Blunt and Kyl had supported the law in 2001." 03-07
- -03-25-07 College Rankings (USNews.com)
Provides rankings conducted by US News and World Report. "Princeton tops the annual list of the national universities, while the California Institute of Technology was named the best national value among more than 1,900 schools ranked and reviewed." 03-07
- -05-22-07 Newsweek's Rating of the Top High Schools (MSNBC News)
"Public schools are ranked according to a ratio devised by Jay Mathews: the number of Advanced Placement, Intl. Baccalaureate and/or Cambridge tests taken by all students at a school in 2006 divided by the number of graduating seniors. All of the schools on the list have an index of at least 1.000; they are in the top 5 percent of public schools measured this way." 05-07
- -05-30-07 Alternative for "No Child Left Behind" (Time Magazine)
"Most state education officials grumble that the pressure-packed annual tests and rigid adequate yearly progress (AYP) targets engendered by the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law are flawed means of measuring student proficiency, raising academic standards, holding schools accountable and fostering learning. But since the penalty for defying the law is loss of federal funds, most treat NCLB's prescriptives like bitter medicine they can't afford to spit out. All, that is, except the iconoclasts who run the public schools in Nebraska." 05-07
- -05-30-07 Narrowing the Standards Gap in "No Child Left Behind" (CBS News)
"Georgia is not alone, Wallace reports. Mississippi, Tennessee and Oklahoma are among the states in which students scored high on their state tests but significantly lower on the National Assessment of Educational Progress exam, according to the non-partisan Hoover Institution."
"The problem, say experts, is one word: proficiency." 05-07
- -05-30-07 No National Testing Standards "No Child Left Behind" (CBS News)
"As much as I've heard and read about "No Child Left Behind" (NCLB) — the landmark education bill President Bush signed into law five years ago, I had no idea that every state uses a different test and standard to determine whether its schools are making the required progress under the law."
"It is an issue, we learned, that is debated sharply in education circles — with some states accusing others of lowering the bar by using easier tests and lower standards to make their schools look more successful." 05-07
- -07-26-07 Finished Potter? Rowling Tells What Is Next (USA Today)
"Spoiler alert: This story reveals some key plot points in the final Harry Potter book. So if you've haven't finished the book, J.K. Rowling asks that you not read this story." 07-07
- -08-08-07 Shuttle Endeavor Blasts Off (MSNBC News)
"The space shuttle Endeavour blasted into orbit Wednesday carrying teacher-astronaut Barbara Morgan, who after more than two decades is finally carrying out the dream of Christa McAuliffe and the rest of the fallen Challenger crew." 8-07
- -08-12-07 Hottest Colleges (MSNBC News)
"We've been particularly influenced by the views of high-school counselors, the people most in tune with what matters to the latest wave of college applicants."
"Some of these schools are large. Some are tiny. Some charge more than $40,000 a year and some only a tenth that amount. Some are celebrated, but one was completely unknown to us and several experts we consulted until a well-traveled counselor pointed it out. All the schools have strong programs that can change young lives for the better. Being hot for the moment is as good an excuse as any for applicants to see if one of them might be just right for them." 08-07
- -09-08-07 Senate Passs Bill to Boost Student Aid (CBS News)
"Congress sent President Bush legislation Friday to boost financial aid for college students by cutting some $20 billion in government subsidies to banks that make student loans." 09-07
- Kids Need More Sleep (USNew.com)
"Now that school has started, many parents find themselves struggling to shift their kids back to a working routine. As they shave off time for TV and the Internet to make way for schoolwork, parents may want to add extra for that other big contributor to success at school: sleep. Recent research on kids has connected the importance of sleep not only to cognition, but to behavior and mood as well." 09-07
- -07-22-07 Everything Harry Potter (USA Today)
USA Today provides a variety of resources on Harry Potter. 07-07
- -07-22-07 Rowling Finishes With Harry Potter (USA Today)
"Harry Potter's life hangs in the balance. Millions of fans are holding their breath. Meanwhile, his creator is baking a cake — and keeping her secret." 07-07