- 10-22-05 Bi-Partisan Report: 2004 Election Had Poor Security and Reliability (BradLog.com)
Rep. John Conyers (D-MI), ranking minority member of the House Judiciary Committee said the report by the bi-partisan Government Accountability Office 'lends important credibility to the cause of election reform generally, and more specifically to requiring that every machine have a voter verified paper ballot that is used in election days audits and, if discrepancies are found in those audits, becomes the official record for the election.' "
The name of the report is "Federal Efforts to Improve Security and Reliability of Electronic Voting Systems Are Under Way, but Key Activities Need to Be Completed." (See below under Papers.) 10-05
- 12-11-05 Open Source Software Used in Australia (Wired.com)
"While critics in the United States grow more concerned each day about the insecurity of electronic voting machines, Australians designed a system two years ago that addressed and eased most of those concerns: They chose to make the software running their system completely open to public scrutiny."
"Although a private Australian company designed the system, it was based on specifications set by independent election officials, who posted the code on the Internet for all to see and evaluate. What's more, it was accomplished from concept to product in six months. It went through a trial run in a state election in 2001."
"Called eVACS, or Electronic Voting and Counting System, the system was created by a company called Software Improvements to run on Linux, an open-source operating system available on the Internet." 12-05