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Vote by Mail

  1. Assessment of Vote by Mail in Oregon (Oregon Secretary of State - Southwell)
      Provides the results of a survey to determine the impact of a mail-in voting system of voting patterns. 8-05

  2. Oregon - Mail-In Voting Manual (Oregon Elections)
      Provides a manual for elections workers for following Oregon statutes and administrative rules in implementing vote by mail. 2-05

  3. Oregon - Mail-In Voting System Questions and Answers (Oregon Elections)
      Provides questions and answers regarding the Oregon mail-in voting system. Oregon is the first state to implement a mail-in voting system. The Oregon system reduces opportunities for voter suppression (no long lines or queries at the polling stations), provides a paper ballot, provides public access to observe each step in the process, and provides an opportunity for the individual voter and each political party to confirm if an individual's vote was received. Individuals and each political party can also determine which individuals are registered to vote well before the voting deadline.

      Oregon also conducts a county by county assessment of accessibility to the elections office for persons with disabilities.1-05

  4. Oregon - Transparency in Voting System (Oregon Elections)
      "All steps of the process are open to observation by the public. The major steps include:

      -Preparation for mailing (about one month before the election).
      -Ballot reception and signature verification (during the two weeks before the election).
      -Opening envelopes and preparing ballots to be counted (usually starts 5 days before the election date).
      -Counting ballots (election day)."

      Oregon also conducts a county by county assessment of accessibility to the elections office for persons with disabilities.1-05

  5. Oregon Implementation of the Help America Vote Act (Oregon Elections)
      Provides information on the Oregon implementation of HAVA. Oregon is the first state to implement a mail-in voting system. The Oregon system reduces opportunities for voter suppression (no long lines or queries at the polling stations), provides a paper ballot, and provides an opportunity for the individual voter and each political party to confirm if an individual's vote was received. Individuals and each political party can also determine which individuals are registered to vote well before the voting deadline.

      Oregon also conducts a county by county assessment of accessibility to the elections office for persons with disabilities.1-05

  6. Vote By Mail Manual from Oregon (
      Provides a clear outline of Oregon's voting system. 11-06

  7. Vote by Mail Guide (Daily Kos)
      Provides a state by state guide to voting by mail.

  8. Vote by Mail in Oregon (Oregon Secretary of State)
      Provides resources on the Oregon system of mail-in voting. This system is not the same as absentee voting. 8-05


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