Also TryPapers
- Bridges in Architecture
- How to Build a Bridge (PBS.org)
Provides 4 potential building sites and then goes from there.
- America's Deferred Maintenance of Infrastructure (Christian Science Monitor)
"About one-quarter of America’s 577,000 bridges were rated deficient in 2004." 08-07
- Design Flaw in Minnesota Bridge (MSNBC News)
"Investigators have found what may be a design flaw in the bridge that collapsed here a week ago, in the steel parts that connect girders, raising safety concerns for other bridges around the country, federal officials said on Wednesday." 8-07
- How the Minneapolis Bridge Failed (New York Times)
Shows how the Minneapolis, Minnesota bridge failed and how bridges with similar structure are vulnerable to failure. 08-07
- The Condition and Inspections of BridgesDesign (MSNBC News)
"Enter a starting point and destination to see the condition and inspection dates of spans you cross." 01-08