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  1. Civil Liberties and Security
  2. Leadership in Business
  3. Young Leaders
  1. -03-10-09 Study: Power Breeds Competence (
      "Power breeds competence, not corruption, according to a new study in the May issue of Psychological Science. The study, a collaboration between U.S. and Dutch researchers, finds that if people feel powerful in their roles, they may be less likely to make on-the-job errors — like administering the wrong medication to a patient. Contrary to conventional wisdom, the study suggests that people at the bottom of the workplace totem pole don't end up there for lack of ability, but rather that being low and powerless in a hierarchy leads to more mistakes." 03-09

  2. -03-10-09 You've Made a Mistake at Work. Now What? (U.S. News)
      "When you make a mistake at work, how you handle its immediate aftermath can often overshadow the mistake itself." 05-09

  3. -04-03-08 Crisis in Leadership (US News)
      "Talk about a tough crowd. Americans have steadily lost confidence in their leaders since 2005—the year the government bungled its handling of Hurricane Katrina—according to the third annual Center for Public Leadership/U.S. News poll conducted this fall. More than three quarters of the respondents say they believe the country is going through a leadership crisis, up 7 percent from last year, a trend stretching across all demographic and political groups. Nearly 80 percent feel that unless it gets better leaders, the country will decline, while 51 percent believe that the United States is already falling behind other nations. And about two thirds say that today's leaders pale in comparison with those of 20 years ago." 04-08

  4. -04-03-08 Giving Hillary Clinton Credit for SCHIP (US News)
      "Despite disparagement from political rivals, we find she deserves ample credit for expanding children's health insurance." 04-08

  1. -Five Ways to Express Confidence (Huffington Post)
      "Know how to speak with power. Deepen your voice. Speak first. Speak often. Repeat yourself. Interrupt people. Don’t laugh." 04-15

  2. -Why Powerful People Overestimate Themselves (
      " 'By producing an illusion of personal control,' the authors write, 'power may cause people to lose touch with reality in ways that lead to overconfident decision-making.' " 03-09

  3. 12 Leaders Under 40 to Watch (
      "This is no runners-up list—we’re watching these 12 high-flying individuals closely, and you ought to be, too." 11-14

  4. America's Best Leaders (
      Provides profiles of ten persons that U.S. News and World Report staff see as our best leaders. 03-07

  5. Crisis Leadership Issues (
      Provides articles related to crisis leadership. 11-05

  6. Editorial: Critical Command ( - Coffey)
      "It is my opinion that we can glean insights from analysis of actions at past incidents and if done correctly, integrate lessons learned into our “toolbox” of improved response techniques and decision making. The main question is: How do we do this effectively? It is critical to properly assess the dysfunctions and craft systemic change, because if one fails to diagnose the key pieces of the puzzle, the risk becomes one of a Rube Goldberg solution rather than a simple yet effective one." 11-05

  7. Editorial: Disaster Planning on the Cheap is a Disaster ( - Mitroff)
      "Both the Asian tsunami and Hurricane Katrina should teach us that there is now a seamless connection between 'natural' and 'human-caused' crises. As sure as night follows day, one inevitably follows the other. Indeed, the time between them has essentially shrunk to zero. The initial natural crisis and the resulting human-caused crises are so interconnected that they can no longer be viewed as two separate events but rather as two overlapping phases of the same phenomenon."

      "The clock for the next crisis is already ticking. It never sleeps. It is already recording how well and how poorly we have been doing in preparing for the next crisis. Is anyone learning?" 11-05

  8. Editorial: Feeling Is Believing ( - Chussil)
      "We know it’s critical to train emergency responders - law enforcement, fire fighters, medics, Coast Guard, and so on - and we do that well. Only now, after Hurricane Katrina, are we realizing how critical it is to train leaders, too." 11-05

  9. Editorial: Responding to Crises ( - Tammen)
      "The governor and the mayor had been vocal in their calls for assistance, but they had little in the way of resources to commit. FEMA was noted by its absence in what will go down in history as a criminally inept performance. Hope was fading fast and the fabric of society was being torn apart as a consequence. And then the military arrived, restoring faith and inspiration to those who had little of either."

      "Why was the military institution the only efficient and effective force in this situation? Why did the picture of men and women in uniform, under command, so reassure the survivors and those looking on from afar? It would be easy to argue that the military establishment has the resources - personnel, equipment, and mobility - to get the job done. But that conclusion alone would hide the most significant element in this equation."

      "The reason why military units are effective has to do with training." 11-05

  10. Editorial: Why We Still Don't Have Effective Leadership After a Disaster ( - Adams)
      "We all know how government works: The president is in charge of the governors. The governors are in charge of the mayors. The mayors are in charge of the cities. We have a clear chain of command, right?"

      "Not right, of course. The United States does not have such a hierarchical command and control structure for government."

      "In a disaster, context changes rapidly, communications are typically weak, and command and control can easily fall apart. What is needed for us to have good leadership during and after a disaster: clear command and control authority."

      In addition, "Each city and municipality needs to know for certain that its leaders are ready for the next disaster by practicing, improving, and assessing preparedness in simulations."

      "We sometimes say that two things in life are certain: death and taxes. Actually, three things are certain: death, taxes and disasters. Many of us plan for death and taxes: How can we not plan for disasters?" 11-05

  11. Leadership Program of Ex-Presidents Issues (MSNBC News)
      Provides a brief description of the program.

  12. Leadership Training (Center for Public Leadership)
      Provides training for leaders. 03-07

  13. Mayors Transforming Their Cities (
      "The trend is not only taking place on a national level -- mayors around the world are transforming their cities with flair and enthusiasm. The WorldPost went on a tour around the world to present you with some of our favorite mayoral characters." 08-14

  14. Spheres of Influence (
      Estimates how many people are led by the Time 100 picks of leaders. 04-13

  15. Time's 100 Most Influential People (
      Provides Time's choices. 04-14

  16. Why Ignorant People Think They Are Experts (
      " 'The fool doth think he is wise, but the wise man knows himself to be a fool,' wrote Shakespeare in As You Like It. Little did he know, but this line perfectly encapsulates the spirit of the Dunning-Kruger effect."


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