Lesson PlansLists
- Perfect President (PBS - Teacher Source)
Provides a lesson for students to help them become clearer about qualifications for president of the United States. 2-01
- Presidents - Inauguration of the Presidents (PBS)
Extends to the current inauguration.
- American Presidents (Matlick)
Provides biographies, quotes, data, and reference materials related to each U.S. President, as well as the institution of the presidency itself. One of the most comprehensive sources of information on the American President. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers
- First Ladies of Presidents (UNC)
Provides information on the first ladies of the United States. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers 10-09
- Historian Views: Top 20 American Presidents (USAToday.com)
"It's the first time Obama was eligible for the Presidential Historians Survey, which asked 91 historians to rank all 43 former presidents across 10 categories. Those include 'Pursued Equal Justice for All,' in which Obama ranked 3rd, and 'Relations with Congress,' in which he ranked 39th."
"Abraham Lincoln retained his top spot for the third time in the poll, which debuted in 2000 and last took place in 2009. Other consistently high-ranking presidents include George Washington, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Theodore Roosevelt, all of whom made the top five overall in each survey." 02-17
- Portraits of American Presidents (History Place)
Provides pictures of the American Presidents, in the order they served.
- Historians Rank the Presidents of the USA (MSNBC News)
"Just days after Americans honored the 200th anniversary of his birth, 65 historians ranked Abraham Lincoln as the best U.S. president."
"Former President George W. Bush, who left office last month, was ranked 36th out of the 42 men who had been chief executive by the end of 2008, according to a survey conducted by the cable channel C-SPAN."
"Bush scored lowest in international relations, where he was ranked 41st, and in economic management, where he was ranked 40th. His highest ranking, 24th, was in the category of pursuing equal justice for all. He was ranked 25th in crisis leadership and vision and agenda setting." 02-09
- -Presidents of the United States (POTUS - Summers)
Presents a very comprehensive and well organized set of facts and links regarding each President of the United States of America (USA). The American Presidents include first (1st) George Washington, second (2nd) John Adams, third (3rd) Thomas Jefferson, fourth (4th) James Madison, fifth (5th) James Monroe, sixth (6th) John Quincy Adams, seventh (7th) Andrew Jackson, eighth (8th) Martin Van Buren, ninth (9th) William Henry Harrison, tenth (10th) John Tyler, eleventh (11th) James Knox Polk, twelfth (12th) Zachary Taylor, thirteenth (13th) Millard Fillmore, fourteenth (14th) Franklin Pierce, fifteenth (15th) James Buchanan, sixteenth (16th) Abraham Lincoln, seventeenth (17th) Andrew Johnson, eighteenth (18th) Ulysses Simpson Grant, nineteenth (19th) Rutherford Birchard Hayes, twentieth (20th) James Abram Garfield, twenty-first (21st) Chester Alan Arthur, twenty-second (22nd) Grover Cleveland, twenty-third (23rd) Benjamin Harrison, twenty-fourth (24th) Grover Cleveland, twenty-fifth (25th) William McKinley, twenty-sixth (26th) Theodore Roosevelt, twenty-seventh (27th) William Howard Taft, twenty-eighth (28th) Woodrow Wilson, twenty-ninth (29th) Warren Gamaliel Harding, thirtieth (30th) Calvin Coolidge, thirty-first (31st) Herbert Clark Hoover, thirty-second (32nd) Franklin Delano Roosevelt, thirty-third (33rd) Harry S. Truman, thirty-fourth (34th) Dwight David Eisenhower, thirty-fifth (35th) John Fitzgerald Kennedy, thirty-sixth (36th) Lyndon Baines Johnson, thirty-seventh (37th) Richard Milhous Nixon, thirty-eighth (38th) Gerald Rudolph Ford, thirty-ninth (39th) James Earl Carter, Jr., fortieth (40th) Ronald Wilson Reagan, forty-first (41st) George Herbert Walker Bush, forty-second (42nd) William Jefferson Clinton, George Walker Bush (43rd). 1-05
- -Presidents of the United States (PresidentS)
Provides information on the presidents of the United States. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers 10-09
- -Roosevelt, Theodore (POTUS)
Presents a very comprehensive and well organized set of facts and links regarding President Theodore Roosevelt.
- Close Presidential Elections in the Past (Infoplease.com)
Provides comparisons of past presidential elections that were close. 11-00
- First Ladies of Presidents (UNC)
Provides information on the first ladies of the United States. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers 10-09
- First Ladies of the United States (Virtualology)
Presents, in alphabetical order, a profile for each First Lady of the United States of America (USA). The First Ladies include Martha Washington, Abigail Adams, Martha Jefferson, Dolley Madison, Elizabeth Monroe, Louisa Adams, Rachel Jackson, Hannah Van Buren, Anna Harrison, Letitia Tyler, Julia Tyler, Sarah Polk, Margaret Taylor, Abigail Fillmore, Jane Pierce, Mary Todd Lincoln, Eliza Johnson, Julia Grant, Lucy Hayes, Lucretia Garfield, Ellen Arthur, Frances Cleveland, Caroline Harrison, Ida McKinley, Edith Roosevelt, Helen Taft, Ellen Wilson, Edith Wilson, Florence Harding, Grace Coolidge, Lou Hoover, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth (Bess) Truman, Mamie Eisenhower, Jacqueline (Jackie) Kennedy, Claudia Alta (Lady Bird) Johnson, Pat Nixon, Betty Ford, Rosalyn Carter, Nancy Reagan, Barbara Bush, Hillary Clinton, and Laura Bush. 5-01
- Historians Rank the Presidents of the USA (C-SPAN)
"Timed for Presidents Day 2009, C-SPAN today releases the results of its second Historians Survey of Presidential Leadership, in which a cross-section of 65 presidential historians ranked the 42 former occupants of the White House on ten attributes of leadership." 02-09
- Inaugural Addresses of Presidents of the United States (Bartleby)
Provides the speeches of Presidents as the took office.11-01
- Objects Related to the American Presidents (Smithsonian Institute)
Provides pictures of objects related to some of the more famous American Presidents. 10-04
- Pardon Power of the President (Jurist)
Provides the basis in the U.S. Constitution for a president's power to grant pardons. 3-01
- Pardons by Presidents (Jurist)
Provides the number of pardons given by each U.S. president. 3-01
- Presidential Libraries
Provides information on the presidents of the United States. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers. 10-09
- Presidential Personalities (American Psychological Association)
"As part of their The Personality and the President Project, psychologist Steven J Rubenzer, Ph.D., of Houston, Texas and co-authors Thomas Faschingbauer, Ph.D., of Richmond Texas and Deniz S. Ones, Ph.D., of the University of Minnesota, used several objective personality instruments to analyze the assessments made by more than one hundred presidential experts who were instructed to assess the lives of presidents they studied. The experts were instructed to look only at the five-year period before their respective subject became president to avoid the influence that life in the White House might have had on their behavior."
"Results of the research indicate that great presidents, besides being stubborn and disagreeable, are more extraverted, open to experience, assertive, achievement striving, excitement seeking and more open to fantasy, aesthetics, feelings, actions, ideas and values. Historically great presidents were low on straightforwardness, vulnerability and order."
"Achievement striving was found to be one of the best correlates of greatness in the oval office and competence was also a big predictor of presidential success." 12-03
- Presidential Speeches (U.S. News)
"Short words and clauses were the order, with simplicity and clarity the goal. A self-described "idealist without illusions," JFK preferred a cool, cerebral approach and had little use for florid expression and complex prose. He liked alliteration, "not solely for reasons of rhetoric but to reinforce the audience's recollection of his reasoning." His taste for contrapuntal phrasing—never negotiating out of fear but never fearing to negotiate—illustrated his dislike of extreme opinions and options." 05-08
- Presidents of the United States (White House)
Provides information on the presidents of the United States. leaders, rulers, Presidents, and Prime Ministers 1-01
- Vice Presidents of the United States (Virtualology)
Presents, in alphabetical order, a profile for each Vice President of the United States of America (USA). The Vice Presidents include John Adams, Spiro T. Agnew, Chester A. Arthur, Alben W. Barkley, John C. Breckinridge, Aaron Burr, George H. W. Bush, John Calhoun, Richard B. Cheney, George Clinton, Schuyler Colfax, Calvin Coolidge, Charles Curtis, George M. Dallas, Charles Dawes, Charles Fairbanks, Millard Fillmore, Gerald Ford, John N. Garner, Elbridge Gerry, Albert Gore, Jr., Hannibal Hamlin, Thomas A. Hendricks, Garret A. Hobart, Hubert H. Humphrey, Thomas Jefferson, Andrew Johnson, Lyndon B. Johnson, Richard M. Johnson, William R. King, Thomas R. Marshall, Walter Mondale, Levi P. Morton, Richard M. Nixon, Dan Quayle, Nelson A. Rockefeller, Theodore Roosevelt, James S. Sherman, Adlai E. Stevenson, Daniel D. Tompkins, Harry S. Truman, John Tyler, Martin Van Buren, Henry A. Wallace, William Wheeler, and Henry Wilson. Visitors sometimes misspell as vise-president, vice-president, or vise president.