- Chemists - Biographies (Virtual Library)
Provides an alphabetic list of biographies of persons famous in chemistry. 02-06
- Architects - Biographies (About.com - Craven)
Provides biographies of some of the most influential architects. 3-01
- Chemistry Nobel Laureates Since 1900 (Nobel Foundation)
Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in chemistry during the 20th century. Explains the development of chemistry since 1900. 9-00
- Economics - Nobel Laureates Since 1981 (Nobel Foundation)
Provides short biographies of the Nobel laureates in economics since 1981. 9-00
- Medicine Nobel Laureates Since 1900 (Nobel Foundation)
Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in medicine during the 20th century. 9-00
- Medicine and Health Biographies (PBS)
Provides biographies of key contributors to western medicine and health over the 20th century. Also lists and describes key contributions to the fields on a timeline. 3-00
- Men and Women of Science (University of Michigan)
Provides biograpical information on leading contributors to science. Presents the information at three levels of difficulty and by time period.
- Physics Nobel Laureates Since 1981(Nobel Foundation)
Provides short autobiographies of the Nobel laureates in physics since 1981. 9-00
- Scientists and Inventors - African American (InfoPlease.com)
Provides biographies. 1-05
- Scientists' Biographies (PBS)
Provides biographies of scientists from the fields of medicine and health, physics and astronomy, human behavior, technology, and earth and life sciences. 3-00