- -Genealogy Links (Howell)
Cyndi's List provides over 41,000 genealogy links worldwide. 9-05
- Genealogy - Search for Historical Surnames (GeneaNet)
Provides links to individuals on the database with the selected surname, including birthdate and country .
- Genealogy Best Links (Rand)
Provides three search tools, tips, historical information, ethnic resources, reference information, and specific surname family trees.
- Ancestor Search (MyFamily.com - Ancestry.com)
Locate ancestors within the US. Includes data from the U.S. Census from 1790 through 1930.
- Genealogy for Kids - Worksheets (USGenWeb - Pavey)
Provides worksheets to help students conduct genealogy research. Visitors sometimes misspell as geneology or geniology. 1-02