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- How to "Survive" a Nuclear Attack (Ted.com)
"The face of nuclear terror has changed since the Cold War, but disaster-medicine expert Irwin Redlener reminds us the threat is still real. He looks at some of history's farcical countermeasures and offers practical advice on how to survive an attack." He has these suggestions: 1. Don't look toward the bomb; you could be blinded; 2. You have 15 -20 minutes to get at least 1.2 miles away from the bomb site before the nuclear materials fall upon you and kill you; go away from the direction of the wind 3. If you cannot get away, go at least 9 stories up in a building or down into a basement that is closed off; 4. Get rid of your clothes and shower off quickly to get rid of nuclear material that may have gotten on your clothes; 5. Keep your mouth and nose covered with cloth while you are escaping to minimize material that you breathe; 7. Stay sheltered at least 48 hours; and 6. Get medical attention as quickly as possible.
Editor's Note: There may be a drug that will act as an antidote for nuclear poisoning. 09-08
- Essay - North Korea's Nuclear Capacity (Time - Karon)
"Two weeks ago, North Korea vindicated Bush in spades, when the country's second most-powerful official told U.S. diplomat James Kelly that Pyongyang has, indeed, been running a secret nuclear weapons program, in violation of a 1994 agreement with the U.S." 12-02
- Essay - North Korea's Nuclear Capacity (YellowTimes.org - Pulcifer)
"The Bush administration has spun North Korea's admission of enriching uranium into an unexpected and ghastly act. For anyone familiar with the United States' dealings with North Korea, it is surprising Pyongyang hasn't made such a move earlier." 12-02
- Essay - North Korea's Nuclear Capacity (YellowTimes.org)
"North Korea's recent admission of enriching uranium for the purpose of creating a nuclear weapon may be an attempt to foil the U.S. strategy of keeping North Korea a public threat in order to facilitate the creation of the Theater Missile Defense (TMD) system." 12-02
- Mutually Assured Destruction (MAD) Doctrine (FreeDictionary.com)
A cold war doctrine where an attack by one side assured the destruction of both nations, and perhaps life on earth. 10-05
- National Missile Defense - Global Nuclear Arsenel (BBC News)
Describes how many nuclear warheads each country has and the distance it can deliver them. 7-01
- Nuclear Arms Treaty to Reduce USA and Russian Stockpiles (BBC News)
Russia and the USA will sign a treaty to reduce nuclear stockpiles. "The two leaders hope to cut the number of nuclear warheads on each side from their current levels of between 6,000 and 7,000 to between 1,700 and 2,200 over the next 10 years." 5-02
- Nuclear Risks Grow (Independent - Popham)
"At least as damaging as North Korea's departure [from the non-proliferation ban] have been successive moves by Washington to distance itself from nuclear disarmament."
"In the run-up to the Iraq war, the US President, George Bush, signed National Security Presidential Directive 17, which said: 'The United States will continue to make clear that it reserves the right to respond with overwhelming force – including potentially nuclear weapons....' "
"This assertion, analysts say, undermined...the so-called 'negative security assurances'...not to use nuclear weapons against the non-nuclear weapon states."
"The assurances were considered vital in discouraging states from developing their own nuclear weapons.""More and more states are likely to buy the argument that the only way to be secure in a unipolar world is to go down the nuclear road – 'to pre-empt pre-emption', one analyst said." 4-03
- Nuclear Terrorism a Global Security Priority (ABC News)
"World leaders from 47 countries are descending on Washington, D.C., this week for an unprecedented summit to discuss what is arguably one of the most pressing global security questions: What can be done to prevent a nuclear weapons attack by terrorists?" 04-10
- Response to an Unthinkable Attack (New York Times)
"Suppose the unthinkable happened, and terrorists struck New York or another big city with an atom bomb. What should people there do? The government has a surprising new message: Do not flee. Get inside any stable building and don’t come out till officials say it’s safe." 12-10
- View - U.S. Increasing Reliance on Nuclear Weapons (NRDC)
"The logic and assumptions underlying the administration's hostility to arms control, and its infatuation with nuclear weapons, deserve vigorous public scrutiny and debate. Not since the resurgence of the Cold War in Ronald Reagan's first term has there been such an emphasis on nuclear weapons in U.S. defense strategy." 6-03