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September 11th

Freedom Tower

Also Try
  1. Helping Children Cope
  2. Heroes and Heroism
  3. September 11 Archives
  4. Terrorism
Lesson Plans
  1. September 11th Related Lessons (New York Times)
      "Interdisciplinary lessons developed in partnership with The Bank Street College of Education in New York City. For grades 6-12." 2-02

  1. Rise of the One World Trade Center (CBS News)
      Uses time-lapse video to show progress.

  1. 9-11 Commission Report - Full Text (CNN News)
      Provides the full text of the 9-11 Commission report and the failures that allowed 9-11 and recommendations to prevent another catastrophe. 09-08

  2. 9-11 Commission Report - Questions and Answers (CNN News)
      Provides key questions and answers related to the report. Examples include:

      "The commission had already stated that it had found no credible evidence that Iraq and al-Qaeda co-operated in the attacks - members of the administration had previously made repeated references to links between the two."

      "In a further report which has already been published, the commission said US air defences were disastrously unprepared for the terror attacks, that officials had to improvise and that orders to shoot down the planes were not relayed in time." 09-08

  3. A List of Victims of September 11th (Fox News)
      Provides a list of victims of September 11th, including 2,819 at the World Trade Center, 189 at the Pentagon, 92 aboard Flight 11, 64 aboard Flight 77, 65 aboard Flight 175, and 45 aboard Flight 93. 09-08

  4. Collapse of the World Trade Center (CBS News)
      Reports on the causes of the collapse of the towers. 5-02

  5. Damage to New York City (CNN)
      Shows the amount of damage to buildings in New York City on September 11th by color. Also called 911, 9-11, or 9/11. 10-01

  6. Flight 93 Heroes (CNN News)
      "A year after their heroic deeds aboard Flight 93, the 40 passengers and crew were honored Wednesday as courageous 'citizen soldiers' who won the first battle in the war against terrorism." 09-08

  7. Hero in the Red Bandanna - Welles Crowther (Fox News)
      "The man, who was carrying a woman on his back and a red bandanna in his hand, led the group to the stairwell. He gave Young a fire extinguisher, told the group to stay together and continue down the stairs. Then the young man went back upstairs to help others." 09-08

  8. Moussaoui, Zacarias (
      "He is the only person in the United States to have been charged in connection with the September 11 attacks. On May 3, 2006, a jury recommended that he be sentenced to life imprisonment without the possibility of parole." 09-08

  9. September 11th (
      "The September 11, 2001 attacks were a series of coordinated attacks carried out against the United States on Tuesday, September 11, 2001. According to the official 9/11 Commission Report, nineteen men affiliated with al-Qaeda, a network of militant Islamist organizations, hijacked four American airliners. Two were crashed into the World Trade Center in Manhattan, New York City — one into each of the two tallest towers, about 17 minutes apart — shortly after which both towers collapsed. The third aircraft crashed into the U.S. Department of Defense headquarters, the Pentagon, in Arlington County, Virginia. The fourth plane crashed into a rural field in Somerset County, Pennsylvania, 80 miles east of Pittsburgh, following passenger resistance." 09-08

  10. September 11th Family Turns Loss into Hope (ABC News)
      "[Sally] Goodrich and her husband, Don, decided to build a school in Afghanistan as a living memorial to their son." 09-08

  11. September 11th Recordings (CBS News)
      "The Fire Department on Friday released thousands of pages of oral histories recorded by firefighters about Sept. 11 and hours of radio transmissions, a vast mine of records that evoked anew the chaos and horror of the attack." 09-08

  12. Tracing Lung Ailments to Ground Zero (New York Times)
      "Some of the people working in the cleanup and recovery effort after Sept. 11 wore masks, but the most effective ones were effective for no more than 20 minutes."

      "As they push their investigation into the health risks to workers in the recovery and cleanup operations at ground zero, medical detectives are focusing on a group of lung diseases that can lead to long-term disabilities and, in some cases, death."

      "The most worrisome to medical experts are granulomatous pulmonary diseases, which show a particular type of swirling marks left on the lungs by foreign matter like dust. Doctors say the severity of the disease is often dictated by a patient's genetic makeup. The diseases include pulmonary fibrosis and sarcoidosis, a sometimes fatal disorder that can be set off when exposure to dust causes the body's immune system to attack itself." 09-08

  1. September 11th Families for Peace (
      "Peaceful Tomorrows is an organization founded by family members of those killed on September 11th who have united to turn our grief into action for peace. By developing and advocating nonviolent options and actions in the pursuit of justice, we hope to break the cycles of violence engendered by war and terrorism. Acknowledging our common experience with all people affected by violence throughout the world, we work to create a safer and more peaceful world for everyone." 09-08


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