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- -01-12-12 Ultralights or Ultrabooks: 12 New for 2012 (Time.com)
"Though the Envy 14 Spectre may have gotten the crowds talking, it was certainly not the only one people were talking about. The Ultrabook, as a new sector of consumer products, attacking the Air both from below by undercutting its price and head-on with bold new designs, seemingly arose from nowhere here at CES 2012. Below, we've compiled all of the Ultrabooks introduced, with pictures, specs, and pricing and availability where available." 01-12
- -01-12-12 Ultralights or Ultrabooks: What's New in 2012 (Huffington Post)
"Though the Envy 14 Spectre may have gotten the crowds talking, it was certainly not the only one people were talking about. The Ultrabook, as a new sector of consumer products, attacking the Air both from below by undercutting its price and head-on with bold new designs, seemingly arose from nowhere here at CES 2012. Below, we've compiled all of the Ultrabooks introduced, with pictures, specs, and pricing and availability where available." 01-12
- -01-23-14 Biggest Internet Failure in History (New York Times)
"The story behind what may have been the biggest Internet failure in history involves an unlikely cast of characters, including a little-known company in a drab building in Wyoming and the world’s most elite army of Internet censors a continent away in China." 01-14
- -01-24-10 Best in Show (ABC News)
"At the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas Jan. 9, 2010, CNET announced the gadgets that won Best of CES in each category, as well as the product that won the overall Best in Show award." 01-10
- -02-04-13 How the Tablet Is Disrupting the PC Market (Time.com)
"The tablet accomplished something many in the PC industry did not see coming. Its form, function, and touch user interface adequately served the mass market needs uniquely. In fact, Steve Jobs said it best at the launch of the iPad: 'The iPad is more intimate than a notebook, and more capable than a smartphone.' "
"Believe it or not, this is exactly what the mass market needed." 02-13
- -02-09-15 Google Dominating Digital Advertising (SiteProNews.com)
"Advertising in the U.S. hit $36.6 billion in 2012, and the majority of the funds were gobbled up by the two technology giants."
" 'If you exclude Google and Facebook,' Pivotal Research analyst Brian Wieser told the New York Post. 'There’s almost no growth. It’s Google uber alles, they’re taking all the share and Yahoo and AOL have been sucking wind.' "
"For instance, of the $19 billion spent on search each year — search being the largest area of online advertising — Google enjoys a whopping 95 percent share." 02-15
- -02-19-14 Why Netflix Is Slowing Down (Time.com)
"An escalating battle between Netflix and the largest Internet service providers is degrading service for the streaming video company’s customers, according to multiple reports. The dispute, which involves secret negotiations about how Internet traffic is routed, has spilled into public view as the relationship between giant broadband providers like Verizon and online content companies like Netflix continues to deteriorate." 02-14
- -02-26-13 Google Rises as Apple Falls (Time.com)
"The U.S. technology industry is one of the most dynamic in the world, particularly with respect to mobile and Internet-based computing, two areas that are evolving at breakneck speed. Things can happen very quickly in the tech space: One day you’re up, the next day you’re down. Take Apple and Google, two tech titans currently battling for dominance in the mobile Internet wars. Over the last several months, Google shares have increased by nearly 20% — last week topping $800 — while Apple shares have fallen by more than 30%." 02-13
- -03-07-12 Apple Introduces High Resolution iPad (CNN News)
" 'I grabbed the kids and I wasn't letting go,' Decker told CBS News from her hospital bed in Louisville, Ky. 'If they were going to fly, I was going to fly with them. It happened so quickly - the tornado, but the rest of it felt like an eternity' " 03-12
- -03-07-15 The Most Influential People on the Internet (Time.com)
"Yes, it helps to be famous in real life. But the rise of social networks has leveled the playing field, allowing unknowns to command audiences rivaling those of real-world leaders, even if by accident. Who rises above the rest? To determine the unranked list, we analyzed social-media followings, site traffic, overall ability to drive news, and more." 03-15
- -03-12-10 Smartphones Change the Way We Travel (USA Today)
"Few Americans remain untouched by the effects of the mobile Internet. But the tech industry's core mission of getting people to lead untethered lives inevitably invites road warriors such as Monroe as early adopters of all their bells and whistles. The travel industry has responded with some of the most innovative applications available on smartphones. And more are coming." 03-10
- -04-03-11 Google Kills Android Malware (CSOnline.com)
"For only the second time, Google last weekend remotely deleted Android apps from users' phones."
"Google made the move to erase malware-infected applications that users had downloaded from the Android Market, the company's official e-store." 04-11
- -04-25-12 "Best" Widgets for 2012 (Time.com)
"With all due respect to smartphone apps, sometimes you don’t want to open a new program just to get some quick info or perform a minor task. That’s where Android widgets come in handy, bringing the functionality of those apps right to the phone’s home screen. But not all widgets are wonderful. Some are glorified app launchers, while others are downright ugly. Here are the 12 best widgets that no discerning Android user should be without." 04-12
- -04-25-12 Sleep Monitor (Time.com)
"The $199 SleepClock, which looks like a bulky iPhone speaker dock, isn’t the first sleep monitor on the market, but it’s the only one I know of that doesn’t require users to wear anything. Instead, it captures your tiniest movements through a low-power radio frequency emitter while perched on a nightstand, and records the data to an iPhone, iPod Touch or iPad."
"In the morning, you find out how long you slept, how much of that was deep sleep, how long it took you to fall asleep and how many times you woke up during the night. With time, the app can provide weekly, monthly and yearly averages." 04-12
- -05-07-14 The Heartbleed Bug (TechTalk)
"An incredibly large number of websites, email servers and virtual private networks (VPNs) use security software called OpenSSL to shield communications between your computer and their servers." 05-14
- -07-06-12 Check Your Computer for the DNSChanger Virus (CBS News)
"The malware no longer circulates the Web, but your PC might be infected and you could be unaware. (Though to be honest, the odds are low -- especially if you run any sort of anti-virus or anti-malware software.) To be sure, though, visit dns-ok-us to run a quick check to see if your computer is infected. Also go to the DNSChanger Working Group's website for more detailed testing information and for instructions on how to rid your network of the malware." 07-12
- -07-09-17 Uber Income (Time.com)
"How much money do Uber drivers really earn?" 07-17
- -07-13-13 Court Ruling: Apple Violated Antitrust Law (Business.Time.com)
"Apple suffered a major legal defeat this week when a federal judge ruled that the tech giant violated U.S. antitrust law by orchestrating a conspiracy with five big publishers to raise electronic book prices. Consumers won’t feel much immediate impact from the decision, however, because e-book prices have fallen sharply since the publishers agreed to settle the charges before Apple’s trial." 07-13
- -07-21-13 The New World of Page Ranking (SiteProNews.com)
"If your sole focus as a company investing in SEO is to see a high Google page rank, stop the obsession – now. High rankings don’t equate to a stellar business profile; revenues do. And now that page rankings are becoming varied, it’s much less reliable to equate a high ranking to full-scale success. So putting all your eggs in one proverbial basket is not only risky, it’s now completely illogical." 07-13
- -07-24-10 Internet Addresses Running Out (CNN News)
"IP addresses are numbers assigned to all of the devices -- computers, phones, cars, wireless sensors, etc. -- that log on to the internet."
"According to the blog ReadWriteWeb, the internet is changing and evolving so quickly -- with so many new types of devices connecting -- that we're running out of numbers to assign to all of these Web-enabled electronics." 07-10
- -07-27-13 Google Introduces a New TV Remote Control (Techland.Time.com)
"When Google announced the Chromecast this week, I didn’t expect the traditional remote to have such vocal defenders."
"Google’s $35 dongle allows you to play Netflix, YouTube and Google Play videos on your television, using any iPhone, iPad or Android device as a remote control." 07-13
- -07-27-15 Microsoft Releases Windows 10 (CBS News)
"Microsoft's new Windows 10 operating system debuts Wednesday, as the longtime leader in PC software hopes that giving the upgrade away for free will help it carve out a new role in a world where people increasingly rely on smartphones, tablets and information stored online." 07-15
- -08-10-10 Is the Google-Verizon Proposal a Setback for Net Neutrality? (Time.com)
"As recently as last week, Google Inc. was generally known as the nation's largest and most vocal advocate of Net neutrality — the principle that any bit of data online should be allowed to travel just as fast as any other bit, allowing the high school kid in his bedroom to compete on the same viral playing field as a multinational corporation with a server farm."
"But that was then, before Google's announcement Monday of a controversial policy proposal with Verizon that would allow for Internet service providers to prioritize data traffic delivered through mobile devices and new premium broadband subscription services." 04-10
- -08-15-13 Wireless Devices That Don't Need Batteries (Techland.Time.com)
"Potentially coolest of all: The UW engineers say the technology could be paired with existing powered devices like smartphones and tablets so that you could still use them to send text messages after the battery dies.” 08-13
- -08-21-11 How the U.S. Compares with Other Countries on Bandwidth Usage (Time.com)
"The U.S. has the most subscribers of any other country at 302.9 million, followed by Japan with less than half as many at 117.1 million. And U.S. cell phone customers use more minutes on average than any other country's subscribers at 793 minutes per month, followed by France at just 231. Yet the average price of a minute in the U.S. is the lowest of any country, at four cents. Compare that to 23 cents in Japan and 13 cents in France.”
"Aside from prices, the most interesting—and alarming—thing about the comparison is how much radio spectrum is poised to be available for wireless. On that front, the U.S. is dead last with only 50 MHz becoming available soon. That spells trouble because the carriers are facing a spectrum crunch as they already serve more customers per megahertz of spectrum available to them than any other country by a wide margin." 08-11
- -08-30-14 How Data Brokers Are Watching You (CBS News)
"Most people have never heard of data brokers, but it's a multibillion dollar industry that operates in the shadows with virtually no oversight. Data brokers collect, analyze, and package some of our most sensitive personal information and sell it as a commodity to each other, to advertisers, even to the government-- often without our direct knowledge." 08-14
- -08-30-14 How to Defend your Privacy (CBS News)
Discusses how to create a disposable identity and use of Mask Me software, Duck Duck Go, Disconnect, and a safe browser, White Hat Aviator. Also suggests how to make your phone more private. 08-14
- -08-30-15 Microsoft Provides Office 365 on a Monthly Basis (CMSWire.com)
Provides a comparison of Office 365 plans. "Office 365 Business: This plan offers the full Office suite of applications including Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint, OneNote and Publisher. It also includes OneDrive for Business cloud storage, enabling easy sharing and collaboration on Windows PC, Mac, iPad, Windows tablet and smartphone. It costs $8.25 per user per month, or $99 per year." 08-15
- -09-3-12 Google Fiber (Time.com)
"Never before have so many people all of a sudden thought, 'I wonder if Kansas City is a nice place to live?' That’s because Google recently announced the details behind Google Fiber, its incredibly fast new Internet service that’ll cost eligible Kansas City residents $70 per month. Another $50 will add a cable TV package to the mix as well. All in all, $120 is in line with what you’d expect to pay for similar TV-plus-Internet service from other major cable providers." 09-12
- -10-05-10 Internet Explorer 9 (IE9) (Time.com)
"Last week, Microsoft unveiled the first beta release of Internet Explorer 9, or IE9 for short. It's easily the most impressive browser upgrade to hail from Redmond, Wash., since the original skirmishes with Netscape."
"(One new Internet Explorer feature shuts out a sizable percentage of its potential user base: it now works only with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Sorry, XP holdouts — Microsoft isn't about to reward you for refusing to upgrade your nine-year-old operating system.)" 10-10
- -10-05-11 Steve Jobs Dies (New York Times)
"Steven P. Jobs, the visionary co-founder and former chief executive of Apple, has died at 56." 10-11
- -10-06-10 Verizon to Roll Out 4G (CNN News)
"Last week, Microsoft unveiled the first beta release of Internet Explorer 9, or IE9 for short. It's easily the most impressive browser upgrade to hail from Redmond, Wash., since the original skirmishes with Netscape."
"(One new Internet Explorer feature shuts out a sizable percentage of its potential user base: it now works only with Windows 7 and Windows Vista. Sorry, XP holdouts — Microsoft isn't about to reward you for refusing to upgrade your nine-year-old operating system.)" 10-10
- -10-16-10 Android Surpassing iPhone (DigitalTrends.com)
"After nearly reinventing the smartphone space with the now-ubiquitous iPhone, Apple has finally seen its stampede of buyers surpassed by an even bigger horde: Those chasing Android-powered devices." 10-10
- -11-12-12 Four Companies That Took Over the Internet (CNN News)
"There are four tech companies controlling the industry's direction: Apple, Google, Amazon and Facebook. Will they still be ruling the tech field in a decade?"
"Microsoft has been left out of discussions of the Internet's Big Four because it dominates in the enterprise, not the home. Consumers don't have the same deep engagement with Microsoft's products as they do with their Facebook page or their iPhone. But Microsoft is finally, belatedly, trying to claw its way in." 11-12
- -11-12-12 The Fastest Supercomputers in the World (CNN News)
"After years of trailing the Chinese and Japanese, the United States now has three of the four fastest supercomputers in the world."
"That's not just a badge of honor: It's also critical to national security and the country's economic viability. Titan will help U.S. scientists pioneer research into climate change, biofuels, nuclear energy, new materials and other crucial fields, which will help them create the next wave of car batteries, switchgrass ethanol and improved weather forecasting tools -- all developed in America." 11-12
- -11-24-11 Why Windows XP Won't Go Away (Time.com)
"Microsoft formally introduced the software at a rather somber press event on Oct. 25, 2001, in New York City, just six weeks after the 9/11 attacks. A decade later, it's still the planet's most widely used operating system." 11-11
- -12-02-14 Amazon Employs 15,000 Robots (CNet.com)
"Amazon employee Rejinaldo Rosales used to wander stacks of shelves to pick up merchandise for orders before finally returning to his station to place them in bins and send them to their next stop."
"But this summer, squat orange robots, called Kiva, began zooming around the shelves instead, picking up goods and carrying them to Rosales at his station. The result? What used to take hours of walking can happen in mere minutes instead." 11-14
- -12-13-12 Google Ad Income Now Surpasses Entire U.S. Newspaper Industry (NBC News)
"Well, The Guardian's Roy Greenslade estimates that Google's total revenue also now exceeds that of the entire U.S. newspaper industry even when you count digital ads." 12-12
- -12-14-14 36 Cool Gadgets (CNN News)
"Innovation was alive and well in 2014, as dozens of new gadgets gave us something to smile and think about." 12-14
- -12-25-10 Tech Trends of 2010 (CNN News)
"Tablets don't have the computing heft of slightly larger laptops or the pocket-size storage of a smartphone. But their video, gaming, Web-surfing and media-consumption abilities are capturing a big audience and it's a safe bet they're here to stay." 12-10
- -Federal Court Challenges "Net Neutrality" (Business.Time.com)
"In the case Verizon v. FCC, the appeals court struck down the Federal Communications Commission’s ability to regulate Internet Service Providers as “common carriers,” like telephone companies, which have to treat all calls equally, the Wall Street Journal reports. If it stands, the ruling paves the way for ISPs to pick and choose between what traffic is allowed to travel over broadband infrastructure, giving preference to one site or service over another and potentially changing the level playing field that is today’s Internet." 01-14
- 02-15-11 America's Wireless Networks Still Slow, Even With 4G (CNN News)
"The real leap forward for next-generation deployments is defined not so much by technology but by speeds. Certainly, in this context, the 4G-branded service available in the United States does not compete with 4G service offered elsewhere."
"That's not to say wireless speeds in the United States aren't improving; indeed, they are beginning to match the speeds of lower-end broadband connections. Verizon, claiming the 'Fastest, most advanced 4G network in America,' is rolling out LTE offering up to 5-12 Mbps download speeds."
By comparison, "TeliaSonera rolled out LTE services in major Nordic and Baltic countries including Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Norway and Sweden last year with speeds that blow US 4G offerings out of the water: 'In normal circumstances, the average download speed is 20-80 Mbit/s.' " 02-11
- 08-22-11 The Career of Steve Jobs (Time.com)
"As the Apple CEO steps down, TIME takes a look at Steve Jobs' storied, visionary career. 08-11
- New 4G Smartphones (Techland.com)
"At a special press conference today, Verizon rolled out the new Android devices, including four smartphones, two tablets, two mobile hotspots and two notebooks. Though the company refused to name prices or service rates for the new devices, the first to be released will hit the market in March." 01-10
- Technology and Gadgets (MSN.com)
Provides news on the latest technology and gadgets.
- -02-26-12 Windows on an iPad (Time.com)
"Last month, cloud gaming pioneer OnLive put its sophisticated technology to a new purpose: running Windows 7 on an iPad. It launched OnLive Desktop, a free service that let you use Word, Excel and PowerPoint–the real, full-fledged editions, not stripped-down iPad applets. It also said that it was working on a more powerful Pro edition that would permit you to install apps and customize your environment, for $9.99 a month." 02-12
- -03-07-14 What Will Replace Email? (WorkIntelligent.ly)
"Are you still using email? Of course you are. But, the real question is, for how much longer?"
"The rapid moves toward using distributed workforces and replacing full-time employees with freelancers have made email just as slow and ineffective as those old manila 'Interoffice Mail' envelopes, tied with red string and covered with a list of crossed-out recipients."
"As a result, social intranets are increasingly becoming the primary communication and workflow management solution of choice for many companies. For the uninitiated, social intranets are internal cloud-based collaboration platforms that marry the rapid communication and information sharing capabilities of social media with enterprise-level workflow management tools." 03-14
- -11-18-13 World's Fastest Supercomputer (Independent.co.uk)
"A Chinese supercomputer has retained the crown of world’s fastest supercomputer, beating competitors from both Japan and the US."
"The Tianhe-2 was built by China's National University of Defence Technology in Guangzhou and is capable of operating at 33.86 petaflop/s."
"This is the equivalent of performing 33,863 trillion calculations per second and is almost double the score achieved by the second most powerful machine: the American Titan supercomputer, which clocked in at 17.59 petaflop/s."
- -11-23-12 data transfer, Wi-Fi, is transmitted through radio wave signals. However, radio waves represent only a small fraction of the electromagnetic spectrum and so, as demand for wireless connectivity grows, the supply of available bandwidth diminishes."
"Meanwhile, the number of bytes we transmit through mobile devices is doubling every year, according to a report from networking equipment giant Cisco Systems."
"Haas and his team at the UK's University of Edinburgh, are the brains behind a new patented technology that uses beams of flickering light to transmit digital information wirelessly, a process known as Visible Light Communication (VLC)."
" 'The visible light spectrum is 10,000 times larger than the radio frequency spectrum,' he explains." 11-12
- -America Running Out of Wireless Bandwidth (CNN News)
"The U.S. mobile phone industry is running out of the airwaves necessary to provide voice, text and Internet services to its customers." 02-12
- -Editorial: Is Google or Facebook the Future of Searches? (SiteproNews.com)
"It is no secret that Google dominates search, but what type of search? Did you know there were other ways to search online? Google is index search. Currently, index search only accounts for half, yes half, of all online search. Of course, it was originally all online search (remember Alta Vista which closed down recently). Oh, and Yahoo. Remember that giant of search? The simple fact is that Google is already fading out, losing Search share at a remarkable rate. Yes, Google still dominates Index search, as strong as ever, but overall, users are looking to other platforms for their search needs." 11-13
- -Google Chromebook Review (KKTV.com)
"The Cr-48 is the first real access anyone outside of Google or the development community has had to examine Chrome OS. The software looks and behaves a lot like the Chrome Web browser you can download onto a Windows PC or Mac. The first true Chrome OS-based computers aren't expected to go on sale until the middle of 2011. Acer and Samsung will be the first to sell such machines. Final hardware may look quite different. Google says other PC makers will follow. No pricing has been announced." 12-10
- -Microsoft Offers Mobile Office for Free (CNet.com)
"Microsoft is the latest company to embrace the concept of 'freemium,' where many core aspects of a game or app are given away, but there's also an option to pay for additional bells and whistles. The shift represents Microsoft's revamped strategy of going after as broad a market as possible." 11-14
- -What Causes Visitors to View Web Ads? (Time.com)
"The Internet has cracked open a brave new world for folks whose job it is to spend ad dollars. The ability to track where a Web-user clicks provides a sort of precision intelligence advertisers could have only dreamed of in decades past. But before a click comes a look, and according to new research, advertisers are often wrong about what attracts our attention."
"The findings are presented in a chapter of a new book, Eyetracking Web Usability, by Jakob Nielen and Kara Pernice of the consultancy Nielsen Norman Group. Don't let the bland title fool you — what Nielsen and Pernice have done is track the eye movements of hundreds of people as they navigate Web sites, looking up advice on how to deal with heartburn, shopping for baby presents, picking cell-phone features, learning about Mikhail Baryshinkov. By bouncing infrared beams off a person's retinas and recording head movement with a camera, the researchers were able to deduce what sort of ads garner attention in real time — a methodology that runs laps around later asking people to recall what they saw."
- Apple Wins in Patent Fight with Google and Motorola (Time.com)
"Apple has won a key victory in a closely-watched intellectual property case after a federal judge ruled that Google must turn over information related to its Android mobile operating system and its $12.5 billion acquisition of Motorola Mobility. The ruling, by U.S. Circuit Judge Richard A. Posner in Chicago, is a blow to Google as it tries to defend Android from Apple’s claims that the search giant copied many of its features from the iPhone." 03-12
- Comparing eReaders and Pads (ABC News)
"Today, Kindle still generates the most buzz in the e-reader/tablet category, according to Zeta Interactive, which scans blogs and online sites to form buzz rankings. That places Kindle ahead of the Barnes & Noble Nook, Apple iPad, and Samsung Galaxy Tab." 01-11
- Editorial: The Future Internet World Order (Time.com)
"In the future, who – or what – will govern the Internet? The answer to that question could also shed light on one of the biggest foreign policy questions of the decade: As power is shifting among states and diffusing, what is the future of the world order?" 07-14
- Gadgets: Then and Now (Time.com)
"TIME takes a tour through the decades to explore how consumer technology has changed over the years" 12-10
- Google Announces Sight Search (CNN News)
"On Monday, Google announced the ability to perform an Internet search by submitting a photograph."
"The experimental search-by-sight feature, called Google Goggles, has a database of billions of images that informs its analysis of what's been uploaded, said Vic Gundotra, Google's vice president of engineering. It can recognize books, album covers, artwork, landmarks, places, logos, and more." 12-09
- Google Wave (Time.com)
"Google spokespeople have described Wave as what e-mail would look like if it had been invented now instead of 40 years ago." 10-09
- How Smart Mobs Coped With a Massacre (MSNBC News)
"College’s response to tragedy illustrated how wired world now works."
"The way students and teachers passed along information during the Virginia Tech massacre — via cellphone videos and campus-watching Webcams, via text messages and Web bulletin boards — demonstrates how the wired world has changed in the 21st century, one of the prophets of the new age says." 04-07
- Is Google Losing Out? (Time.com)
"The crazy, chaotic, idealistic days of the Internet are ending. Once, the Prairies were open and shared by everyone. Then the farmers arrived and fenced them in. The same is happening to the Internet: Apple, Amazon and Facebook are putting up fences — and Google is increasingly being left outside."
"The old Internet on which Google has thrived is still there, of course, but like the wilderness it is shrinking. Often these days, we sign up for Facebook or Amazon’s private version of the Internet. At other times, we use a smartphone and download an App instead of using Google search." 03-12
- One Million Gmail Phone Calls on the First Day (CNN.com)
"For comparison, there are somewhat more than 300 million people in the United States. If the average person makes 10 calls per day--research in 2008 put the number at 208 calls per month--that means about one out of every 3,000 calls in the U.S. went through the service on its first day." 08-10
- Technology News and Security Issues (Electronic Frontier Foundation)
Provides news related to technology and security related to property rights, government surveillance, and more.
- Time's 50 Best Websites (Time.com)
Lists and describes sites. 08-11
- Unplugging on Vacation (CNN News)
"One solution is to agree to a particular times set aside to check e-mail. For example, a few minutes after lunch, an hour before dinner, and a half hour before bedtime, Uzzi says." 07-10
- Virus Improves Solar Cell Efficiency (PC World)
"Solar cells are about to get cheaper! Using a genetically modified virus called M13, researchers from MIT were able to make carbon nanotubes self-assemble allowing the solar cells to collect electrons at a more efficient rate. Scientists already know that single-walled carbon nanotubes have a high electron mobility, meaning that electrons can move through them very fast. Using this knowledge, researchers could in theory improve the efficiency of photovoltaic devices (like solar panels) using these nanotubes" 05-11