Also TryLesson PlansLists
- Building a School Web Site (The Jade Writers Group, Ltd. - Wigglebits)
Provides a series of tutorials covering most or all of the basic tasks in creating a Web site. For the beginner. 1-00
- Check Domain Names (NetworkSolutions.com)
Check domain names and find out who owns which domain names. 3-04
- Check Domain Names (NetworkSolutions.com)
Check domain names and name ownership with Whois. "When you register a domain name, the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers (ICANN) requires your domain name registrar to submit your personal contact information to the WHOIS database. Once your listing appears in this online directory, it is publicly available to anyone who chooses to check domain names using the WHOIS search tool." 10-09
- Free Word Services (TheFreeDictionary.com)
Provides resources to stimulate visitors to seek more information.
- Putting Information on the Web
- Top Web Search Engines (Top9.com)
Provides a listing of the top 99 most popular searches engines by number of unique visitors. 6-01.
- Web Development (December Communications)
Provides processes, qualities, elements, and characterisitcs of good Web development.
- Web Development - Processes (December Communications)
Provides 6 steps to high quality Web page design and maintenance.
- Web Site Development Resources (Mindspring)
Provides a few page design links, color libraries and graphics links.
- Web Tools (Tripod)
Provides sources of Web development tools. 10-01
- -Links - Broken Link Analyzer (Xenu's Link Sleuth)
Provides a free downloadable program to analyze your Web links. 9-05
- Calendar (K5n.us)
Provides a calendar that you can put on your Web site. 7-06
- Creating Web Pages (Spaces.Live.com)
Provides tools to create Web pages. 11-06
- Cursor With Stars (Girlstart)
Provides a cursor that has streaming stars, for use as an example. 2-00
- Free Stuff Page (The Free Site)
- GIF Optimizer (GifWorks)
Helps to reduce the time necessary to download your graphic files. 6-01
- GIF Optimizer (NetMechanic)
Helps to reduce the time necessary to download your graphic files. Also provides a tool, for under 10 dollars, that monitors your server and alerts you when it is down. 1-00
- Introduction to HTML
With this tutorial, you can pick up the basics of the HyperText Markup Language (HTML) in a few short hours. Armed with that knowledge and access to a Web server, you can jump onto the bandwagon and put yourself on the Web."
- Link Popularity (The PC Edge)
Lists the number of sites that link to a specified site. This is one of the key measures of popularity for rankings by search engines. 1-00
- Log Statistics (WebLogExpert.com)
Provides freeware to give you statistics on visitors to your Web pages. The freeware version does not provide daily or monthly statistics. 9-02
- MediaWiki - Engine for Wikipedia (Wikipedia)
Provides a license to use the Wikipedia engine. 1-05
- Programming Scripts for Educators (Pfaff-Harris)
Provides CGI programs that can be used for an education Web site. 6-00
- Register Your Domain Name (Network Solutions)
Provides for registration of a domain name as the agent for InterNIC, the authority for registration of URLs. 10-01
- Software Reviews (TUCOWS)
Provides reviews of the best software, especially utilities.
- Templates for Web Pages (Web Templates)
Provides templates for frames, tables, scripts, pop-ups, rollovers, and more. Also includes many free graphics. 3-00
- Web Pages and Tools (Angelfire)
Provides free Web pages and templates. 5-00
- Web Pages and Tools (TeacherWeb.com)
Provides free Web pages for teachers to use for assignments and to share with parents. 7-00
- -Web Page Style Manual (Lynch and Horton)
- Articles and Resources for Web Designers (WebReference)
Providesdozens of articles. 9-01
- Cascading Style Sheets (CSSShark)
Provides links to resources for CSS. 11-01
- Engine for Wikipedia (Wikipedia.org)
Describes different Wiki software. 1-05
- How Search Engines Are Used (Pew Charitable Trusts)
Reports Patterns of Use of Search Engines. 7-02
- How to Publish on the Web
- Icons - Adding Icon Shortcuts (Flavicon.com)
Provides tips. 9-02
- Internet Backbone Assessment (NewEconomyIndex.org)
Lists the places in the U.S. with the strongest Internet backbone capacity. 03-06
- Internet Encyclopedia Search (Keynote Systems)
Provides technical information for persons creating Web pages. 10-00
- Language Character Sets Supported (W3.org)
Provides the character sets most commonly supported online. 8-02
- PageRank Explained (IPRCOM.com)
Provides an explanation of Google's PageRank logic.
- Server Comparison (Mecklermedia)
Provides a comparison of Web hosting servers. Editor's Note - Please see our comments under Web Hosting Reviews by Users. 9-01
- Server Information (Netcraft)
Provides information on the server when you provide the URL. 6-99
- Technical SCORM (SCORM.com)
"SCORM stands for 'Sharable Content Object Reference Model'."
"SCORM is composed of three sub-specifications:"
"The Content Packaging section specifies how content should be packaged and described. It is based primarily on XML."
"The Run-Time section specifies how content should be launched and how it communicates with the LMS. It is based primarily on ECMAScript (JavaScript)."
"The Sequencing section specifies how the learner can navigate between parts of the course (SCOs). It is defined by a set of rules and attributes written in XML." 04-12
- Top Keywords (Top-Keywords.com)
Provides the top 200 keywords used on the Internet, not including "adult" language. 8-02
- Webmaster Tools (Google.com)
Provides tools for Webmasters to improve their sites. 02-07
- Internet Traffic Report - Global (Andover.Net)
Provides an index for Internet traffic globally.
Purchase Resources
- Domain Name Issues (Network Solutions)
Provides form for online communication with Verisign (formerly Network Solutions), one of the company assigned with the USA responsibility for registration of domain names. 11-01
- Education Directory (Awesome Library)
Provides code to place the Awesome Library Directory on your Web site. The Awesome Library Directory has been rated most popular for "k-12 education" by over a dozen top search engines. 3-02
- Education Search Engine (Awesome Library)
Provides code to place the Awesome Library Search Engine on your Web site. This search engine searches the Awesome Library Web site, including only family-friendly resources. 11-01
- Finding Web Consultants (Guru.com)
Provides a matching service between organizations needing qualified professionals and professionals looking for projects.
- PageRank Checker (PRChecker.info)
Provides code to place the PageRank on your Web pages. 12-07
- PageRank Score (Top25Web.com)
Provides the PageRank score for up to 10 sites at a time. 12-07
- Rubrics Creator for Web Page Design (Rubistar)
Provides printable forms and selectable content for creating rubrics to evaluate the product. Requires signing up. 3-05
- See Where Your Traffic Is From (Clustrmaps.com)
"Visitors don't need to click on anything: just viewing your page is sufficient." 09-10
- Server Monitor (Openacs.org)
Sends you an email (free service) if your server cannot be reached and then again if it becomes reachable again. Uses the file "uptime.txt" to signal whether the server is available. 2-02
- Shorten URLs (TinyURL.com)
"Are you sick of posting URLs in emails only to have it break when sent causing the recipient to have to cut and paste it back together? Then you've come to the right place." 09-09
- Starting a Web Page (MySchoolOnline.com)
Provides an easy set of steps to get started quickly and cheaply. 12-01
- Web Page Development Tool (Pacific Bell)
Provides you with your own Web page and helps you construct it. Designed for teachers, students, and librarians. Called filamentality. 11-01
- Advertising Monitor for Banner Ads (BurstMedia)
Provides banner ad placements and services to monitor click throughs. 3-00
- Advertising Monitor for Banner Ads (WebAdverts)
Provides scripts to monitor click throughs for banner ads. Shareware. 2-00
- DNS Protection (DNSMadeEasy.com)
Provides a pointer to alternative server when you have a failure on your server. (You must provide the alternative resource.) Allows 100% uptime by managing the DNS. This is a service for higher volume sites or sites that cannot afford to be "down" for several hours. 07-06.
- Domain Names and Other Internet Services (Awesome Library)
Provides sources of Internet services, such as Web addresses in languages other than English. (Awesome Library does not endorse the services, but provides them as examples.) 11-01
- Online Agent (SWREG.org)
Provides credit card processing services for software companies selling access to online programs. Awesome Library does not endorse this service but provides it as an example. 9-02