Also TryListsPapersPeriodicalsPurchase Resources
- Desktop Computer Parts - Comparative Prices (C-Net - Shopper.com)
Provides comparison prices for hardware and software products for personal computers. Provides source by price, lowest price first.
- Desktop Computers - Comparative Prices (Price Watch)
Provides comparison prices for hardware and software products for personal computers. Provides source by price, lowest price first.
- Intel Processors (Intel.com)
Provides descriptions of Intel processors.
- News and Reviews of Hardware (ZDNet)
Provides news and reviews.
- Auctions (uBid)
Provides computers through auctioning. Buyer beware on these because prices may not be a large discount over retail and guarantees may not be very enforceable.
- Computer Vendors (Dell Computer)
- Computer Vendors (Dell Refurbished Online Outlet)
Provides prices for used desktop computers, laptops, and other products.
- Computers (Amazon.com)
Sells computers, printers, modems, monitors, and other PC products. Awesome Library does not endorse these products, but provides them as examples.
- Computers and Software (Circuit City)
Provides a directory of computer hardware products.
- Liquidation of Computers (Geeks.com)
Provides computers.
- Printer Ink and Toner (Inkfarm)
Provides discount prices for printer ink and toner. Bizrate gave the company four and a half stars out of five for service.