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Assess Your Contribution to Our Global Environment
Assess your role in saving the planet for ourselves and generations to come. Give yourself 10 points for every solution you complete. Work with your school, friends, family, or neighborhood and adopt a village in a developing country to share your solution with them--give yourself 60 points for every village level solution you complete. (See Sustainable Planet for Web resources to help with the solutions.)
___ 1. Plant 150 trees per year, with the help of friends and family. Help your adopted village have 150 additional trees.
(Help stop global warming, increase oxygen on the planet, reduce air pollution, increase water available in the soil.)
___ 2. Help your adopted village have and use at least 10 large solar cookers for cooking and for making water safe.
(Reduce deforestation, reduce poverty, reduce disease, reduce global warming, increase oxygen, reduce pollution.)
___ 3. Write to your city, county, and state officials to ask them to pursue wind turbines or ocean wave turbines for sources of energy. Send your adopted village information on wind turbines and, if your adopted village wants one, ask a local foundation or charity to help pay for one.
(Reduce deforestation, reduce poverty, reduce disease, reduce global warming, increase oxygen, reduce pollution.)
___ 4. Write to your city, county, and state officials to ask them to support the use of alternative fuels for cars and trucks.
(Help stop global warming, reduce air pollution, reduce fossil fuel dependency.)
___ 5. Eat no red meat with at least three meals per week. Provide information to your adopted village to encourage people there to eat less meat.
(Help reduce methane air pollution, reduce global warming, reduce deforestation, and improve health.)
___ 6. Disconnect downspouts from your sewer and divert the rain water to rainbarrels for using in the yard.
(Help reduce water pollution in rivers or the ocean, reduce need for dams, improve water availability.)
___ 7. Install flow restrictors on your shower head(s) and convert to low flow toilets.
(Help reduce energy usage for hot showers and help reduce water pollution in rivers or the ocean, improve water availability.)
___ 8. Recycle toxic materials, such as batteries.
(Help reduce water and soil pollution.)
___ 9. Use compact fluorescent bulbs and insulate windows in your house.
(Reduce electricity usage and therefore reduce global warming and air pollution.)
___ 10. Write to your city, county, and state officials to ask them to support the use of pollution-eating microbes and plants to clean water before sending it to rivers or the ocean.
(Help stop river and ocean pollution.)
Your Score (including energy conservation, pollution reduction, and water conservation and safety):
Over 100 = Thank You! You are leading the way toward a sustainable planet.
90 - 100 = Excellent, there is hope for the planet.
80 - 90 = Very Good, you are doing your part.
70 - 80 = Good, you are trying.
60 - 70 = O.K., you know there is a problem.
Below 60 = Not Enough, please see what more you can do.
Return to Sustainable Planet for Web resources to help with the solutions.
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