Also TryListsPapers
- Search for Nonprofit Organizations Worldwide (Idealist.org)
Provides searches. 10-09
- American Association of Community Colleges
"Community colleges are centers of educational opportunity. They are an American invention that put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities, beginning nearly 100 years ago with Joliet Junior College. Since then, they have been inclusive institutions that welcome all who desire to learn, regardless of wealth, heritage, or previous academic experience. The process of making higher education available to the maximum number of people continues to evolve at 1,173 public and independent community colleges." 10-09
- American Medical Association (AMA-Assn.org)
Provides medical news. 10-09
- American Psychological Association (APA)
Provides psychology topics. 10-09
- American Society for Training and Development (ASTD) 8-99
- American Society of Microbiology
Provides online issues and information. 1-01
- National Council of the Teachers of Mathematics (NCTM.org)
"The National Council of Teachers of Mathematics is a public voice of mathematics education, providing vision, leadership and professional development to support teachers in ensuring equitable mathematics learning of the highest quality for all students."
- National Science Teachers Association
"Community colleges are centers of educational opportunity. They are an American invention that put publicly funded higher education at close-to-home facilities, beginning nearly 100 years ago with Joliet Junior College. Since then, they have been inclusive institutions that welcome all who desire to learn, regardless of wealth, heritage, or previous academic experience. The process of making higher education available to the maximum number of people continues to evolve at 1,173 public and independent community colleges." 10-09