- SIDS Research Reported (CTNow.com - Hathaway)
"Babies who die suddenly in their sleep may have abnormalities in brain cells that help regulate breathing, Yale University researchers reported Monday." 5-02
- SleepSacks to Stave Off SIDS (Time.com)
"SleepSacks, which are now used in 800 U.S. hospitals, were inspired by the death of Bill Schmid's daughter, Haley, of SIDS. You can find the safe-sleeping sacks everywhere from Target to Pottery Barn." 06-12
- Study: Genetic Link to SIDS Deaths Suspected (DailyNewsCentral.com)
"The difficulty seems to center on the chemical serotonin and the brain's ability to use and reuse it. In addition to being a mood regulator, seratonin is involved in the regulation of breathing." 10-06