Blood Pressure
Global Prevention
Reducing Germs
Also TryLists
- AIDS and HIV Resources
- Alcohol, Tobacco, and Other Drug Prevention
- Family Safety
- Fitness
- Highway Safety
- Lifestyle Treatments
- Longevity
- Nutrition
- Obesity
- Safe Schools
- Allergies (Awesome Library)
Provides resources related to allergies.
- Asthma (Awesome Library)
Provides over a dozen resources. 07-07
- Cancer (Awesome Library)
Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of cancer. 8-01
- Cancer Prevention (Awesome Library)
Provides resources related to preventing cancer.
- Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC)
Provides information on prevention and treatment, by disease or affliction. 10-09
- Daily Nutrient Needs for Infants and Toddlers (Health World - Haas)
- Diabetes (Awesome Library)
Provides resources related to diabetes.
- Disaster Preparation (Awesome Library)
- Earaches (Awesome Library)
Provides resources. 07-07
- Glaucoma (Awesome Library)
Provides resources related to glaucoma.
- HIV and AIDS (Awesome Library)
Provides a more comprehensive set of resources on HIV and AIDS.
- Injury Control (ICRIN)
Provides links by subject..
- Lead Poisoning (Awesome Library)
Provides several resources. 07-07
- Obesity (Awesome Library)
Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of obesity. 8-01
- Osteoporosis Prevention (Awesome Library)
Provides resources related to preventing osteoporosis.
- Prevention By Topic (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
- Sleep Disorders (Awesome Library)
Provides articles and research on prevention and treatment of sleep disorders. 8-01
- Smoking Tobacco Prevention (Awesome Library)
Provides three dozen resources. 07-07
- Suicide Prevention (Awesome Library)
Provides sources of information for helping to prevent suicide, such as crisis centers, assessing risk, what to do if someone threatens suicide, suicide and teens, and more. 8-01
- West Nile Virus - State and Local Information (Centers for Disease Control)
Provides information on prevention and agencies to contact with information. 8-02
- Women's Health (Awesome Library)
Provides resources for women related to health and disease prevention.
- -Spelling Checkers for Medical Terms (Awesome Library)
Checks online for correct spelling and offers alternatives if the spelling is incorrect. Also offers glossaries for browsing terms. 7-02
- Assess Your Real Age (RealAge.com)
Provides a questionnaire to assess your real age (wear and tear). Provides a planner to improve your health and fitness given your answers to the assessment. 7-04
- Prevention News (RealAge.com)
Provides information related to wellness and prevention.
- -Growing Up Drug-Free - A Parent's Guide to Prevention (US Department of Education)
"Growing Up Drug Free is based on the best available information about how children learn and what works to prevent drug abuse. There is nothing difficult about this information, and the only qualification needed to use it is a loving concern for the welfare of our children and families." 9-05
- AIDS Hits Teens Hardest (McNeil-Lehrer Productions - Kovac)
Provides statistics on AIDS worldwide and discusses why AIDS has become such a large problem with teens in the USA. 12-00
- Acne (Health World)
"Teenagers get acne because they have a lot of androgen. Androgen is a hormone. The glands under your skin make more oil when you have a lot of androgen. The oil ducts get clogged and infected. Then bumps pop up on the skin."
- Addictions and Habits (HabitSmart)
Provides suggestions on how to reduce addictive or habitual behaviors. 6-99
- Daily Nutrient Needs for Adolescence (Haas)
- Daily Nutrient Needs for Children (Haas)
- Diabetes Costs from Inactivity (Diabetes Net)
Provides results from a study that inactivity causes at least 37 billion dollars in medical costs from diabetes per year. (Yes, that was billion.)
- Earaches or Infections (Health World)
"Your child’s doctor should treat very bad ear pain. He or she may tell you to give your child acetaminophen. The doctor may give your child antibiotics if they have an infection. The doctor may also have you give your child other medicines to dry up or clear a blocked ear."
"You can use self-care on your child if the pain isn’t bad, and if they don’t have any other symptoms." 1-04
- Health and Medical Information (healthfinder)
Rated the number three education site by Web 100. Provides information on diseases, health, nutrition, prevention, and more. Also provides information by interest group.
- Healthy Children Guide (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides information for parents. 5-00
- Hearing Impairment Prevention (League for the Hard of Hearing)
Provides ideas and resources for prevention of hearing loss.
- Hookworm (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides a factsheet for families. For prevention of infection, "Do not walk barefoot or contact the soil with bare hands in areas where hookworm is common or there is likely to be feces in the soil or sand." Visitors sometimes misspell as hook worm. 6-01
- How to Enable Children to Grow Up Drug-Free (US Department of Education)
- Immunization Recommendations for Babies (Immunization Action Coalition)
Provides recommendations for vaccinations.
- Immunizations Issues and Recommendations (World Health Organization)
Provides recommendations for vaccinations, technical information on 23 vaccines, traveler's health care, and more. 5-00.
- Obesity Is Now the Top Preventable Health Problem (Rand - Cook)
Provides results from a study that shows that more people are now have health problems as a result of excess fat than from smoking, drinking, or conditions related to poverty. 6-01
- Preventing Youth Violence (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides information youth violence and violence prevention. 10-09
- Prevention Articles Related to Children (Kid Source)
Provides dozens of articles related to prevention for children.
- Prevention Guidelines for Adolescents (CDC)
Provides recommendations. 10-09
- Prevention of Major Medical Problems With Diet (Fisher)
Provides recommendations to combat osteoporosis, cancer, heart disease, and Alzheimer's Disease with diet.
- RSV Protection for Infants (rsvprotection.com)
Describes procedures to reduce causes of RSV, respiratory syncytial virus, in infants. 12-00
- Road Rage Prevention (Adams)
Provides suggestions on how to handle road rage and prevent injury from others.
- Smoking During Pregnancy Increases ADHD Risk (CBS News)
"Women who smoke during pregnancy may be twice as likely to give birth to a child with behavioral problems like attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)."
- State Tobacco Programs Fail (CBS News)
"Most states have failed to pay for tobacco-prevention programs and protect people from second-hand smoke despite receiving billions of dollars in settlement money to take such measures, according to a report."
"The American Lung Association's report, released Tuesday, gave 38 states grades of F for failing to fund tobacco prevention and control programs. Thirty-five states received F's for their smoke-free air laws." 1-04
- Study: MP3 Players Dangerous for Ears (CBS News)
"Since damage to hearing caused by high volume is determined by its duration, continuous listening to an MP3 player, even at a seemingly reasonable level, can damage the delicate hair cells in the inner ear that transmit sound impulses to the brain."
"Studies have shown that people exposed to 85 decibels for eight hours tend to develop hearing loss," Brian Fligor, ScD, of Children's Hospital in Boston, tells WebMD. He found that all the CD players he examined produced sound levels well in excess of 85 decibels."
"Every time you increase a sound level by three decibels, listening for half as long will produce the same amount of hearing loss. The kid who cuts my grass uses an iPod. The lawn mower noise is about 80 to 85 decibels. If he likes listening to his iPod 20 decibels above that, he's in the range of 100-105 decibels. At that sound level he shouldn't listen for more than eight to 15 minutes." 8-05
- Substance Abuse Prevention for Kids (National Institute on Drug Abuse - NIDA Goes to School)
Provides information for teachers and students. 10-15-99.
- Trichinosis (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention)
Provides a factsheet for families. For prevention of infection from the roundworm, do not eat raw or undercooked meat, especially pork products, such as ham and sausage, and wild game. 6-01
- West Nile Virus - Questions and Answers (Centers for Disease Control)
Provides a history of the disease and how it is transmitted. Suggests that the primary way to avoid infection by the disease is to avoid being bit by an infected mosquito. 8-02
- West Nile Virus Prevention (Centers for Disease Control)
Suggests that the primary way to avoid infection by the disease is to avoid being bite by an infected mosquito.
"Apply insect repellent containing DEET when you're outdoors. Avoid applying repellent to children less than 2 years old. Use care in applying repellent to small children, and don't put repellent on their hands because it may get into their mouth or eyes and cause irritation." 8-02
- You May Have a Serious Vitamin D Deficiency (New York Times)
"Studies indicate that the effects of a vitamin D deficiency include an elevated risk of developing (and dying from) cancers of the colon, breast and prostate; high blood pressure and cardiovascular disease; osteoarthritis; and immune-system abnormalities that can result in infections and autoimmune disorders like multiple sclerosis, Type 1 diabetes and rheumatoid arthritis."
"Most people in the modern world have lifestyles that prevent them from acquiring the levels of vitamin D that evolution intended us to have." 07-10
- AIDS and Children (GreaterGood.com)
Displays a map showing the number of children contracting AIDS each day. Provides opportunities for schools to conduct online fund raising. Also supports other projects, such as helping to combat AIDS in children globally. 7-00
- Assess Your Disease Risk (YourDiseaseRisk.Harvard.edu)
Provides a questionnaire to assess your disease risk. Includes advise on how to prevent each disease.
- Pet Sitters - Guide (National Association of Pet Sitters)
Provides reasons for using a professional pet sitter and provides a referral number for finding one. The organization provides training and certification, possibly making pet sitting a job for students still in school. 11-99
- Preventing Substance Abuse (Century Council)
Provides resources to combate substance abuse, with a focus on alcohol abuse in teens.