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Skin and Nails


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  1. Skin Cancer
  1. Skin Tags Removal and Other Skin Conditions (
      Describes how skin tags can be removed. Part of a series on skin health. 07-12

  1. -10-23-07 Responding to Skin Damage from the Sun (MSNBC News)
      "Sunblock every day, rain or shine, January through December, regardless of your ethnicity from Scandinavian to African and everyone in between these shades. I cannot explain enough times that no sunblock means you are not doing your best to keep your skin looking young and to decrease the incidence of skin cancer. There are new sunblocks with broad-spectrum UVA/UVB protection. Many old sunscreens only blocked UVB, but new sunscreens have UVA stabilizers like helioplex, active photobarrier complex and solaplex. Stabilizers like these give you more broad-spectrum protection." 10-07

  1. "See" Skin Damage from the Sun (CBS News)
      "An image published in a recent issue of the New England Journal of Medicine paints a clear picture of what kind of damage the sun can cause a person's skin." 06-12

  2. Acne (Health World)
      "Teenagers get acne because they have a lot of androgen. Androgen is a hormone. The glands under your skin make more oil when you have a lot of androgen. The oil ducts get clogged and infected. Then bumps pop up on the skin."

  3. Common Skin Infections (
      "There are three common types of skin infections: cellulitis, erysipelas, and impetigo (pyoderma)." 11-06

  4. Dry Skin (
      "Although most cases of dry skin respond well to self-care, some cases require professional medical care. Mild-to-moderate cases of dry skin usually respond well to self-care measures and over-the-counter products. However, professional medical care is needed for severe dry skin, dry skin accompanied by other symptoms, and dry skin that persists despite self-care measures. These patterns of dry skin may signal the presence of other skin conditions, other medical conditions, or drug side effects. Persistent dry skin can lead to complications such as inflamed skin (dermatitis) and infection. A primary care provider can treat some cases of dry skin, but more complex cases of dry skin usually require treatment by a dermatologist." 11-06

  5. Eczema or Atopic Dermatitis (
      "During an eczema flare, affected areas of the skin become very dry, reddened, and irritated. Repeated scratching can cause the skin to thicken. It can also break the skin and introduce bacteria, causing an infection. When this happens, the skin will look wet, and a crust may form over the surface. Repeated outbreaks can lead to a type of eczema that is characterized by raw, thick, and scaly (lichenified) skin."

      "While eczema primarily affects young children, 90% grow out of it by puberty." 11-06

  6. Glandular Disorders (
      Provides overviews and treatment options for Eating Disorders, Obesity/Weight Loss, Enlarged Prostate, Excessive Hairiness, Graves' Disease, Hyperthyroidism, and Hypothyroidism. 11-06

  7. Hair Loss (
      "Hair loss may be temporary or permanent, and can have many causes. By far the most common type of hair loss is pattern baldness, also known as androgenetic alopecia. Men with pattern baldness initially lose hair in the front, crown, and sides of the hairline, and may become completely bald. Women are more likely to experience thinning at the crown and front of the head. This type of hair loss is hereditary, and is usually permanent. However, several treatments are available that may help regrow hair." 11-06

  8. Nail Fungus (
      "Fungal infection of the nails, also known as onychomycosis, is a common problem among Americans. It is estimated that between 2% and 14% of the population has fungal nail infections, with the frequency of such infections increasing with age. Few children have fungal nail infections, while as many as 25% to 40% of people over the age of 60 do." 11-06

  9. Poison Ivy, Poison Oak, and Sumac (
      "Poison ivy, poison oak, and poison sumac are plants that produce an allergic skin reaction (contact dermatitis) in some people who come into contact with them."

      "If you have poison ivy, oak, or sumac on your face or over a large portion your body, you should see a doctor. You should also get medical help if itching is extreme, or you notice signs of infection (pain, redness, tenderness around the site). If you get a rash in a delicate area such as your face or groin, consider getting medical help to reduce swelling and avoid damage and scarring. If you have an extensive rash, do not attempt to treat it yourself. If you experience pain, redness, and tenderness around the rash, see your doctor, as you may have an infection."

      "A tepid bath or cool shower can relieve mild itching. Adding a colloidal oatmeal product or a baking soda solution to your bath water can ease itching. Baking soda dries out blisters. A cold milk compress may help dry the rash and soothe the itch as well. Soak gauze in milk and apply it to the affected area for 10 minutes."

      "Lotions containing calamine, zinc acetate, and alcohol can cool skin and dry blisters. These are soothing and can help your rash heal faster." 11-06

  10. Scientific Study: Eczema Symptoms Reduced by Diluted Bleach Baths (USA Today)
      "The study, out last month from Northwestern University's Feinberg School of Medicine, found that giving children with moderate or severe eczema diluted bleach baths reduced the severity of the disease." 06-09

  11. Skin and Nail Problems (
      Provides symptoms and treatment for common skin and nail problems. 11-06

  12. The Bald Truth about Hair Loss (US News)
      "Nearly two out of every three men will begin balding by the time they're 60. Most don't part with their part willingly—American males collectively spend $1 billion a year trying to hang onto those locks. And while there's no cure for a shiny scalp, there are a lot of supposed causes that men worry about more than they need to."

      "Recent research suggests that the most common type of hair loss, male pattern baldness, can be triggered by faulty hair-making progenitor cells in the scalp." 03-11

  13. What the Sun Is Doing to Skin (
      "Nearly every living thing on the Earth depends on the Sun—directly or indirectly—for its survival. But for humans, exposure to the sun can also exact a cost: Stay outside too long (or beneath the rays of a tanning bed, as the case may be), and you run the very real risk of developing wrinkles, liver spots, and even skin cancer." 08-14


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